
After hearing Ye Qianxing's words, the teachers and students in the entire office sucked in a breath of cold air at the same time.

Including Jiang Lin and Wu Kun.

Although they know that Ye Qianxing is very strong, it is too...

Spirit Pet D7, I am DLevel 5. What does this mean?

This means that the degree of awakening has reached at least 90%, which is only one step away from real awakening.

"The horror is like this."

This is the inner monologue of everyone present.

At only 16 or 17 years old, I just joined the awakening class, and my awakening level has reached 90%.

This is definitely a rare genius in a century.

Not to mention in their awakening class, even in the alliance headquarters, it is definitely the existence of as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

"Hahaha, I really found a treasure!"

Wu Kun was even more excited after being shocked.

looked towards Jiang Lin's eyes were full of gratitude, but she brought herself a super good seed.

At this time, Wei Guang's eyes looking towards Ye Qianxing were no longer resentful, but deeply jealous.

With such an innate talent, the future achievements are bound to be extraordinary. He actually had a grudge with such Heaven's Chosen.

"This kind of person, even if you can't make friends, you must never offend him, but I have offended him, then..."

A killing intent flashed in Wei Guang's eyes, although It was short, but Ye Qianxing still noticed it.

He was frowned and soon understood Wei Guang's mind.

"Old Guy, you'd better just think about it, but don't die."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart that although he hates Wei Guang, he doesn't Will retaliate against him.

It's like a person bitten by a mosquito. If you can't shoot it to death on the spot, you will never remember it and retaliate against it in the future.

In Ye Qianxing's eyes, Wei Guang is a mosquito.

Maybe Ye Qianxing is not strong enough now, but he is 100% confident and will throw Wei Guang far away in the future.

Wei Guang flicked his sleeves and left directly. The other teachers hurried forward to congratulate Wu Kun.

"Wu teacher, congratulations, for having a good seedling."

The teacher's rating is based on the level of dísciple innate talent they receive, Ye Qianxing is young The level of awakening reached 90%. With such an innate talent, Wu Kun's rating will surely skyrocket next time.

Even surpassing Wei Guang is not impossible, of course they have to compliment it.

"Hahaha, Thousand Stars is not only my dísciple, but also the dísciple that we share in the Awakening Class, if one prospers, all prospers, hahaha."

With more teacher compliments, Wu Kun is a little ecstatic.

After ten minutes of congratulating each other, Wu Kun became a little impatient, and then said.

"Well, teachers, I will take Qianxing and them to get familiar with the awakening class."

Wu Kun hugged cup one fist in the other hand and said, and then took Ye Qianxing left the office.

Wu Kun stopped at a place where there was no one, looking at Ye Qianxing's eyes full of appreciation.

"Qianxing, what a great job, I have been bullied in front of Wei Guang. This is the first time I have let him deflate in front of me. It's really cool."

Wu Kun laughed heartily said.

Seeing Wu Kun as happy as a kid getting a lollipop, Ye Qianxing almost couldn't help laughing.

At this age, do you still care about face?

I think so, but Ye Qianxing is also impossible.

"The teacher is too acclaimed, I just don't see anyone pretending to be in front of me."

Ye Qianxing said.

"Okay, it's so hard to see others pretending to be in front of me. It's very to my character."

Wu Kun was even more excited when he heard Ye Qianxing's words.

It's a blessing to meet a student who is a very good innate talent and has a good temper with him.

"By the way, Qianxing, I just gambled with Wei Guangna Old Guy for ten days on the use of the first-class cultivation room. After all, you won it, so I will leave it to you."

Wu Kun said very grandiosely.

"Class A cultivation room? What is that?"

Ye Qianxing is a little confused. I heard them say this before, but I don’t know what the cultivation room is. Son.

"That's it. The cultivation room was invented by the awakened alliance, which is very suitable for our awakened use. There are many martial arts battle skills and super technology in it."

"The first-class cultivation room is the highest-level cultivation room, which is generally only used by students with extremely high innate talents."

Jiang Lin explained to the side, looking towards Ye Qianxing with envy in her eyes The color.

"Even students with extremely high innate talents have limited time to enter the first-class cultivation room, because each teacher has different permissions, and there are many students under them. , So even if the innate talent is high, you can only enjoy it for five days in a month."

"You can enjoy it for ten days. I guess many people will envy you."

Listen After Jiang Lin's words, Ye Qianxing is somewhat interested in this so-called first-class cultivation room.

"Teacher Jiang Lin, if you want it, I can give you a few days to use it."

Ye Qianxing saw the envy in Jiang Lin's eyes and said slightly smiled.

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, a light of excitement flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes, but it faded immediately.

"Forget it, the first-class cultivation room still has the greatest effect on your genius, I won't waste it, and since you already have Wu teacher's dísciple, then join me My peers, you don’t need to call me a mentor in the future. You can just call me by name or Senior Sister."

