Understood, the truth became clear.

Ye Qianxing always thought that Ye Qinghan had a dual personality.

A tall Leng Rushuang, and a passionate one.

Now I finally understand, there is no double personality, people can't be more normal.

Just a pair of identical twins.

No wonder that Ji Dong had been calling her Miss Chenxi before.

"In other words, the one who lives with me is Ye Qinghan, and you, Ye Chenxi, who fight against the ancient tree in the forest of demon spirit?"

Ye Qianxing finally figured it out.

Ye Chenxi was nodded, and Ye Qinghan's frosty face beside Ye Xiaoyao showed a hint of blush.

She remembered that when she met Ye Qianxing for the first time in the renting house, she was seen naked by the latter.

"What about you, Ye old man, why do you pretend to be the head of a mercenary group in Jiangnan City?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards Ye Xiaoyao again.

"Heaven and Earth conscience, I didn't pretend that the head of the Xiaoyao mercenary group is indeed my primary identity. After all, I am also old. It is okay to stay in Jiangnan City for some time for leisure and comfort, right? "

Ye Xiaoyao shrugged and said.

"Then why did you leave Jiangnan City again? I didn't see you when I went to Jiangnan City for support not long ago."

Ye Qianxing continued to ask.

"You should know that the inhuman organization launched a war against our country. As Chief Marshal, I must come back to trade."

Ye Xiaoyao's answer is very rigorous, Ye Qianxing Can't hear half of the weak spot.

But subconsciously he always feels that this old fox is not so simple, there must be something to hide from himself.

But he didn't say it, Ye Qianxing was not easy to ask questions.

I can only believe it for the time being.

"Now that I have answered the question you asked, can you listen to the purpose of my finding you?"

Ye Xiaoyao said.

"Purpose, didn't you miss me?"

"Uh...I miss you only on one side, and there is another purpose."

Ye Xiaoyao was a little embarrassed, but with his cheeky, he quickly recovered.

"You saved Jiangnan City, supported the Southern Guard Pass and defeated Lingshen Sect. I already knew about it. You did a very good job and made a great contribution. Therefore, I decided to make you a member of the Dragon Tooth team. ."

"Longya Group?"

Ye Qianxing was a little confused and had never heard of this name.

"Yes, the Longya team is the most elite group in our celestial military. Every member is strictly selected through layers. They are all kings of the soldiers, and the dragon's teeth exist. , Just to complete some extremely difficult and extremely important tasks."

Ye Xiaoyao said with a serious face.

He created the Longya team alone, and established outstanding merits for the military, which is his greatest pride.

Ye Xiaoyao is very proud of every time he talks about the word dragon tooth.

I am as proud as complimenting my own children.

"Your innate talent is enough, but you lack qualifications, but this time you helped the Southern Guard Pass defeat the Spiritual God Cult, and you have served in the Southern Guard Pass. You also have a military background, so I made an exception to let you join Longya."

"Well, are you so excited that you can’t say anything? I understand, after all, anyone who learns that they can join Longya will definitely do it. This way."

Seeing Ye Xiaoyao believing oneself infallible, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but corner of mouth twitching.

"Okay, old fox, I don't know you yet. There must be another purpose for me to join the Dragon Tooth group. Don't sell it, just talk about it."

Ye Qianxing said with a blank look at Ye Xiaoyao.

He still doesn't understand the character of this old fox, the deception is his hobby.

It must be a plan to let yourself join Longya.

"Cough cough, how can you boy think of me that way? I am really optimistic about you. Of course, since you have joined Dragon Tooth, while enjoying the benefits that Dragon Tooth brings to you, I also have to bear some responsibilities."

"We discovered a mysterious island in Beiming Sea Territory some time ago. I plan to let the Longya team go to that island to explore. You can defeat the Spiritual God Cult. It's definitely not weak, so I want you to go with them and have a look after."

Ye Xiaoyao chuckled and said.

Ye Qianxing sneered, he knew that this old fox must have a purpose.

Sure enough, I still want to use myself.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

Ye Qianxing shrugged and said.

"Don't be so eager to refuse, don't you want to know why I said that the island is very mysterious? You know, the task that the Dragon Ya team can perform is definitely the top priority."


Ye Xiaoyao is not angry because of Ye Qianxing's refusal, but he still smiles at him.

Ye Qianxing knows him, and he also knows Ye Qianxing, so he had predicted that he would refuse.

At the same time, he also knows that Ye Qianxing's curiosity has always been strong.

"Let's talk about it."

Ye Qianxing is indeed a little curious, and he hasn't seen each other for so long, so he doesn't want to make trouble with Ye Xiaoyao.

"Then I'll start from the beginning. A few days ago, an island suddenly appeared in our country at the sea boundary of Beiming Sea Territory. You heard it right. It just appeared suddenly, overnight. Suddenly appeared."

"Because it is near the sea boundary, we attach great importance to it and send troops to explore."

"But the military was hindered during the exploration process. On the mysterious island, there are many powerful and violent evil spirits. They are very hostile to outsiders. The army that entered the island to investigate has lost batch after batch, so I decided to let the Longya team take over this task."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that we found that the inhuman organization seems to have penetrated into that mysterious island. I feel that they must have some conspiracy."

"So, send a dragon The Ya team entered the mysterious island, one is to investigate the mysterious island, and the other is to investigate the inhuman organization."

Ye Xiaoyao made a long story short, telling the whole sequence of events once again, Ye Qianxing. Finally got it.

Ye Qianxing became a little interested when he heard Ye Xiaoyao say that the inhuman organization had also penetrated.

"To be honest, let you go with the Longya group. Another purpose is to attract the attention of the inhuman organization. You defeated the spiritual gods and broke the inhuman organization’s conspiracy to invade the celestial dynasty. They are sure of you. It’s a grudge."

"So if you go, it is very likely to lead to them, but you can rest assured, I will definitely guarantee safety."

Ye Xiaoyao said, yes. Ye Qianxing tells the truth, he is not too bad.

"Then what advantage do I have? Don't say anything about joining the Longya group will have any power or anything, it is all imaginary."

Ye Qianxing thought for a while and asked .

"According to the investigation, there are not only powerful evil spirits in that mysterious island, but also precious spiritual medicine and treasures. If you join the Dragon Tooth team, all your gains will be Yours, don’t turn in."

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