
When Ye Qianxing said this, everyone present was stunned.

At the same time, a terrified look appeared in the eyes of'Muffling Teeth'.

Although it disappeared in a flash, it was still caught by Ye Qianxing.

"Ye Qianxing, what do you mean, my teeth have been fighting for the Southern Guard Pass all my life, and for mankind, why do you frame me!"

'Mangya'angrily Said, both in the expression and tone of the voice, were very real, as if he had been wronged by the heavens.

Even Ye Qianxing was almost deceived.

Of course, the premise is that he does not have a system.

Yes, Long Chen recognized that this "masking teeth" was fake, relying on the system.

At first, when Mengya, Gangzi, and Yingyan met Ye Qianxing, both of the latter expressed surprise. Only Mengfang did not show the slightest expression.

Ye Qianxing was already a little skeptical at that time.

Out of caution, he opened the system's eye to check, and this look really went wrong.

The teeth are not covered.

Demon: Qianmen Langjun

Level: B5

Ability: Myriad Transformations, can be transformed into any human or creature that has been seen, similar The degree has reached 99%, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"I believe that Captain has dedicated his life to the Southern Guard Pass and the Kingdom of Heaven, but unfortunately, you are not."

Ye Qianxing sneered.

"What evidence do you have!"

Masked teeth, no, it should be Qianmen Langjun, his face flushed.

It's like being wronged by the heavens.

"Yes, Qianxing, why do you say that Captain is fake, or a thousand-faced man? He is clearly captain with teeth."

The Gangzi also has a face. Asked suspiciously.

If someone else dared to question Captain so much, he would just raise his fist and hit it with his violent temper.

But Ye Qianxing helped them before and saved Murong Yan.

So he is very grateful to Ye Qianxing.

"Ye Qianxing, if you don't give me a satisfactory explanation, I won't just let it go!"

Qianmian Langjun pretended to be very angry and said.

"Is it the evidence? Simple."

Ye Qianxing sneered, apart from anything else, he appeared in front of Qianmian Langjun and shot with lightning speed. He pinched his neck.


There was a cruel flash in Qianmen Langjun's eyes, it seemed that he wanted to do it subconsciously, but he resisted it.

"hmph, I see when you can bear it."

Ye Qianxing sneered, his strength increased.

"Qianxing, what are you doing, quickly let go of Captain!"

The Gangzi criticized out in surprise, and the surrounding soldiers raised their weapons subconsciously, yes Quasi Ye Qianxing.

They only know Captain, not Ye Qianxing.

The commander also browses tightly knit and doesn't know who to trust for a while.

Meng Fang has been in the special forces for several decades, and the commander is familiar with him, and it doesn't look like a fake.

But Ye Qianxing also trusts him very much.

So he was very entangled.

"Hurry up and let go of Captain!"

Hawkeye and Gangzi looked at each other, and finally chose to believe in the teeth, and aimed their weapons at Ye Qianxing one after another.

"Don't do this, I believe Ye Qianxing must be true. There must be a reason why he didn't do this."

Murong Yu believes in Ye Qianxing very much.

Because as far as she knows, only Ye Qianxing can save her younger sister, and now her younger sister is okay, she certainly believes in Ye Qianxing more.

Ye Qianxing scanned for a week and found that only Murong Yu and Murong Yan believed in him now. The commander was dubious and did not make a decision.

Others choose to believe in the teeth and may attack themselves at any time.

But Ye Qianxing is not nervous at all.

"Vajra, Erbaiwu, Xiaokun, Taixu..."

Ye Qianxing directly summoned all his Spirit Pets out and guarded him.

Each one has at least C9 level strength, and the breath alone scared the surrounding warriors and their Spirit Pets.

"Now can I prove my identity? Then we will ask our captain to bring out Spirit Pet summon."

Ye Qianxing said, Qianmen Langjun can Change yourself into the appearance of others.

But it is certainly impossible to duplicate a Spirit Pet exactly the same.

As soon as Ye Qianxing said these words, everyone around him was puzzled, especially Gangzi and Yingyan, who began to hesitate.

Because they have seen Vajra and other Spirit Pets, and they have a deep memory.

This will prove Ye Qianxing's identity.

"Captain, you can prove your identity with Summon Deceptor quickly."

Gangzi said hurriedly.

Qianmen Langjun is a complexion sank, a summon bird.

As Ye Qianxing guessed, he couldn't replicate exactly the same Spirit Pet at all.

even more how he didn't expect the variable Ye Qianxing to appear at the beginning. He is very confident in his disguise technique and has never failed.

But this time it was discovered directly.

The commander, Gangzi, Hawkeye and the others had no plans to summon to meet Qianmian Langjun, and couldn't help but believe Ye Qianxing even more.

Seeing that he had been exposed, Qianmen Langjun stopped pretending.

A fierce color suddenly burst into his eyes, and the painful expression that had been caused by Ye Qianxing's neck was also disappeared.

"It's hateful, kid, I remember you!"

Senmian Langjun's face began to twist suddenly, but for a moment it was no longer the face of his teeth.

But a blank face without facial features.

"My K!"

Ye Qianxing was shocked by such a scene. Although he recognized the identity of Qianmian Langjun, he really didn't expect this guy to be so terrifying.

In order to become a demon and gain the power of evil spirits, this thousand-faced prince did not hesitate to lose his five senses.

It's really a pervert.


Seeing Ye Qianxing lost his senses, Qianmian Langjun took this opportunity to quickly drew a dagger moved towards Ye Qianxing and stabbed him in the chest.

With only a sound of pu chi, the dagger fiercely pierced into Ye Qianxing's chest.

Ye Qianxing's eyes widened, revealing an expression of pain, and the hand that pinched Qianmian Langjun couldn't help letting go.

Qianmian Langjun ran away hurriedly.

But the direction of his escape turned out to be Murong Yan's side.

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