"Zhen, I really didn't see it. Qianxing is a guy who has a lot of connections. He knows so many great characters. You can ask him to connect you later, maybe you can help us solve it. The crisis of Beiming's Aristocratic Family."

Mingyue said in Beiming's ears.

Ye Qianxing was also shocked to know Zhuge Qing and Chen Keyi, the two great characters.

Ming Yue, in particular, thought that he had already investigated Ye Qianxing very carefully, but the result was still too one-sided.

"hmph, I can find a partner without his help."

Bei Mingzhen is coldly snorted.

"Okay, don't hold on. You can tell by the light in your eyes just now. You must have this idea too."

Mingyue unceremoniously Exposing Bei Mingzhen's true thoughts made Bei Mingzhen feel embarrassed.

"hmph, that kid is really true. I said that there are so many contacts. Do I need to be shy to beg so many people before?"

North that was seen through Nether Zhen didn't pretend anymore, and said angrily.

Although he has a more stubborn temper, he still knows which is the more important event in the Guan Family clan.

Furthermore, asking your uncle for help, isn’t that normal?

On the contrary, Xia Xiaoyu pouted her mouth at this time, looking at Chen Keyi hostilely.

This woman gave her a great sense of crisis.

"What did Young Lady Chen say? Since it is your friend, I must have misunderstood what happened before."

Xia Houchun blushed and said, awkwardly embarrassed. Find a seam and drill in.

This time I was embarrassed, but instead of offending Chen Keyi, he decided to abandon his face.

After speaking, Xia Houchun ignored Ximenqing and Huangfulong, and walked away with her head down.

Ximenqing and Huangfulong both looked at each other, and even Xiahouchun had left, and they were even more impossible to stay.

So one after another moved towards Chen Keyi took a fist and walked away.

Only Ouyang Feng with a look of despair remained standing still.

It's over, everything is over.

The Beiming Family with the support of the left-hand side is definitely not something that the Ouyang Family can contend with.

Moreover, after this incident, it is estimated that Xiahou, Ximen and Huangfu will not help him anymore.

"Master, Beiming Family, I want to talk to you."

"Master, Beiming Family, I have a cooperation matter here..."

" Beiming Family Lord..."

In a while, several family members came to Beiming Zhen.

Among them, there are many families who have rejected Bei Mingzhen before. Now the roles have been changed, and the attitudes towards Bei Mingzhen have directly changed 360 degrees.

This gave Bei Mingzhen an instant feeling of returning to the Peak period.

No, even in the period of Beiming Aristocratic Family Peak, Beimingzhen has not received such treatment.

Don’t be too cool.

But he also knows that Ye Qianxing brought him all this.

The reason why these family powers please him is only because they have taken a fancy to the relationship between Ye Qianxing and Chen Keyi.

"Qianxing, long time no see, really didn't expect to meet you here."

Chen Keyi walked to Ye Qianxing's side and said with a smile.

Zhuge Qing walked away consciously, and other people around also retreated in unison to make room for them.

"Uh, yeah, what a coincidence."

Ye Qianxing smiled, and immediately felt a chill behind him.

Looking back, Xia Xiaoyu was looking at him with her mouth pouting.

"Cough Cough, Young Lady Chen, just to introduce you, this is Xia Xiaoyu."

Ye Qianxing hurriedly stepped back and distanced himself from Chen Keyi.

Chen Keyi glanced at Xia Xiaoyu, but then turned his gaze to Ye Qianxing again.

"By the way, Qianxing, the Soul Condensation Pill you gave me before has helped me a lot. I really don't know how to thank you."

"And My father also owes you a favor, and I always wonder when to pay you back."

Chen Keyi looked at Ye Qianxing affectionately, and immediately gave Ye Qianxing the urge to run away.

Especially when he felt the coldness of his back getting colder and colder, he wanted to say something at this time, if you really want to thank me, don't do this to me again. It is easy to cause misunderstandings, okay?

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