So he did not directly summon Spirit Pet, but decided to rely on himself first, try to resist the attack of A-Rank evil spirits.

This kind of opportunity is rarely placed outside. After all, if you really face an A-Rank evil spirit, you will die or I will live, and the effect of hand training will not be achieved at all.


Ye Qianxing's short sword appears out of thin air, it is Leiqie.

When he was in Beiming Sea Territory before, Ye Qianxing once processed Leiqijian. Today's Leiqijian not only has Power of Thunder, but also Power of Frost.


Ye Qianxing activated the teleport skill, disappeared out of thin air, and then instantly appeared behind the violent gopher.

There is no other reason why Ye Qianxing was the first to attack it. It was pure revenge for his previous sneak attack.

Seeing the target disappear suddenly, the iron-clawed eagle and the violent gopher stopped their progress, showing a look of awe.

At this moment, Ye Qianxing appeared behind the berserk gopher.

"Stab you to death!"

Ye Qianxing gave a violent shout, and Lei Qijian stabbed fiercely.

However, the violent gopher is also an A-Rank evil spirit after all. It has long sensed Ye Qianxing's sneak attack, and its body is instantly covered with a layer of earth and stone armor.

The earth and stone armor is extremely hard, Ye Qianxing stabs it hard enough, Power of Thunder and Power of Frost erupted at the same time, but they couldn't break it.

"So hard?"

Ye Qianxing was startled, and the anticipation skills told him that the violent gopher had launched an attack.

Although foreseeing the opponent's attack, Ye Qianxing had no time to dodge, because the iron claw eagle also moved towards him and swooped down.

If he wants to avoid the attack of the violent gopher, he will definitely be penetrated by the sharp claw of the iron claw eagle.

If you want to avoid the attack of the iron-clawed eagle, the claws of the violent gopher can directly smash his head.

The space teleportation skill needs time to activate, and it is too late.

This is simply no way forward.


Ye Qianxing sighed, giving up resistance.

With the shooting of a giant claw, Ye Qianxing only felt the scene change for a while, and the next moment found that the surrounding scenes returned to their previous appearance.

"Huh, I really felt Death God walking in front of me just now."

Ye Qianxing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and at the same time told himself in the heart, There are still flaws in combat.

Although I have predictive skills, it does not mean that I can get rid of the crisis of life and death. The predictive skills can only predict what will happen in the next few seconds.

And even if it is predicted, it may not be able to avoid it.

It’s just like the situation that just happened. Although it was predicted, it can’t be avoided and it’s still useless.

"Pre-judgment skills can also discover other effects. It is not just as simple as avoidance. It seems that my combat experience is still not enough."

Before, Ye Qianxing always thought that he would participate. After so many battles, there is no shortage of combat experience at all.

But after this experiment, he can see clearly that he is still not enough.

Still need to work hard.

If you don’t work hard now, it’s too late to work hard until the real life-and-death battle.

Because at that time, the enemy will never give you another chance.


Ye Qianxing took a deep breath and pressed the desert button again.

After a while, the scene changed and Ye Qianxing found that he was already in a desert.

There is a scorching sun above my head, and sand and rocks below my feet.

This time Ye Qianxing still chose the hell mode, and soon two A-Rank evil spirits appeared.

It was a giant poisonous scorpion and a rattlesnake.

Both are A1 level strengths, and at the same time moved towards Ye Qianxing launches an attack.

This time Ye Qianxing had previous experience and insisted on one minute more, but still made a mistake in one detail. He was hooked through the heart by a poisonous scorpion tail and judged to be dead.

After that, Ye Qianxing successively chose volcanoes, deep seas, and many other scenes, all in hell mode. Although they all failed in the end, Ye Qianxing's combat experience was rapidly improving.

The persistence time can also be longer.

After Ye Qianxing tried all the scenes, he stopped.

"Huh, although I still can't defeat the two A-Rank evil spirits, but now I can guarantee that I won't die in their hands."

Ye Qianxing relieved.

After dozens of attempts, Ye Qianxing still couldn't kill the two A-Rank evil spirits. This is normal. After all, the level is there.

Ye Qianxing's strength can only be comparable to two or three stages of B-Rank. If you want to skip grades to kill two A-Rank evil spirits, this is simply impossible.

So Ye Qianxing's goal has always been not to defeat them, but to stay as long as possible.

Heaven will not disappoint the person who tries. After dozens of attempts, Ye Qianxing is still able to turn around among the two A-Rank evil spirits without being hurt by them.

"My own combat level has been almost improved, and the next step is the cultivation of the fit between me and Spirit Pet."

Ye Qianxing thought in his heart, all Spirit Pets are all summon out.

Three Headed Hound Erbaiwu, God Arm Titan Ape Vajra, Immortal Spirit Lin Ruoxi, Void Sea King Kun Xiaokun, Shadow Commander, Taixu Torch Dragon.

The other big advantage of the mimicry cultivation room, which is different from the first-class cultivation room, is that it does not need to improve the fit with Spirit Pet one by one, and can be summoned all at once.

The first-class cultivation room needs to wear a virtual reality helmet, and the mimicry cultivation room only needs to turn on the mimicry, no matter how many Spirit Pets you bring into it, there is no problem.

Ye Qianxing pressed the jungle button, and soon the scene changed. Ye Qianxing and his many Spirit Pets appeared in Spiritual Mountain again.

"Please select the level of difficulty, easy mode, hard mode or hell mode."

The mechanical voice sounded again, Ye Qianxing did not hesitate to choose the hell mode, simple mode and For him, the hard mode can't achieve the effect of trial at all.

"Ding, it is detected that there are multiple Spirit Pets, and the strength levels are uneven, the difficulty level will be automatically changed."

The mechanical sound once again sounded, Ye Qianxing was slightly taken aback .

How easy is it to change? What's the situation?

Without waiting for Ye Qianxing to think, the reality soon gave the answer.

Virtual evil spirits began to emerge from the jungle, several iron-clawed eagles flew in the air, and violent gophers appeared on the ground.

Ye Qianxing and his Spirit Pet friends were directly surrounded by a group of A-Rank evil spirits.

"Fuck, the difficulty has increased so much all of a sudden?"

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but swallowed saliva and said. Looking around, there are more than twenty virtual evil spirits. Ling, all are A-Rank.

But Ye Qianxing did not choose to give up, but took a deep breath.

"Let’s start, the harder the model, the more helpful it will be for us. If we are all afraid here, what are we talking about bravely breaking into the world?"

"All All, listen to my orders and prepare to fight!"

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