"I can protect myself and the elder sister."

At this moment, Murong Yan, who had been silent beside him, suddenly spoke.

Ye Qianxing found that this Murong Yan seems to be relatively cold, rarely speaks, and always put on a cold appearance.


Ye Qianxing just shrugged and didn't argue with her.

and the others their three people When they reached a fork in the road, they found Yang Miao sitting there waiting for them.

There were three scorched bodies lying on the ground.

"It's slow."

Yang Miao complained, then looked at the two passages in front of him.

"Which way to go?"

Murong said to the left.

"The passage on the right is a dead end, go here."

Just now, the Dark Spirit has already explored the two passages. One side is a dead end, so there is only the other side. .

The entire group will move towards the left.

Because the dark spirits opened the way in front of them, they were not in any danger at all.

And every time I meet some monsters in the early stages of D-Rank.

Ye Qianxing didn't even make a move, and they were all solved by Yang Miao.

After walking for another ten minutes, suddenly, a heat wave hit.

They discovered that the temperature had actually started to rise, and all the stone walls around were burnt hot.

"Be careful, we should have reached the position of the underground volcano, there is lava not far in front."

Murong Yu said sternly, and then looked towards Murong Yan.

Murong Yan nodded, open the contract Space Gate.

With a loud phoenix sound, the temperature of all around started to drop again.

Ye Qianxing looked up and saw a Phoenix whose whole body was like ice crystals flying above them.

The cold chill radiated from it, directly driving out the heat wave.

Spirit Pet: Ice Phoenix (Phoenix subspecies)

attribute: God ice attribute

Evaluation: Six and a half stars (growth type)

Level: D5

Abilities: Eternal Ice Wall (defensive skill), Frost (single attack with freezing effect), Extreme Cold Storm (area skills), ice crystal armor (single defensive Skills)

Weakness: God Fire Element

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:...

"It's actually Hehuo A Phoenix Spirit Pet of the same kind as the fire!"

Looking at this ice Phoenix, Ye Qianxing was slightly surprised.

Ice Phoenix is ​​also a subspecies of Phoenix with Phoenix bloodline, which is similar to Fire Phoenix.

There are only two, one is fire and the other is ice.

Murong Yan also looked at Ye Qianxing provocatively, as if saying: I said I can protect myself and my elder sister.

"Go, keep going."

Yang Miao said, and the entire group continued to move forward.

With Ice Phoenix expelling the heat wave, they did not feel uncomfortable.

Soon, they saw a lava river appearing not far ahead.

"How did this go?"

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle asked.

But Yang Miao and Murong Yu took out a rope from their backpacks at a moderate pace.

"Let Xiaohuang take it to the other side."

Murong Yu moved towards Murong Yan and said, only Bing Phoenix can fly, and they are not afraid of the heat of lava.

Murong Yan hearing this did so, tying one side of the rope to Bing Phoenix's leg.

Then Bing Phoenix's wings shook, and instantly flew to the opposite side of Lava.

"Little Phoenix, Ice Crystal Armor."

Murong Yan shouted again, and the wings of Ice Phoenix shook again.

A few feathers flew to everyone, and instantly turned into a piece of ice armor.

This is used to resist the heat wave released by lava.


Yang Miao said, Murong Yan and Murong Yu climbed over first, followed by Yang Miao, and finally Ye Qianxing.

Grabbing the rope, a few people moved towards lava and crawled across.

There are constant heat waves from below, but fortunately, the ice crystal armor blocks most of the temperature.

Soon, Murong Yan and Murong Yu have successfully reached the other side, and Yang Miao has also come to the end.

Just when he just jumped down, the rope suddenly broke.

Ye Qianxing is still in the central position at this time, and feels directly in the air, moving towards the lower lava river and falling.

"Ye Qianxing!"

Murong Yu suddenly creded out in surprise, and ran over quickly, but found that Ye Qianxing's silhouette was no longer there.

"Yang Miao, you did it on purpose!"

Murong Yu pinched Yang Miao's collar and asked sharply.

"No, it's nothing to do with me. When I just jumped down, I felt that the rope had started to break, but it was too late to remind!"

The look of losing one's head out of fear made Murong Yu believe him a little bit.

But no one saw it. Just as Murong Yu's eyes shifted, Yang Miao lost one's head out of fear with a sneer on his face and flashed away.

Murong Yu stared at the lava below, regretful in his heart.

I knew she would not let Ye Qianxing participate in this mission. She avoided space turbulence, but never wanted to die here.

"Murong Yu, people cannot come back to life after death, the most important thing for us now is to complete the task."

Yang Miao said with integrity after the "grief" passed.

"This time the mission is completed, those friends who belonged to Ye Qianxing's military exploits are given to him, and they can be regarded as taking good care of his friends for him."

Murong Yu took a deep breath, and finally nodded.

Yes, people cannot be resurrected from the dead, but the task still has to be completed.

"Don't worry, I won't tell Xia Xiaoyu."

Murong said moved towards lava The river said, and then followed Yang Miao on.

The three of them swiftly moved forward, during which time they did not meet the demon of Lingshen Sect again, which surprised Murong Yu a little.

It stands to reason that even if there is an enemy attack, the whole army will not be dispatched, right?

But before she could think about it, a stone gate appeared in front of her.

"Flaming Rhinoceros, smash it!"

Yang Miao immediately ordered, and the flames of Rhinoceros instantly bursting into flames, and moved towards stone gate and rushed away.

After a loud noise, the stone gate broke.

Behind the stone gate is a huge space.

An altar appeared in front of the three of them. There were eight stone pillars on the altar.

Each stone pillar is tied up with the corpse of a young girl. There is no trace of blood all over them, and it is obvious that they cannot die anymore.

In the center of the altar, there is a huge stone statue.

The stone statue looks like a warrior wearing armor and holding a sword.

"This is the altar used by Lich King to summon Lich King, and the stone statue in the middle is the statue of Lich King. This time, Lich King intends to use the blood of eight young girls’ first sons. Sacrifice, but there is still something missing as an introduction."

Yang Miao looked at the altar and said.

"What is it?"

Murong asked subconsciously.

"A girl with Profound Yin Physique, her first son’s blood is the purest, and it contains Power of Extreme Yin, which is Lich King’s favorite food."

Yang Miao replied.

"Wait, how do you know?"

Murong Yu suddenly realized that something was wrong, how did Yang Miao know so clearly?

However, she found out that it was too late, and Yang Miao suddenly grabbed her neck and lifted it up directly.

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