"Vajra, bring them back."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Vajra shouted.

So Vajra held the Moon Wild Blade in one hand and the serrated crocodile in the other. He jumped and returned directly to the stands.

The people around dispersed one after another, for fear of being accidentally injured by this giant ape.

"Ye, thank you very much."

Tsukino Miki is very sincerely grateful, she has only one relative like Tsukino Blade.

If he is dead, then it would be meaningless to live.

Ye Qianxing is slightly smiled.

"You saved me, and I also saved your younger brother this time. It pays off your kindness."

I don’t know why, I heard that I paid off the kindness. With these words, Miki Tsukino felt a sense of disappointment in her heart.

As if something precious is about to leave.

"That seems to be an E9 scaly dragon lizard, oh my god, a stick smashes the head of the scaly dragon lizard, what level of Spirit Pet is this golden giant ape?"

"At least D-Rank, its owner seems to be less than eighteen years old, how can there be such a powerful Spirit Pet."

"Such aptitude, even if it is Looking at the whole country of the sun, it is definitely one of the very best. I know all the geniuses of the country of the sun, but it seems that I have never heard of him."

Everyone started to talk. , The topics of discussion gathered on Ye Qianxing.

With D-Rank Spirit Pet, he is definitely an upper-class figure in the small city of Qingzhou City, and the most important thing is that Ye Qianxing is too young.

At this age, you can contract a D-Rank Spirit Pet. With such an aptitude, you can definitely compare with the batch of Heaven's Chosen from the Sun Country’s cream of the crop.

"Damn it, I'm going to succeed now, why did it fall short!"

Tsukiye Sora clenched his fists and asked with gritted teeth.

Steward also has a gloomy face. They really didn't expect that Cheng Yaojin would come in halfway.

"If this coming-of-age ceremony allows him to pass it successfully, it will basically be a foregone conclusion. No, it can only be hard!"

A cruel flash flashed in Tsukiye Sora’s eyes The color.

"Steward, call up the staff, and don't let them go!"


When steward was nodded, he went to do it immediately.

"Night, your Spirit Pet really domineering."

At this moment, Tsukiye Blade is looking at Vajra with a small star in his eyes, attracted by its domineering appearance.

Especially when he saw Vajra smashing the head of a scaly dragon lizard with an iron rod.

"Your serrated crocodile is not bad, in fact, its potential can still be developed, but you don't know. After I go back, I will see if I can help it evolve."

Ye Qianxing said with a smile, if Yue Ye’s family has enough materials, he doesn’t mind helping this little boy.

"Ye, are you still a cultivator?"

Moonfield Blade hearing this stared wide-eyed, the Sun Country can only be regarded as a small country.

After the cataclysm, there are fewer places to survive.

So that their population has passively decreased a lot.

Coupled with the reasons for the seclusion of the country, the Spirit World of the Sun Kingdom is very far from the Celestial Kingdom, and there are very few educators who know how to cultivate.

A small city like Qingzhou City cannot find a trainer. If you want to cultivate Spirit Pet, you need to go to other cities to find the help of trainers.

"Well, I have passed the Intermediate Educator Certificate."

Ye Qianxing nodded, he didn't want to be too noticeable, so he just said the intermediate level.

But what he didn't know was that his words made Tsukino Blade and Tsukino Miki even more startled.

Intermediate educators, even in the capital of the Sun Country, are very rare.

"Then let's go back quickly."

Yue Ye Jian said impatiently, he couldn't help but want Ye Qianxing to help him evolve the serrated crocodile.

Ye Qianxing is of course no objection. Just when the entire group was about to leave, a group of people suddenly surrounded them.

these all are the servants of the Tsukino clan, but now they have blocked Tsukino Blade and Tsukino Miki.

"What do you want to do, get out of here!"

Tsukiye blade furiously shouted, and at this time he also took out the imposing manner of the heir of the Tsukiye clan.

Unfortunately, these people have long been disloyal to Yueye Blade.

"Cousin, you are still so grumpy. Didn't uncle teach you when he was alive? Showing off one's ability is not a good thing."

At this time, A voice of abuse came.

Ye Qianxing, Yue Ye Jian, and Yue Ye Mei Ji all moved towards the person who spoke and saw that it was a young man in his early twenties.

"Tsukino Sora?"

Tsukino Miki looked at the youth, frowned.

"You let these people stop us? What do you want to do?"

Tsukino Miki asked coldly, she could naturally see that these people from the Tsukiye family Has changed hands.

Yue Ye Sora did not pay attention to Mei Ji Yue Ye, but turned to look towards Ye Qianxing.

"You can have a D-Rank Spirit Pet at a young age, Little Brother, you are really a genius, but choosing to stand on the side of the two wastes, Tsukino Blade and Tsukino Miki, is really a waste."

Yue Yekong looked at Ye Qianxing with a smile on his face.

"My Tsukino Sora has always been very fond of talents, so if you join me, I promise to meet all the conditions you put forward."

"Oh? All conditions Do you agree?"

Ye Qianxing asked immediately with interest.

hearing this Yue Ye Sora was overjoyed. He was not afraid of Ye Qianxing's request, but he was afraid that he would not mention it.

As long as the conditions are put forward, it means that he is not desperate and has the opportunity to win.

"Of course, Tsukiye Sora always stands by one's word, you can mention any conditions."

Tsukiye Sora is very generous with his head up and chest up.

"I want to be the lord of the Sun Nation, can you do it?"

"Hahaha, simple, isn't it just being the lord of the Sun Nation... the lord?"

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, Yue Yekong almost choked himself to death.

He picked his ears and asked uncertainly.

"What did you just say?"

"I said I want to be the lord of the Sun Nation, can you do it?"

Ye Qianxing smiles To repeat it again.

"Are you... are you kidding me?"

Tsukiye Sora asked with eyes wide open.

"Didn't you joking with me first? You want me to be worthy of you, too?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, said unceremoniously.

And Yue Yekong's face suddenly became gloomy, and now he still can't understand that Ye Qianxing has been playing with him, then he is really an Erbaiwu.

Originally thought that Ye Qianxing was going to take refuge in Yueyekong and felt sad, Yukiye Miki suddenly rejoiced. It turns out that Ye Qianxing was playing on Yueyekong.

"hahaha, yes, Tsukiye Sora, are you worthy of Big Brother Ye to follow?"

Tsukiye Blade is also laughed heartily.

He may not know that Tsukiye Sora wants to seek the position of his patriarch of Tsukiye Family, but he himself is unhappy with this Tsukiye Sora, and he is naturally happy to see him deflated at this time.

"refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, you will pay for your wrong decision."

"Give it all to me, all three of them Execute without any mercy !"

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