
Deng Rong nodded, then moved towards the patrolman behind him shouted.

"You continue to patrol, you must not be lazy, Liu Bin, you are temporarily responsible for leading them."


The patrolmen shouted in unison.

Then Deng Rong took Ye Qianxing to the barracks.

Deng Rong led the way, and Ye Qianxing himself had the military's identity certificate, so he was not blocked.

Soon they came to the command camp.

"Sorry, there are important things in the command battalion. You can’t enter without the commander’s call!"

At the gate of the camp, two fully armed soldiers will be Ye Qianxing and Deng. Rong stopped.


Deng Rong was immediately embarrassed. He didn't know that such a thing would happen before.

But it is also impossible to break in.

So I could only look towards Ye Qianxing with a wry smile.

"Brother Xing, otherwise let's find a place to rest and so on."


Just when the two were about to leave, Three people came over energetic and bustling.

Ye Qianxing stopped when he saw the appearance of the three.

The three he knows are the Captain of the Special Forces, as well as the member mechanic Gangzi and the sniper Hawkeye.

The three of them also saw Ye Qianxing, Gangzi and Yingyan clearly showed surprise on their faces, and stopped.

Meng Ya saw the two of them stopped, and stopped, looked towards Ye Qianxing.

"Brother Ye, why are you here?"

Gangzi asked in surprise, really didn't expect Ye Qianxing to come to the Southern Guard Pass at this time .

"I'm here to help. By the way, why are there only three of you, Murong Yu and the others?" Ye Qianxing hurriedly asked.

Hearing what he said, both Gangzi and Yingyan showed sadness on their faces.

"Ai, it's hard to say in one word, you'll know if you follow us in and have a look."

Gangzi sighed.

Seeing them, Ye Qianxing felt cold.

Could it be that Sister Murong had an accident?

Gangzi and their status are much higher than Deng Rong, so this time the guards did not stop Ye Qianxing.

After the entire group entered the camp, Ye Qianxing felt a cool breeze before he saw the situation inside.

The temperature difference between the camp and outside the camp is so big.

The outside is more than ten degrees, and the inside is at least zero. Normal people should wear down jackets. Even experienced soldiers such as Gangzi and Hawkeye also wear coats.

Ye Qianxing took a closer look and saw that in Nuo Da’s camp, there was a bed in the center. On the bed was a teenage girl and several doctors in medical gowns were working. operate.

The low temperature in the camp comes from the girl in the hospital bed.

"No, her illness is too weird. We have never seen her. There is too much cold and dampness in her body. We can't get rid of it, and she is very fragile now. Don't dare to operate on her."

The attending doctor frowned and said.

Hearing his words, Murong Yu, who was worried on the side, turned pale.

At this moment, she saw Ye Qianxing who had just come in.

The pale face suddenly changed again, a little more hopeful.

"Ye Qianxing, have you found a way to treat my younger sister?"

Murong Yu didn't even think about why Ye Qianxing appeared here, she only had Own younger sister.

At this time, the commander also noticed Ye Qianxing, but he didn't show much shock.

Not long ago, he received news from the old general of Jiangnan that Ye Qianxing had come back to support.

But he was a little surprised, why Murong Yu was so excited when he saw Ye Qianxing.

Does he have any way to treat Murong Yan?

But all the doctors present here are Southern Guard Pass cream of the crop doctors. They can't help it, even more how Ye Qianxing?

"What the hell is going on, why did it happen in less than a year?"

Ye Qianxing frowned and asked.

He can feel that Murong Yan's Life Aura has been thinned to the extreme, the kind that may dissipate at any time.

"Just now, the Spiritual God Cult launched an attack on the Southern Guard Pass. I was caught by a sneak attack. It was the little goose who activated the awakening state and saved me, but she..."

Murong Yu choked. Said.

Ye Qianxing immediately understood.

Murong Yan has Profound Yin Physique, this physique is naturally compatible with Yin Cold Attribute Spirit Pet, but it also has a flaw, that is, it will swallow Murong Yan's life.

Especially when she turns on the awakening state, fusing with Bing Phoenix will absorb the frosty breath of Bing Phoenix and stimulate her Profound Yin Physique even more.

"Have you gathered all the spiritual medicines I told you before?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Murong Yu shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"I only found Spirit Mushroom for 800 years. As for Seven Stars Grass and Life Expectancy Fruit, I simply don't have any news."


Ye Qianxing is also sighed, but this is also normal.

Seven Stars Grass and Life Expectancy Fruit are both Legendary Grade spiritual medicine of Peak. Even if Ye Qianxing has obtained so many treasures, they have not found them.

Not to mention Murong Yu.

"Do you have any other methods? I beg you must save my younger sister. As long as you can save him, I can do anything."

Murong Yu choked up. , Almost knelt down and begged Ye Qianxing.

Fortunately, he was supported in time.

"Why did you ask him? We can't help it. Can he do it with a brat?"

The two doctors who treated Murong Yan unexpectedly asked Murong Yu to one When the teenager asked for help, he was immediately upset.

Could this brat be more professional than them?

Murong Yu ignored these two doctors, and now Ye Qianxing is her only hope.

Ye Qianxing brows frowned, if there is any way, there is indeed one.

But this method is difficult for him to say.

But seeing Murong Yu's haggard face and teary eyes, Ye Qianxing's heart still softened.

In front of life, some things may be understandable.


So Ye Qianxing took a deep breath, made up his mind, and said.

"Actually, besides refining the Life Replenishing Pill, there is indeed another method, but this method is a bit...so what, so I didn’t tell you at the beginning."

"What method?"

Murong was overjoyed at hearing this, and asked quickly.

As for what Ye Qianxing said, she ignored it.

"This... come here."

Ye Qianxing beckoned to her, Murong Yu walked over with some confusion, Ye Qianxing approached her ear and said softly talk.

The voice is so small that no one else can hear it, but Murong Yu's face can be seen directly changing.

Become a little bit ashamed.

"Ye Qianxing, didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You can also say this kind of beast's words that take advantage of the danger. I really misunderstood you!"

Murong Yu scolded angrily.

This made everyone around him look dumbfounded. I don't know what Ye Qianxing said, which made Murong Yu so angry.

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