"Atlanta continent?"

At this moment, Lin Ruoxi suddenly criticized out in surprise.

Ye Qianxing looked at her questioningly. Does she know the Atlanta continent?

Lin Ruoxi said after pondering for a moment.

"I have only seen a few words about the Atlanta continent from some of the archives of the old age."

"In fact, there was something about Atlanta in the old age. The continent’s rumors have been heard. It is said that tens of thousands of years ago, the Atlanta continent once inhabited a very powerful civilized race, but somehow it disappeared overnight, without the slightest sign."

"Didn't expect actually sank into the deep sea."

The old age is the age before the cataclysm. Didn't expect Lin Ruoxi actually has an interest in studying ancient classics .

Ye Qianxing also dabbled in some knowledge of the old age, but that was because when he was a child he thought he didn't have the innate talent to control the Spirit Master, so he spent his time there.

Even so, Ye Qianxing doesn't know anything about the Atlanta continent.

"Then do you know how to leave Atlanta continent?"

Although they had guessed that Leah did not know, Ye Qianxing still asked unwillingly.

Sure enough, all three of Leah shook the head, hearing this.

But then Leah said again.

"We don't know how to leave, but I can take you to the Sea God Temple to find the witch's help. She is a mysterious and intelligent mermaid. In this world, there is nothing she doesn't know."

"Sea God Temple? Witch?"

Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi looked at each other, and both saw their confusion in each other's eyes.

But Leah soon explained it for them.

It turns out that the Sea God Temple is the Holy Land of the Atlanta continent, where a witch lives.

No one knows when the witch was born and how old she is now. Few people even have seen her true appearance. Even if they do, they will soon forget it.

But she is the most respectable existence in the entire Atlanta continent, because there is almost nothing she can't do.

Everyday all there will be many people going to the Sea God Temple, wanting to meet the witch, and begging her to answer questions for herself.

But the witch has a weird temper. She only meets three people a day. As for which three people they are, it's all God's will.

It may be a high-status nobleman, it may be a commoner, or even a three-year-old child.

Even so, there will still be a lot of people coming to the door every day, even if you wait outside all day, it doesn’t matter.


Ye Qianxing nodded, I have some interest in this so-called witch.

He immediately decided to go to the Sea God Temple to meet this so-called witch, and by the way, ask if there is a way to leave this continent.

Following Leah and the three through the forest, they walked for a full hour before finally reaching their destination.

In front of them, a huge palace appeared.

Outside the palace, there is a group of mermaid, men, women and children of all ages, all of them moved towards the palace and worshiped.

"These all are here to ask the witch to do something."

Leah explained for Ye Qianxing, while leading him inside.

When passing by the group of mermaid, everyone's eyes were on Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi.

"Is this Lu Ren?"

"Oh my God, the legend turned out to be true!"

"What is Lu Ren doing in the Sea God Temple, Could it be that she also came to ask the witch to do something? But today the witch has received three destined persons."

Those mermaids have been talking about it, Leah hearing this is complexion changed.

"We may be late, the witch has already received three people."

Leah smiled bitterly, looking at Ye Qianxing with some guilt and said.

After all, this person saved her life, and she still hopes to be able to help Ye Qianxing.

"It's okay, maybe she will make an exception this time."

Ye Qianxing smiled casually, and then continued to move towards the palace gate.

Leah looked like she wanted to talk but she was pretty sure that the witch would not make an exception.

Because this kind of thing has never happened.

But she still didn't stop it. It's useless to say more. It's better to just let Ye Qianxing be rejected.

When the mermaids around saw Ye Qianxing, they still walked forward unwillingly, and they all shook their heads.

"Hey, I advise you no need to waste your strength. The witch is impossible to make an exception."

"Yes, even those nobles from the Atlanta continent are here. , You can only follow the rules."

Some merfolk moved towards Ye Qianxing and shouted, but Ye Qianxing did not hear it.

He worked so hard to come here, if he left without doing anything, wouldn't it be a shame.

He is not reconciled.

Seeing Ye Qianxing ignored him, these mermaids stopped talking, just looked at Ye Qianxing sarcastically.

Waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

Soon, Ye Qianxing came to the gate of the palace. At this moment, a mermaid with a face even higher than Liya was standing there.

"Lu Ren?"

The mermaid girl looked at Ye Qianxing and Lin Ruoxi, and she also showed a surprised look.

"Amy messenger, these two people are from the outside world. They want to ask to see the witch."

Leah stepped forward and moved towards the man, the beautiful girl, respectfully Said.

"Sorry, the witch has already..."

Amy's messenger was about to refuse, but suddenly the complexion changed. It seemed that he had received some instructions, nodded, and the Feng Feng said.

"Please come in, the witch said to see you."

The tone barely fell, everyone was shocked, and Leah was also shocked.

didn't expect the witch actually made an exception for these two Luren!

"It's not fair, the witch has already met three destined persons, why should I make an exception for them!"

"Yes, we have been waiting outside for so long, they just I just came, it’s too unfair."

The few merfolk below cried out with some discomfort. Although the other merfolk did not speak, their faces were also very ugly.

Normally, even if they are not summoned by a witch, at least others are like this, and they don't feel much.

But now with Ye Qianxing as a comparison, they are unhappy.

Why can a witch make an exception for Ye Qianxing, but not for them?

"Quiet, this is the witch's decision, you have no right to interfere!"

Amy frowned, loudly shouted, and the water in this area suddenly stirred up.

Suddenly all the noisy mermaids dared not speak anymore.

Ye Qianxing also gave Amy a surprised look. Judging from the imposing manner that just broke out, she at least has the strength of D-Rank.

"Go in."

Amy saw Ye Qianxing look at herself, browse slightly wrinkle, and then said.

In fact, she was also very puzzled, why did the witch make an exception to summon these two landers.

But as a full-time envoy of the witch, all she needs to do is to obey the order, without knowing why.

Ye Qianxing also realized that it was impolite to look at others this way, so moved towards Amy with an apologetic smile, and pulled Lin Ruoxi into the palace.

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