If Murong Yan originally had some weakness in her high coldness, then she is absolutely cold.

Just like Hua Mulan, who was in the army of her father, her body is full of heroic spirit.

"jié jié, combined with the blood of Phoenix bloodline, will definitely be more effective."

However, the undead wizard does not have a trace of fear, but instead reveals it. Weird sneer.

"You are courting death!"

Murong Yan coldly said, with a big wave of his hand, a cold ice blade cut out directly.

was easily avoided by the undead wizard.

"Don't waste time with you, lie down for me!"

The undead wizard put out a few handprints, next moment, and suddenly one after another faintly discernable array appeared on the ground Texture.

A gloomy air rose from the ground, and it was actually Death Aura.

"This is the undead array of the undead wizard!"

Ye Qianxing frowned, he has seen this method of the undead wizard, and Lin Ruoxi solved it in the end.

But at this time, Lin Ruoxi was also stopped by a DLevel 8 corpse puppet, unable to go up and help at all.

Murong Yan also realized that something was wrong, and just about to run away, she suddenly felt that she was suddenly weak.

His body was soft and fell directly to the ground.

"What's going on?"

Finally, a panic appeared on Murong Yan's cold face.

"jié jié jié, you Profound Yin Physique is most afraid of Death Power. I will definitely not have to spend as easy as pie against you."

The undead wizard said with a sneer.

Then he walked directly to Murong Yan's side, picked her up, and moved towards the altar.

"Little goose!"

Upon seeing this, Murong Yu rushed towards moving towards there, but Yang Miao with a broken arm flashed a cold glow in his eyes.

He rushed directly behind Murong Yu, holding a dagger that braved a cold light in the only hand left.

"Don't worry, I will let you reunite with your younger sister below."

Yang Miao coldly said, the dagger fiercely stabbed.

Murong Yu turned around subconsciously, his pupils shrank sharply.

A dagger was getting closer and closer in her sight, just about to pierce her heart.

Just as Murong Yu was desperate, the dagger suddenly stopped.

Yang Miao's eyes were full of unwillingness, and a bloodstain appeared on his neck at some point.

The blood stains got bigger and bigger, and finally his whole head fell straight down.


Murong Yu was stunned, not knowing what happened.

But soon she saw a dark shadow appearing behind Yang Miao, only a moment before she merged into the darkness again.

This is Ye Qianxing’s Shadow Guard, who has just been arranged by Ye Qianxing to protect her by Murong Yu’s side.

Murong Yu looked thoughtfully moved towards Ye Qianxing and took a look.

She's not a fool either. Only these people are present. The shadow guard must be Ye Qianxing.

Looking at the other side, Murong Yan was directly carried on the altar by the undead wizard.

The wizard of the undead stretched out his sharp and long nails, and scratched Murong Yan's wrist.

Next moment, blood spewed out, staying on the altar, following the criss-crossed blood trough, spreading to the stone statue in the center.

"Little goose!"

When Murongyu saw this, he was panicked, and quickly wanted to rush over.

But the altar all around was blocked by a few corpse puppets, how could she break through by a person with little combat power.

No way, Murong Yu can only look towards Ye Qianxing for help.

Ye Qianxing also saw this scene, he was frowned.


Ye Qianxing flashes through a bright light in his eyes, and then moved towards Vajra, Erbaiwu, Xiao Kun and other Spirit Pets.

"Stop them and buy me time!"

After all, Ye Qianxing a space teleportation appeared directly on the altar.

A corpse puppet guarding the edge of the altar moved towards Ye Qianxing under the control of the undead wizard and attacked.

Ye Qianxing did not evade, Lei Che appeared in his hand.


Ye Qianxing yelled, and Lei Che moved towards the corpse puppet's head.

And the sharp claw of the corpse puppet also moved towards Ye Qianxing's abdomen.

Pu chi!

The two attacks reached each other's body almost at the same time. The sharp claw of the corpse puppet passed directly through Ye Qianxing's abdomen, but Ye Qianxing did not frown.

Lei Che slashed down angrily, and the head of the corpse puppet fell directly.

Ye Qianxing pulled out the hand of the corpse puppet, and then regardless of the blood flowing in the abdomen, the moved towards the undead wizard rushed over.

The undead wizard saw Ye Qianxing's breakthrough and rushed over, and the complexion changed suddenly.

He looked at the progress of the summon on the altar, his eyes were fierce, and he took the initiative to move towards Ye Qianxing and rushed over.

He actually planned to stop Ye Qianxing himself.

"courting death!"

Ye Qianxing let out a loud shout.

Although the undead wizard is a D-Rank evil spirit, besides controlling the corpse puppet and releasing Death Aura, it has no combat effectiveness at all.

Ye Qianxing directly pierced the chest of Lei Che moved towards the undead wizard fiercely.

With a sound of pu chi, Lei Che directly inserted into the chest of the undead wizard, he did not evade!


When Ye Qianxing just wanted to ask why, the undead wizard hugged Ye Qianxing.

"The summon ceremony has begun, even if I die, as long as Lord Lich King can be summoned out, it is worth it. You all have to be buried with me! hahaha..."

The undead wizard laughed wildly, and Ye Qianxing realized that this guy was actually planning to use his life to block himself.

"get lost!"

Ye Qianxing's body shook, trying to shake the undead wizard away.

However, he found that this guy was like a difficult snake, entangled himself tightly, and couldn't get rid of it at all.

Watching Murong Yan's blood loss a little bit, and the eyes of the stone statue have begun to show cold light, Ye Qianxing heart shivered with cold.

He knew that he couldn't let things go on like this.


Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, the hellfire was released directly.

The wizard of the undead suddenly uttered a tragic scream.

Hellfire is more effective for this kind of ghost spirit.

Under the burning of hellfire, the undead wizard is still unwilling to let go of Ye Qianxing.

After a stalemate for half a minute, the undead wizard finally lost strength under the burning of hellfire and collapsed to the ground.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly teleported to Murong Yan's side, picked her up, and looked towards the stone statue.

"jié jié jié, you are still a step late at last, Lich King is coming soon!"

Although the undead wizard is extremely weak, he still smiles arrogantly.

The stone statue has begun to tremble, which will serve as the medium for Lich King to descend in this world.

"I'm impossible to make your conspiracy succeed, Murong Yan, where's the bomb?"

Ye Qianxing hurriedly moved towards Murong Yan in his arms and asked.

At this time, she did not faint, but because Death Qi entered the body and lost too much blood, she was too weak.

Murong Yan had some difficulty taking out a spherical bomb from his arms. The bomb looked mediocre, but it was actually a newly developed super technology.

Its formidable power can even kill an A-Rank Spirit Pet or evil spirits.

Murong Yan opened the bomb during several operations, and Ye Qianxing immediately turned it towards the stone statue.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing held Murong Yan in one hand, then teleported to Murong Yu's side and hugged him.


Following Ye Qianxing shout out loudly, they moved towards the stone chamber and ran away.

At the same time, the explosion sounded finally.

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