"Well, Senior Sister."

Since Jiang Lin refused, He will not persist.

Soon, under the leadership of Wu Kun, the entire group came to a building full of technology.

After entering the building, they went straight to the top floor, where the first-class cultivation room was located.

There is a recliner outside the first-class cultivation room, and an old man who looks more than sixty years old is lying on it, holding a puff fan and fanning comfortably in the wind.

"Old Jin, I brought my students to use the first-class cultivation room. Previously, Wei Guangwei teacher gave me the use time of his first-class cultivation room this month."

Wu Kun moved towards the old man on the couch and said respectfully, Ye Qianxing also looked towards the old man.

The person who makes Wu Kun so respectful is certainly not an ordinary person.

But it is still up to him, and he can't feel any unusual breath from the old man.

Just like an ordinary sixty-year-old old man.

"Well, I already know, let him in."

The old man gave Wu Kun a half-squinted eye, and then moved his gaze to Sutila and Jiang. Lin finally fell on Ye Qianxing's body.

Suddenly, the old man's eyes suddenly opened, staring at Ye Qianxing.

At this brief moment, Ye Qianxing felt a terrifying breath from the old man.

This powerful breath even surpasses B-Rank's Taixu Torch Dragon.

Could it be that this old man turned out to be an awakened beyond B-Rank?

Wu Kun was also shocked by the old man's sudden performance. Seeing him staring at Ye Qianxing, Wu Kun suddenly became a little nervous.

"Old Jin, what's wrong, do you know?"

Wu Kun asked nervously.

This old man is not an ordinary character. He doesn't know his true identity, but he knows that even the dean of the Imperial Capital Academy saw Mr. Jin respectfully.

I heard that he was transferred directly from the headquarters of the Awakened Alliance.

Looking at Mr. Jin's eyes, Ye Qianxing wouldn't have any hatred with him, if that's the case, I'm afraid he can't keep Ye Qianxing.

Seeing Wu Kun so nervous, Old Jin's wide-open eyes slowly narrowed again.

That powerful aura disappeared in an instant. When Ye Qianxing looked at him again, he was still the ordinary old man.

But Ye Qianxing dare not treat him as an ordinary old man anymore.

"I can restrain my breath to such an extent, this old man is terrifying."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, and at the same time warned himself in his heart not to offend him This old man.

But why did he have such a big mood swing when he looked towards him just now? Ye Qianxing said he was puzzled.

He is sure that he does not know this old man.

"It's okay, I recognized the wrong person."

Old Jin shook the head, then closed his eyes again and shook the fan on his hand.

Wu Kun finally sighed in relief, and then pushed Ye Qianxing, urging.

"Quickly go in, remember that you must come out in ten days."


Ye Qianxing nodded, Wu Kun took Jiang Lin with him And Sutila left.

Ye Qianxing glanced at Jin Lao with profound eyes, and finally shook his head to show that he didn't understand, he strode into the first-class cultivation room.

Just when Ye Qianxing stepped into the first-class cultivation room, Mr. Jin opened his eyes again.

In the eyes that were originally muddy, bursts of brilliant light burst out at this time.

"It looks really like it, as if it were carved out of a mold. What is the relationship between you and him?"

Jin's mouth moved slightly, muttering to himself Said verbally.

It seems to be asking myself, and it seems to be asking someone else.

Of course, Ye Qianxing doesn't know all of this, he has been taken aback by the cultivation room full of science and technology.

It's like a scene in a sci-fi movie, it looks very cool.

Everything has a text introduction.

"Martial Dao projection, you can randomly select a Martial Dao Battle Skill for projection, and there will be virtual masters to guide you."

Ye Qianxing looked towards a technology full of sense of technology projection machine.

"Martial Dao projection?"

Ye Qianxing moved in his heart and started to operate on the computer next to him.

Soon I found a lot of martial arts manual on the virtual bookshelf.

Including cunquan, Eight Extremes Fist, Primal Chaos Fist, Wing Chun, ten two beasts Xingquan and so on.

Jiang Lin once taught Ye Qianxing Cunquan. After initial understanding, he can control the power in the body. According to Jiang Lin, if he learns to be proficient, he can practice Cunjin and even punch. Formidable power beyond the limit of its own power.

Eight Extremes Fist Ye Qianxing has also heard that he used this trick when he was fighting against the white robed youth before.

At that time, his punch power directly doubled, making Ye Qianxing almost hit.

"Try this cunquan first."

Ye Qianxing clicked on the picture of cunquan, and soon, the projection instrument projected an image.

It was a shirtless man with muscles all over his body. Ye Qianxing had heard of him, but he was a Martial Dao Grandmaster from the old age named Li small dragon.

The rumors of inchquan were created by him.

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