Seeing Bei Mingzhen, who was lost after hitting a wall continuously, Ye Qianxing couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic.

In the Peak period, these families who rejected him were not in this attitude.

At that time, the people who saw Beiming Family didn't flatter themselves, but now...

The world is cold.

"Uncle Bei Ming, actually..."

Ye Qianxing just wanted to say that he actually knows a lot of Great Influence people and can help connect.

But before the words were spoken, an untimely voice rang.

"Oh, Bei Mingzhen, wasn't it arrogant just now, why are you still begging grandfather to worship grandma? Let me tell you that no family will unite with you unless they are not afraid of offending. Xiahou Family and Ximen Family."

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, just when you hit a wall everywhere, I accidentally got the support of Huangfu Family again, which adds up to three great aristocratic The families are now, you can't catch up."

Ouyang Feng is still talking, and he has returned to his original state at this time.

Although the gaze looking towards Ye Qianxing is still cold, but there is still no anger before and self-control is lost.

This time it is not only Ouyang Feng who came here, but also three other waves of people, who should be from the three great aristocratic families he called Ximen, Xiahou and Huangfu.

"Come, let me introduce you. This is the Ximen Family Master, this is the Xiaohou Family Master, and this is the Huangfu Family Master." Ouyang Feng proudly showed off.

Bei Mingzhen's face is gloomy, and another Huangfu Aristocratic Family is added, which makes their Beiming Family even worse.

"Eh, aren't you the hillbilly who has been following Zhou Yue's ass before? What is your name, oh, Ye Qianxing, right?"

At this moment, together The sharp female voice suddenly sounded.

Ye Qianxing welcomes the sound, and he is another acquaintance, Zhou Family Second Young Lady, Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan is Ximenqing’s girlfriend, and Ximenqing is the Young Master of Ximen’s Aristocratic Family, so it’s not surprising that she appears here.

"Why, didn't you follow Zhou Yue before? Why are you still in Beiming Family now? Really like that trash is a pretty boy who eats soft rice."

Zhou Xuan taunted mystifying.

Zhou Yue’s lineage was appreciated by Old Master because of the last time, Zhou Xuan has always been concerned about it.

Now that she meets Ye Qianxing, she will naturally not let it go easily.

"Miss Zhou knows this person?"

Ouyang Feng hurriedly asked when he saw this.

He knows Zhou Xuan, he knows that he is Ximen Qing’s girlfriend, and his identity is unusual.

And listening to her tone of voice does not seem to have a good relationship with Ye Qianxing, how could Ouyang Feng miss this opportunity?

"che, this hillbilly is not qualified to be known to this Young Lady, but it was Zhou Yue and her trash boyfriend that left me some impression."

Zhou Xuan said disdainfully.

"Xuan Xuan, you said that, I also remembered that I saw it at the 60th birthday of Grandpa Zhou, Brother Huangfu, do you still have an impression?"

Ximen Qing I remembered it too, and Huangfulong who moved towards the side asked.

Huangfu Longdu is nodded, browses slightly wrinkle.

"I remember this person seems to have something to do with Furukawa Grandmaster?"

Upon hearing Huangfu Longdu's words, everyone around couldn't help looking towards Ye Qianxing.

If it is related to Furukawa Grandmaster, it deserves their attention.

Furukawa Grandmaster, even the patriarch of Ten Great Aristocratic Families must have a lot of respect.

Bei Mingzhen also looked towards Ye Qianxing with some surprise. He didn't know that this prospective son-in-law would have such energy?

"Huangfu Young Master, you think too much, that is, Zhou Yue's trash boyfriend has a little connection with the Furukawa Grandmaster. As for this hillbilly, you didn't see the grandmaster at the birthday feast at the time. Do you want to give him a look?"

"It can be seen that this person has nothing to do with Furukawa Grandmaster half a dime."

Zhou Xuan said disdainfully.

At that time, Ye Qianxing was to make money for Sutila, so Furukawa Grandmaster and Sutila were very familiar with each other.

I didn't expect that Zhou Xuan misunderstood.

But he didn't bother to explain this. Of course, no one might believe it.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhou Xuan's words, those who started to pay attention to Ye Qianxing looked back again.

"Who did I approach or know, what does it have to do with you? On the contrary, it was you, shouting every other country boy, really lacking the quality, and shame you Zhou Family people. ."

Ye Qianxing sneered, unceremoniously.

"Whoever you said is not literate, you are originally a hillbilly, so I won't let people say it..."

Zhou Xuan became angry immediately, pointing at Ye Qianxing and swearing. , Like a shrew.

It attracted the attention of many people in the lobby.

Ximenqing was a little embarrassed when he saw this, and hurriedly stopped Zhou Xuan.

However, he looked at Ye Qianxing coldly.

"You, kneel down and apologize to Xuan Xuan, and then slap yourself a hundred slaps, forget it."

Ximen Qing said domineeringly, Zhou Xuan looked domineering. Ximenqing of Ximenqing suddenly saw little stars in his eyes.

It really deserves to be the Eldest Young Master of Ximen Family, it is so domineering, I like it.

However, Ye Qianxing looked at Ximen Qing with a flat face, his mouth moved slightly, and he uttered two words.

"Sha, B."

Shua! ! !

As soon as the sentence of Ye Qianxing came out, the three great aristocratic families and some people around who watched the excitement looked at Ye Qianxing incredibly.

No one would have thought that he would dare to scold Simon Qingshabi in the public.

Scolding Ximen Qing on this occasion is equivalent to insulting the entire Ximen Aristocratic Family.

"What...what did you say?"

Ximenqing couldn't believe his ears, and asked through gritted teeth.

"Fuck, are you prone to self-abuse? You like to hear someone call you Shabby so much?"

Ye Qianxing stared and asked in surprise, this kind of request he still Encountered for the first time.

Ximen Qing's fists were all pinched white at this time, and he was obviously suffering from a lot of anger at this time.

"This guy can really cause trouble."

Bei Mingzhen gave a wry smile. He only offended Ouyang Family just now. It took only ten minutes to offend Ximen Family again.

This is the rhythm he wants to do.

"Boy, you are dying, do you understand, although Xiaoyao’s rules are not allowed in the clubhouse, but if our three Aristocratic families kill you together, Xiaoyao’s club will not be because You offend us."

Huangfulong opened the mouth and said on the sidelines, he did not believe that when the time comes, the person behind the Xiaoyao Club would offend three great aristocratic families for a hillbilly.

"If you want to do it, do it, if you don't do it, don't beep."

Ye Qianxing said without counseling.

Ouyang Feng on the side was delighted to see this scene. Someone tried to teach Ye Qianxing for himself, but he couldn't ask for it.

"Okay, very courageous, but I don't know if you will kneel down and beg us to let you go."

Huangfu Longdu beckoned, three great aristocratic The thugs and bodyguards brought by the families have to come forward.

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded outside the crowd.

"Oh, is there any show on this? There are so many people gathered, I have to come and see."

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