"Captain, wait here first, and I will come as soon as I go."

Ye Qianxing said.

The shadow generals he stayed next to the undead Lich and the spiritual god Sect Lord have sent news that they are ready to act.

"Well, you don't have to worry about me, but you, you must protect yourself. If the plan fails, there is a chance to make up. There is only one life."

Nodded, warned repeatedly.

"Don't worry, Captain, I'm sure."

Ye Qianxing is very pitiful, he won't do things that he can't guarantee his life.

Ye Qianxing left a CLevel 8 puppet Avatar of a shadow commander next to Mengya to protect his safety.

After that, he flashed and disappeared in place.

Ye Qianxing once again incarnates as Qianmian Langjun and sneaks into the camp of the spirit gods, according to the mark left by the shadow commander, moved towards the depths of the barracks.

Walking into a jungle, Ye Qianxing found several spirit gods guarding the entrance.

As shown by the mark left by the shadow commander, the undead Lich and the spiritual god Sect Lord and the others are within the jungle.

"Lingshen religion is forbidden, no one can enter without the permission of Sect Lord!"

Seeing the Qianmen Langjun disguised by Ye Qianxing coming over, guarding the two B- at the entrance Rank The demon stopped him directly.

In terms of status, they are not inferior to Qianmen Langjun, and in terms of strength, they are even more than Qianmen Langjun.

And there are very important things in the jungle at this time, they are absolutely impossible to let Qianmen Langjun enter.

"It was Sect Lord who let me in. The situation is very urgent. Get out of the way!"

Ye Qianxing said solemnly.

The Thousand Change Mask combined with his superb acting skills, for a while, the two demon guards were a little suspicious.

Is it true that Sect Lord let him pass?

But Sir Sect Lord issued a death order before entering, and no one is allowed to enter.

"Wait, I'll go ahead and report to Sect Lord."

One of the demon said, and he planned to go in.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly stopped.

"You are courting death, it is now at the most critical moment inside. If you go in now, if you cause any loss, a few lives will not be enough to die."

Ye Qianxing Intimidated, really scared that guy.

They are very aware of the ferocity and cruelty of Sir Sect Lord.

If it is really because of them that cause problems in the summon ceremony, they may be worse off than dead.


What else does one gatekeeper want to say, and the other is frowned.

"You said that Sect Lord let you in, did he give you a token or a secret sign?"

"Of course, Sect Lord gave me this."

Ye Qianxing put his hand in his trouser pocket, as if he was fetching something, while walking towards the two demon guards.

As they walked to them, when the two demon men were looking at Ye Qianxing's trouser pockets attentively, Ye Qianxing slammed out his hands and fiercely pinched the two demon guards by their necks.

"There are thorns..."

One of the demon guards was about to yell at assassin, but saw one after another ripple suddenly appear in the surrounding space.

The space ripples form a cage to seal off this space.

The silhouette of Xiao Kun appeared immediately.

"Master, let them scream, this space has been blocked by me, and no one can hear them if they yell their throats."

Xiao Kun said with a sneer.

"I didn't want to kill you, just let me go in? I have to die and waste my life."

Ye Qianxing shook his head, a ruthlessness burst into his eyes Killing intent.

Flip his hand, a dagger appeared, which was his spiritual weapon, Rachel.

"Go together, kill this traitor!"

"Just by you? courting death!"

Ye Qianxing sneered, holding Leiqi moved towards two A demon rushed away.

A few minutes later, the space blockade disappeared, the two monsters had already died, and the two monster cores were also taken away by Ye Qianxing.

The value of B-Rank monster core is not low, so I accepted it easily.

"Go, go in."

Ye Qianxing said, he rushed in.

It didn't take long for him to come to an empty wasteland. On the wasteland, a huge altar was impressively arranged.

In the center of the altar stands a huge stone statue, exactly the same as the Lich King stone statue that Ye Qianxing had seen at the beginning.

In the four directions of the altar, there are four towering stone pillars, and each stone pillar is tied to a young girl of sixteen or seventeen.

The four girls are all naked, with pale skin and no blood.

Ye Qianxing can clearly feel that they have lost their vitality.

"Damn it!"

Ye Qianxing had a burst of killing intent in his eyes. Although these four were not from the celestial dynasty, in this era, the definition between country and country is no longer so. Obviously.

They are both Human Race and they are all compatriots.

Seeing four compatriots die in front of them, and there are still four young girls who should enjoy their youth.

Ye Qianxing felt a fire in his heart.


The undead Lich danced strange dances on the altar while singing strange ballads.

I sang and danced for more than ten minutes before stopping.

Take out the bottle containing Murong Yan's menstrual blood and open it.

"I use the blood of Xuanyin as a guide, and the blood of four chu sons as a gift, call my master, Lord Lich King, please come to the world and save this world."

The undead Lich yelled, next moment, the sky suddenly changed color.

A huge vortex suddenly appeared above the altar, and an illusory silhouette came out of the vortex.

It looks exactly like the stone statue, it should be Lich King.

However, the Lich King at this time is just Spirit Physique and needs the stone statue as a body carrier.

weng!! !

Lich King illusory shadow entered directly into the stone statue, and suddenly, the huge stone statue began to tremble.

"Blood, the blood of Xuanyin, give it to me!"

A loud voice came from the stone statue, and the undead Lich hurriedly handed the bottle to the stone statue respectfully.

The stone statue began to move. The arm that was supposed to be a stone moved unexpectedly. He took the bottle and squeezed it lightly.

The bottle shattered suddenly, and the blood inside turned into a red light and entered the body of the stone statue.

Suddenly, a horrible energy erupted from the stone statue, and even Ye Qianxing felt unsupported by the powerful pressure and almost knelt down.

"Hahaha, it feels like a body, it's great, I, finally came, the world, tremble!"

The stone statue's mouth opened and closed, and a loud voice sounded.

If there is an ordinary person here, it is estimated that the internal organs will be directly shaken by this loud voice.

Even the undead Lich above the altar, or the spiritual god Sect Lord below the altar, and several A-Rank monsters could not help covering their ears.

Ye Qianxing also felt uncomfortable, but he endured it.

Evil spirit: Lich King

attribute: Demon type

Evaluation: Seven-star

Level: S5

Weakness: Holy Spirit

Introduction: A powerful creature from another world, will descend on the earth star and possess a stone statue.

"It turned out to be...SLevel 5!"

After Ye Qianxing checked Lich King's information with the system's eye, his eyes were almost staring out.

S-Rank evil spirits can be called Disaster Level, SLevel 5, and it's even more powerful than the eight-differentiated snake that Ye Qianxing encountered at the beginning.

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