But Ye Qianxing has no intention of joking with Zhuge Qing now, so he said directly.

"Where is the place to stay for me?"

"It's right next door, I'll treat you well, and I will arrange for you to be my neighbor, so we can see each other often in the future."

Zhuge Qing chuckled Road.

Ye Qianxing gave him a roll of eyes. He wouldn't stay in the alliance headquarters for too long. The reason why he chose to join the alliance was simply to see if he could get any benefits.

Zhuge Qing then brought Ye Qianxing to the latter's residence, which was next door, which was similar to Zhuge Qing's residence. It was a yard neither too big nor too small.

The environment is pretty good, with rockery, green plants and streams, which gives Ye Qianxing an ancient feel.

"By the way, I will arrange some servants to take care of your daily life in these two days. Do you have any requirements for those maids? For example, age and appearance..."

Zhuge Qing smiled cheaply.

Ye Qianxing corner of mouth twitching, does this girl regard himself as who?

"Forget it, I have hands and feet, I am not used to being taken care of by others, and I shouldn't be staying here for a long time, so you can arrange for someone to come and clean every time. "

Ye Qianxing said.

Of course, he would definitely not do cleaning work. With this spare time, is it not good to use it to improve time or pill concocting?

"That's it, okay."

Zhuge Qing nodded.

After arranging the residence, Zhuge Qing took Ye Qianxing around to get familiar with the alliance headquarters.

The universe map contains a Small World. It may be an exaggeration to say that it is Small World, but the area is definitely not small, at least not smaller than the Imperial Capital city.

If you let Ye Qianxing go alone, you will probably get lost. If you accidentally break into a forbidden place, you will suffer even more.

Therefore, the most basic thing for new members to join the Alliance Headquarters is to be familiar with this world.

"There are still many good places for the alliance headquarters, such as the Hidden Treasure Pavilion, which contains many treasures collected by the alliance, and a complete range. Basically, the treasures you have heard of are available in the Hidden Treasure Pavilion."

Zhuge Qing was introduced by Ye Qianxing.

"Then can the things in Hidden Treasure Pavilion be used at will?"

Ye Qianxing asked, Zhuge Qing rolled his eyes directly.

"What good things are you thinking about? The Alliance Headquarters is just a platform for us to provide a cultivation environment. It is not our parents. You can use the treasures in the Hidden Treasure Pavilion at will, but only if you You have to have enough contribution value."

"Contribution value?"

Ye Qianxing was taken aback, how similar to the military.

"Yes, it is the contribution value, the contribution value is equivalent to the currency of our awakened alliance, whether it is using the cultivation room, the exchange of treasures, or the learning of Professor Elder Xiang, all of them need contribution value. The outer tianchao currency is here It's worthless."

"Um... not all right, if you really have a lot of Tianchao coins, you can exchange contribution points with some members, of course, provided that the member is willing to exchange it with you. "

Zhuge Qing explained.

"Oh, this way, how do I get the contribution value?"

Ye Qianxing became a little interested.

"There are several ways to get the contribution value. The first and most common one is to go to the task great hall to accept the task. After completing the task, you can get the corresponding contribution value. As for the others, that is If you have any treasure, you can choose to exchange directly with the alliance, or you can choose to exchange with the members of the alliance."

"Both have their own advantages, and it is more convenient to exchange directly with the alliance. No matter what it is, it can be exchanged. As for the corresponding contribution value, the alliance will judge it, but the disadvantage is that the alliance will charge a handling fee."

"As for the exchange with alliance members, there is no need to charge What kind of handling fee, but it is more troublesome, you have to find a buyer yourself."

Zhuge Qing very patiently introduced Ye Qianxing.

"By the way, there is another way to get the contribution value, but this way is a little bit too authentic. Just listen to it, but don't really put it into action."

"Which way?"

Ye Qianxing asked curiously.


Zhuge Qing mysterious said these two words, which made Ye Qianxing's heart moved.

"In order to encourage members to work hard for cultivation, the alliance does not prohibit fights between members. The snatch I just said is to forcibly seize the contribution value of other members, but this method is a bit immoral, so I still try my best Don’t use it."

"Although the alliance does not prohibit fighting, it strictly prohibits killing. Once it is proven that you have killed the same sect, the punishment is very large."

Speaking of the latter, Zhuge Qing's tone became serious.

This is easy to understand. After all, everyone who can join the alliance headquarters is Heaven's Chosen in Heaven's Chosen. How could the mainstay of the heavenly kingdom be allowed to be killed in the future.

"Don't worry, my principle is if others didn't offend me i will not offend others, as long as no one is dead."

Ye Qianxing said, he is not addicted Killer.

As long as no one provokes him to death, he is also impossible to cause trouble.

After all, he hates trouble the most.

"By the way, Thousand Stars, I still have a little contribution value here, if you want, I can give you a little."

Zhuge Qing said, with some meat in his tone It hurts, but he gritted his teeth and resisted it.

No way, who told his father to take good care of Ye Qianxing.

"No, I can earn myself if I want."

Ye Qianxing shook the head, he doesn't like to owe favors.

There is no free lunch in the world. He accepts Zhuge Qing's benefits, which means he owes him favors.

Favor debt is the most difficult to pay.

"Alright, then I will take you to the mission great hall. The main source of our contribution is there. After all, using treasures or something to redeem it still feels too bad."

Zhuge Qing said, Ye Qianxing agrees with this.

However, if there are some unnecessary treasures, they can be exchanged for them. Anyway, they are also stored. They are left to expire?

Ye Qianxing has some things that are not needed here, such as some low-level spiritual outfits, which he doesn't like, but can be exchanged for contribution points.

But now is not the time to think about this.

Under the leadership of Zhuge Qing, the two soon arrived at the mission great hall.

Ye Qianxing was stopped by several people before entering the door of the mission great hall.

A line of three or four people stood at the gate. The leader was a youngster wearing black clothes, who was about twenty years old, and his face was arrogant and arrogant.

Ye Qianxing knows from a glance that Juebi is the kind of Sabi who has a little innate talent and just blows up the sky.

Hei Shan Youth looked at Ye Qianxing a few times, curled the corner of his mouth, and asked mystifying.

"The newcomer?"

Ye Qianxing glanced at him, not beating him directly.

Seeing that Ye Qianxing had this attitude, the black-clothed youth was directly angry.

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