"So, after you sneak into the Southern Guard Pass, apart from inquiring about intelligence, the real purpose is Murong Yan, or the Profound Yin Qi on her?"

"And the true fangs Captain this Shi was still alive, but was locked up in the barracks of your spiritual gods."

Qianmian Langjun Ye Qianxing answered all the questions.

"Yes, the spiritual gods want to engage in major events, they want to use Profound Yin Qi summon Lich King, Lich King is S-Rank Disaster Level evil spirit, once they are summoned out, Not to mention the occupation of the celestial dynasty, at least your Southern Guard Pass will definitely lose of life."

Senmian Langjun tells it all.

"Lich King?"

Ye Qianxing frowned.

When the special warfare squad went to perform a mission in South Vietnam, the purpose of Lingshen Sect was also the Profound Yin Qi in Murong Yan's body.

That time, the spirit god taught the demon undead wizard just wanted to use the Profound Yin Qi summon Lich King, but it was stopped in time by Ye Qianxing.

Even Ye Qianxing received a handful of Frostmourne for this and gave it to Sutila.

didn't expect Lingshen Sect has not given up yet, still coveting Murong Yan's Profound Yin Qi.

"Hehe, I have told you everything I know, can you let me go?"

Qianmian Langjun asked.

"Let's go? Did I say to let you go?"

Ye Qianxing sneered, and then quickly pierced the dagger into the heart of Qianxing Langjun.

Hanbing and Power of Thunder exploded in Qianmen Langjun's body instantly.

The internal organs in the latter body are all twisted into powder.

"You...you don't keep your promise!"

Senmian Langjun suddenly trembled and said weakly.

"I never promised not to kill you. Everything is your own passion."

Ye Qianxing sneered.

If Qianmen Langjun has a face, he must be an expression of unwillingness at this time.

Indeed, Ye Qianxing never said not to kill him.

But he thought that he was also a high-level spiritual god sect at any rate, and he knew many secrets about the spiritual god sect. These celestial people would definitely keep himself, and then try to ask as much as possible.

But he really didn't expect Ye Qianxing to play cards like this.

The internal organs are shattered, and even a demon cannot escape death.

Soon, Qianmian Langjun turned into a cold corpse.

"Take it away."

Ye Qianxing said.

"Sao Ye, why did you kill him? If you stay, you may be able to ask more about the secrets of Spiritual God."

The commander browses slightly wrinkle asked. Do not understand Ye Qianxing's behavior.

"Master Commander, do you really believe him?"

Ye Qianxing did not answer directly, but asked instead.

Thousand-faced Langjun has thousands of faces and thousands of personalities. He can only believe half of his words, or even half of them.

If he lied on an important link, it is likely to cause a big mistake, so instead of staying, it is better to kill him.

The commander is not stupid. On the contrary, he can be the highest commander of the Southern Guard Pass. He is very smart and easily understands the meaning of Ye Qianxing's words.

It suddenly dawned on me.

Yes, can you believe someone like Senmian Langjun?

"Ai, yes, yes, what do you think next, Xiaoye?" the commander asked.

He originally thought that Ye Qianxing had just added a super battle strength. Now he found that Ye Qianxing is not only powerful, but also resourceful.

So he subconsciously asked Ye Qianxing's opinion.

"What else? Although Chimian Langjun’s words cannot be fully believed, as long as Captain has the slightest chance of survival, we can’t give up. Therefore, my idea is to sneak into the spirit gods. Teach the barracks and rescue Captain."

Ye Qianxing said.

Although the relationship between him and Meng Fang is not very strong, but the impression is still good, so if possible, he still wants to rescue Meng Fang.

"The Spiritual God Sect Barracks are heavily guarded, we are basically impossible to sneak in, unless we can have people like Qianmen Langjun, but how is this possible?"

Commander Chang shook his head. Their strength is still barely defensive, and they take the initiative to attack or infiltrate, which is almost impossible.

"Who said we don't have people like Qianmen Langjun?"

But Ye Qianxing suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Everyone was stunned by Ye Qianxing's words.

Don't they know their strength yet, how can they have the ability to change at will like Qianmen Langjun?

"Small night, don't betray you, let's talk."

Where is the commander thinking about guessing? He hurriedly asked.

Ye Qianxing laughed.

"It's far in the sky, right in front of you."

"It's right in front of you? Could it be that Xiaoye, you..."

Before the commander finished speaking, Ye Qianxing flipped his hand and summoned a mask.

In front of everyone, Ye Qianxing put the mask on his face.

Next moment, a scene that shocked everyone happened. Ye Qianxing's appearance and even figure began to change.

In a short while, Ye Qianxing was gone.

In their place, the thousand-faced Langjun with no facial features appeared in front of them.

Everyone, including the commander, is stared wide-eyed. They looked at Ye Qianxing and then at the corpse of Qianmian Langjun lying on the ground.

Why, two thousand-faced lords appeared?

"You, are you Xiaoye?"

The commander swallowed saliva and said, asked incredulously.

"Of course, Lord Commander, do you believe it now?"

Ye Qianxing said with a smile, who has changed into Qianmen Langjun, but no matter if it is voice or gesture , Tone, are exactly similar to Qianmen Langjun.

Don't talk about them, maybe even Qianmian Langjun's father and mother will not be recognized.

Ye Qianxing’s mask is of course the Thousand Change Mask that was obtained by unpacking the treasure chest when he was in the Sun Country. It can be transformed into anyone you have seen at will, including body shape, appearance, voice, and so on.

It is extremely difficult to see through.

"Hahaha, Xiaoye, you are really the creator of miracles, I really can't see through you more and more."

The commander couldn't help laughing heartily.

This little fellow always seems to be able to do things that many people think cannot be done.

He suddenly felt that Ye Qianxing was there, and the danger of Southern Guard Pass would definitely be eliminated.

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