"Oh, you even understand Power of Space as a human?"

Lich King said in surprise, obviously unexpected.

"I don't just know Power of Space, but I also know how to kill you!"

Ye Qianxing sneered, Lei Qijian stroked his palm, and a blood stain suddenly appeared in his palm.


Ye Qianxing loudly shouted, slapped Lich King's huge body with a palm.

"hmph, although you are not like an ordinary person, but if you think you can deal with me, it would be too...what is going on, what is going on!"

Lich King Before he finished speaking, he suddenly creded out in surprise.

At this moment, countless blood light bursts out of its body, cracking everywhere in its body.

As if its entire body cannot be supported, it is shattered.

Not only Lich King, the spirit god Sect Lord and the undead Lich are also not knowing what to do at this time.

"Undead Lich, what the hell is going on!"

Sect Lord moved towards Undead Lich asked angrily.

"I... I don't know either. It looks like the stone statue can't bear Lich King's will, but it's impossible, it's already succeeded just now!"

Monster God is more flustered than Sect Lord.

Suddenly, he looked towards Ye Qianxing, as if thinking of something, his face suddenly changed.

"It's the problem with the bottle of Profound Yin Scripture blood. What did you do?"

"Hehe, it seems that you are not too stupid, yes, that is Profound Yin Scripture The problem of blood, in the Profound Yin Scripture blood, there is also a drop of my blood."

Ye Qianxing coldly smiled.

"Mixed with your blood? But how could it be caused by mixing with your blood, unless..."

The undead Lich seems to have thought of some kind of probability, and his face is even more It's ugly.

Seeing that it stopped speaking, Ye Qianxing sneered, and said the next thing for him.

"Unless my blood is the blood of the sun."

Ye Qianxing had mixed a drop of his sun blood essence in the bottle of Profound Yin Scripture blood before, because there was only One drop, so the breath is concealed by Profound Yin Qi, it is difficult to be discovered.

The will of Lich King descends on the earth star and needs a bearer. The stone statue is the carrier prepared for him by the undead Lich.

But if you want the Lich King’s will and the stone statue to fit the best, you need to give the stone statue a Profound Yin Qi, which is why their summon Lich King urgently needs Murong Yan’s Profound Yin Qi.

Profound Yin Scripture blood mixed with a drop of Yangzhi blood, although there is no special situation in the use process.

But once you meet Ye Qianxing's guidance, that drop of Yang blood begins to work.

A mouse poop can ruin a pot of porridge. Although this sentence is not sound, it can't be used here.

It is that drop of Yang blood, enough to destroy this carrier of Lich King.

And what activates that drop of Yang blood is what Ye Qianxing did just now.

Use his own blood to mobilize the drop of Sunshine blood essence in Lich King's body that he had mixed in before.

"Damn, damn, you despicable human being, I want to kill you!"

The undead witch Monster Qi trembled all over, but he didn't seem to make a move.

No matter how angry he is, he knows that he is not good at fighting at all. He went up to court death.

"Sect Lord, there is still a chance. As long as you stop the human being now, I will be able to disperse the blood of the sun from Lord Lich King even if I consume my century-old cultivation base!"

The undead Lich moved towards Sect Lord and said, the latter took a solemn look at the undead Lich, and finally nodded.

"This is your last chance, I hope you don't make mistakes again!"

As he said, the two golden wings behind the spirit god Sect Lord spread out, moved towards Ye Qianxing that The edge flew away quickly.

And the undead Lich sat down cross-legged, and a dark black array pattern began to appear under it.

Countless black qi emanates from the array. This one after another black qi is the wraith soul collected by the undead Lich for so many years. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is its century-old cultivation base.

"hmph, you don't have this chance."

Ye Qianxing coldly snorted, moved towards Xiaokun shouted.

"Little Kun, prepare to use space slash!"

Space slash is currently the strongest attacking skill of Xiao Kun, which can open space slash.

No matter how strong the defensive power is in front of the space slash technique, it will have no effect, and will be divided as the space is cut.

According to Xiao Kun, as long as it is given time to use this trick, it can be killed even if it is an opponent of S-Rank.


Xiaokun listened to the order and began to gather Power of Space and activate skills.

“en? ”

Although Sect Lord doesn’t know what Xiao Kun is going to do, he always feels something is wrong, so he turns, moved towards Xiao Kun and rushes towards .

Attempt to interrupt Xiao Kun's skill release.

But, will Ye Qianxing give it this opportunity?

"Your opponent is me!"

Ye Qianxing silhouette flashed and appeared in front of the spiritual god Sect Lord, stopping it.

"Only you are not worthy of being my opponent, but since you want to court death, then I will fulfill you first!"

The spiritual god Sect Lord yelled and grasped his claws. With golden light flashing on it, grabbing towards Ye Qianxing fiercely.

Ye Qianxing estimated that if he was caught by its claws, even he would be torn apart.


"Titan fist!"

Ye Qianxing loudly shouted and threw a punch, turning his fist into golden.

Titan punch, one of the skills of Vajra innate talent, with a charged blow, it can instantly explode twice its own power.

Cun Jin, humans created their own battle skill, which exploded three times as much power as they were about to hit the opponent.

The most important thing is that the effects of these two skills can be superimposed.

Ye Qianxing's own strength is comparable to B7 Spirit Pet. With the increase of 6x strength, it is even closer to A-Rank.

But the other party is the spirit god Sect Lord, a demon of ALevel 8.

bang!! !

Ye Qianxing's fist collided with the paw of the spiritual god Sect Lord, Ye Qianxing suddenly felt a huge force hit, like being hit by a galloping train, the internal organs were all shaken.

It seems to have shifted.

If he hadn't turned on the Indestructible Vajra Body a long time ago, and had an Immortal Body, under this fist, he would have died directly.

A big level difference is still difficult to make up.

Ye Qianxing was knocked out directly, rubbing a few meters on the ground before stopping.

The fist covered in gold has several scars with deep bones.

The blood flow does not stop.


Xiao Kun saw that Ye Qianxing had suffered such a severe injury in order to buy time for himself, and he was immediately embarrassed.

"Little Kun, don't be distracted, I'll be fine!"

Ye Qianxing hurriedly shouted, but you can't give up all your efforts because of him.


Xiaokun also knows that the most important thing is now, if you don't take out space slash to kill Lich King, wait for it to slow down, master And they all have to die.

So it converged its mind and began to focus wholeheartedly on skill release.

"It's a weird feeling, absolutely can't let it go on."

The spiritual god Sect Lord is always flustered, so he moved towards Xiao Kun again and rushed away.

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