The base camp of the Spiritual God Sect is more than ten kilometers away from the Southern Guard Pass. On the road, Ye Qianxing can feel a lot of eyes staring at him in the dark.

these all are spies of the Spiritual Gods.

However, he has used the Thousand Change Mask to transform into the appearance of Qianmen Langjun, so the other party did not recognize him at all.

There is no blocking either.

Ten minutes later, Ye Qianxing came to the base camp of Lingshen Sect.

"Sir Qianmen Langjun."

An Ox-Head Human Body spirit god teaches the demon man stepped forward and respectfully saluted Ye Qianxing.

In the spiritual religion, the concept of class is very high.

This tauren is just a D-Rank monster, belonging to a relatively low-level position in the Spiritual God Sect.

And Ye Qianxing's Qianmian Langjun is a B-Rank demon. Although his combat power is average, he can change Myriad Transformations, and his status is still very high among the spiritual gods.

It can be said to be the second only to the existence of those A-Rank monsters.

"Take me to find Sir Sect Lord."

Ye Qianxing said in a very haughty tone.

He has already learned from Senmian Lang Jun that this time the whole army of the Spirit God Sect was dispatched by Sect Lord himself, and he was also sent by Sect Lord to the Southern Guard Pass to inquire about the news.

"Yes, please come with me."

said nodded tauren, and walked to the camp with Ye Qianxing.

Walking on the road, Ye Qianxing took a rough look at the surroundings.

In the camp, every few steps Ye Qianxing walks, you can see spirited gods teach demons patrolling. I don't know if it is on the surface, there are also many powerful demons hidden secretly.

There are a lot of C-Rank and B-Rank, but he didn't see A-Rank.

A-Rank monsters are considered to be the one with the highest status in the spiritual god sect. Compared with the other organizations in the inhuman organization, the spiritual god sect is actually a weaker party.

One is that it has been established for a relatively short period of time, and the other is that it was hit by a joint attack by the Celestial Kingdom and the South Vietnamese countries more than ten years ago, and its vitality has not been recovered.

So A-Rank is definitely not much in the spiritual religion.

Otherwise, with the strength of the Southern Guard Pass, it is really difficult to resist.

Soon, the bull head demon took Ye Qianxing out of the largest camp.

"Please tell Sir Sect Lord, Lord Qianmen Langjun is back."

The tauren said to a horse-faced demon who was guarding outside the camp.

The horse-faced monster glanced at Ye Qianxing, then walked into the camp, without the slightest sluggishness.

Less than one minute, the horse-faced demon came out.

"My lord, Sect Lord, please go in."

The horse-faced demon said respectfully, opening the camp gate for Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing nodded, walked in.

As soon as he entered, Ye Qianxing could clearly feel a lot of pressure.

Pretending to look around naturally for a week, Ye Qianxing discovered that there were five or six monsters gathered in this main camp at this time, all with A-Rank strength.

In the end, Ye Qianxing's gaze focused on a demon sitting at the top, the level of this demon was the highest present.

Possess ALevel 8 strength level.

It should be the Sect Lord of Spiritual God Sect.

"This Sect Lord of the Spiritual God Sect is actually a eagle?"

Ye Qianxing in the heart thought.

This Sect Lord seems to have acquired the ability of a eagle, with golden wings on his back and a very pointed mouth.

A pair of eyes are very sharp.

"Thousand-faced Langjun, you are back, have you got the things?"

asked Sect Lord, the tone of voice is normal, but there is no doubt about Ye Qianxing. .

To be honest, Ye Qianxing was still a little nervous before, after all, all the A-Rank monsters were present, and he was afraid that he would be seen as a false identity.

But he still underestimated the effect of the Thousand Change Mask.

Let alone the monster of A-Rank, even S-Rank may not be able to see through.

Of course, unless Ye Qianxing reveals a weak spot.

"Thanks to Sect Lord, the blood of Xuanyin has been obtained."

Ye Qianxing pretended to be very respectful and said, handing the bottle containing Murong Goose's menstrual blood to both hands.

The spiritual god Sect Lord caught it, and he could feel the chilly breath through the bottle, nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, undead Lich, come and see, can this bottle of blood be used for summon Lich King?"

The spirit god Sect Lord said to a demon on the side.

That demon Ye Qianxing looked a little familiar, and he thought about it carefully, isn't it the undead wizard?

But the undead wizard is obviously dead, I saw it with my own eyes.

No, this is not the undead wizard, although it looks very similar, but when you look closely, it is a little different.

But there must be some relationship between them, and the purpose of the undead wizard to capture Murong Yan was to wake up Lich King.

The purpose of the undead Lich and the undead wizard this time is the same.

The undead Lich stepped forward, took the blood bottle, and looked at it carefully.

Soon, he was excited.

"If you go back to Sect Lord, this bottle of blood is enough to summon Lich King!"

"Very good!"

Sect Lord hearing this one happy, Stand up directly.

"Chimian Langjun, this time you have made a great contribution. You are also tired during this time. Go back and rest first. I will reward you again when things are done."


Sect Lord said with a smile, but the meaning in the words was obvious, he wanted to turn Ye Qianxing away.

Next, he does not intend to let Ye Qianxing join in the specific process of summon Lich King.

This is not because he has begun to doubt Ye Qianxing's identity, but simply doesn't believe in Qianmian Langjun, and he can't believe in Qianxing Langjun's character.


Ye Qianxing did not insist on staying, but left the camp directly.

However, before leaving, he left the movie director.

The shadow general is now also the strength of A-Rank, and his concealment ability is very strong. Below S-Rank, it is almost impossible to find.

Ye Qianxing is very confident about this.

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