"It's okay, give it a try. The league does not stipulate that you have to complete the task if you accept it. If it is too difficult, I will at the worst give up."

Ye Qianxing feel free to say with a smile.

"The alliance does not stipulate that the task must be completed, but...Aiya, anyway, the Hell Level task is really very dangerous. You should take an Ordinary Level training hand first."

"It's okay to try the Hell Level mission when you become stronger in the future."

Zhuge Qing earnest and well-meant advised, but Ye Qianxing generally only needs to make a decision. It's hard for anyone to persuade him.

"It's okay, let's take a look at the specific situation of the Hell Level mission."

With that, Ye Qianxing ignored Zhuge Qing and went directly to the mission registration office.

Whether it's receiving tasks or receiving rewards, it must be here.

Originally, there was still a long line up here, after all, the main source of contribution value is to receive tasks.

But after seeing Ye Qianxing coming, the new and old members all stepped aside, and the eyes looking towards Ye Qianxing were a little frightened.

They all saw the scene outside.

Easily defeated Zhu Dachang and several of his minions, and Zhu Dachang who abused behind made a scream like a pig, especially the latter, which made their hearts tremble.

How dare you let Ye Qianxing come in behind them?

Ye Qianxing was taken aback for a moment, scratching his head, his heart said that he didn't expect to get this kind of special treatment if he beat Zhu Dachang.

He was not polite, and walked directly to the counter.

The reception at the counter is a little girl, in her twenties, Ye Qianxing glanced at it and found that she was also half awakened, but only the strength of D-Rank.

Such an innate talent can definitely be regarded as a genius in the outside world, but in the awakened alliance, it can only be reduced to an ordinary staff member, not even a full member.

But even so, the staff of the awakened alliance is not suitable for everyone. Without sufficient innate talent or strong background, it is estimated that even goalkeepers are not qualified to do it.

Little girl looks delicate and pretty, she looks like the kind of good girl who devotes herself to learning and cultivation. At this time, the expressions all looking towards Ye Qianxing are a little scary.

The scene where Ye Qianxing abused Zhu Dachang was seen by her. At this time, Ye Qianxing's impression in her heart was cruel.

Ye Qianxing saw the color of fear in the eyes of the little girl, and immediately stopped doing it.

Those guys are afraid of themselves. How can a girl be afraid of themselves?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing hurriedly showed a charming smile (at least in his own eyes).

"Hello, I want to take the task."

Ye Qianxing's tone is very peaceful.

"Which task are you going to take?"

The little girl is still a little nervous, but it's better than before. It must be Ye Qianxing's charming smile.

"Just the task of catching the seven villains."

Ye Qianxing pointed to the Hell Level task that ranked second on the big screen to capture the seven villains.

The people around were watching Ye Qianxing, and everyone was shocked when they heard that he was about to take on the Hell Level quest.

The little girl was also stunned.

Hell Level mission, it seems that since she became a staff member here, no one has taken it, Ye Qianxing is the first one.

"Fuck, this guy is crazy, he just joined the alliance and took the Hell Level mission?"

"Although he can defeat Zhu Dachang, he has some strength, but he is definitely not complete. The extent of the Hell Level mission, is he too arrogant?"

"hmph, I guess he is a bit innate talent, so he is complacent, thinking that the boss is the second child, but when he finishes watching the Hell Level mission After the detailed information, it is estimated that I will give up soon."

The people around discuss spiritedly, but without exception, Ye Qianxing wants to take up the Hell Level task is very optimistic.

"My lord, are you sure you want to take that task? That's a Hell Level task."

The little girl came back to his senses, thinking that Ye Qianxing just joined and didn’t understand this. Kindly reminded.

This also made Ye Qianxing's impression of her better.

"I know, you just need to register for me, don't worry about other things."

Ye Qianxing said.

The little girl wanted to say something, but she gave up.

She is just a staff member, her duty is to register, and she has no right to interfere in other matters.

"Well, please show your identity token first."

The little girl said, Ye Qianxing took out the token with the word Zhuge, Jin Lao He has no intention of revealing the token for the time being.

After all, he still doesn't know whether Jin Lao is an enemy or a friend.

The little girl received the identity token, scanned it on a scanner, and suddenly the identity information about Ye Qianxing appeared on her computer.

The identity token has a special material, and the licensee’s identity information is recorded, just like an identity certificate.

After the first pass, the little girl respectfully returned the identity token to Ye Qianxing and added a copy of the information.

"My lord, this is the specific information about the task. There is no time limit for this task. As long as the seven villains are not arrested and brought to justice for a day, the task will remain effective."

little The girl said, Ye Qianxing received the information and identity token, turned to the little girl nodded and prepared to leave.

As if thinking of something, he suddenly looked back and grinned.

"Little elder sister, you are very beautiful."

After speaking, Ye Qianxing turned and left.

It made the little girl blush.

Since I was young, I have spent all my time studying and controlling the spirit. I have never been in a relationship, and this is the first time I was praised by a boy for being beautiful.

"By the way, that man grew up very handsome, and the innate talent is still so high, he is a bit fierce, what if he likes me, if he confesses to me, should I agree or Do you agree or agree?"

If Ye Qianxing knows that just because of his own words, he makes a little girl think about it, maybe he will feel guilty.

However, he did not know.

After getting the detailed information, Ye Qianxing said goodbye to Zhuge Qing and went back to the residence. Zhuge Qing was also taking the task, but it was only a simple one, and he could do it directly.

It took a few minutes to look through the mission information, and Ye Qianxing finally understood why Zhuge Qing wanted to explain to him the difficulty of the Hell Level mission.

Because it is really difficult.

Hell Level mission: capture the seven villains.

The seven wicked people appeared a few years ago. At that time, they did a lot of bad things in the Imperial Capital city, like commiting any imaginable misdeed under broad daylight.

But because of their powerful strength, the people dare not speak up.

But soon the actions of the seven evil men attracted official attention, and the powerful Spirit Master was dispatched to deal with them.

In the end, the seven wicked men were lost and fled the kingdom of heaven and escaped to the city of freedom.

"Freedom City?"

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle, he has heard about this place.

The City of Freedom is not in the territory of the Kingdom of Heaven, not even in any country, but on the border of three countries, belonging to the Three Regards Zone.

Because of its unique topography and historical reasons, the Freedom City has become a gathering place for many criminals and evil forces in these three countries. It is very chaotic and crimes occur all the time.

So it is also called Evil City.

Many criminals who commit crimes will choose to flee to Freedom City to avoid sanctions by national rules. Because of the special situation in Freedom City, surrounding countries dare not directly send troops to target them.

Otherwise, it is very likely to attract the hostility of the City of Freedom. If it forces the City of Freedom to join the inhuman organization directly, it will be bad.

The seven wicked people knew these things, so they fled to the Freedom City. They wanted to arrest people in the Freedom City. They could not go through official channels and could only send a few people to sneak in and arrest them secretly.

Although the seven wicked men are bad, they have to say that they are indeed strong. They may only be able to admit counsel in the face of the army, but if they are one-on-one, they are not afraid.

"According to the data, the seven villains are all B-Rank to control the Spirit Master. Among them, the strongest is the leader of the seven villains, Bai Baoshan, but only the B9 level to control the Spirit Master. That's it."

"Originally, their strength was not enough to be assessed as a Hell Level mission, but the difficulty of this mission lies in its location. Freedom City, that is an extremely dangerous place."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart.

Freedom City fish and dragons mixed in together, the strong are countless.

Perhaps the seemingly ordinary person you provoke casually on the street is an A-Rank that controls the Spirit Master.

But Ye Qianxing did not choose to give up because of this, and even aroused his fighting intent.

Isn’t it the City of Freedom? Ye Qianxing is also an A-Rank to control the Spirit Master anyway, and his strength is not bad.

A trifling city of freedom is not worthy of scaring him.

After tidying up, Ye Qianxing left the universe.

He didn't go directly to the Freedom City. Anyway, the little girl just said that there is no time limit for this mission.

So he plans to go to Imperial Capital City to see Xia Xiaoyu and the others. Speaking of which hasn’t been seen for a few days, so I miss it a bit.

A few space teleportation Ye Qianxing entered the city and came to the courtyard where they lived before. Xia Xiaoyu and Zhou Yue Sutila were both here.

But I didn't see Zhou Lang.

Seeing Ye Qianxing's return, several people were sighed in relief.

There was no news for a few days, and they all thought something was wrong with Ye Qianxing, and they were very worried.

"Eh, why did Zhou Lang disappear?"

Ye Qianxing asked in confusion.

"Since that guy awakened the Wushuang warrior and contracted Sword Soul, his personality changed drastically and he became obsessed with sword dao. My father helped him join the imperial capital university awakening class through the relationship, and he has been Stay there."

Zhou Yue said, not knowing whether Zhou Lang's change was good or bad.

I have indeed become hardworking, but I feel alienated from them. It's not that alienated, it's just that I rarely play with them.

"In fact, this should be regarded as the most suitable way for Zhou Lang. After all, he is not you. As the male of Zhou Family, he is destined to be impossible and safe, and this lineage of yours has recently received Old Master Zhou’s Pay attention, not surprisingly, Zhou Lang is likely to be the heir to succeed Zhou Family in the future."

"So his current changes may also be a great help in the future."

Ye Qianxing said.

Zhou Yue and several people hearing this are also nodded, thinking that Ye Qianxing is right.

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