
Upon hearing Ye Chenxi's introduction to the Hercules, Ye Qianxing couldn't help being sucked in a breath of cold air.

You must know that unless you become awakened, it is almost impossible for humans to fight and kill evil spirits with their own strength.

It is possible to deal with F-rank evil spirits with the aid of spirit weapons, but it is possible to kill a D-Rank evil spirit.

This really shocked Ye Qianxing.

But Ye Qianxing didn't think Ye Chenxi was lying to herself, because it was completely unnecessary.

"Really abnormal."

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but complain.

"Anyone who can join the Dragon Tooth group are all perverts in perverts, including you. You know, half a year ago, you were just a rookie who had just become a Spirit Master."

"It didn't take long for you to grow up to this point. Your metamorphosis is even higher than theirs."

Ye Qianxing gave Ye Qianxing a white glance.

If you want to talk about perverts, this guy is the real pervert, and he is embarrassed to talk about others.

In just half a year, he has grown from a rookie with a Spirit Master to an A-Rank with a Spirit Master and awakened. Even the children of the superpower Heaven's Chosen are also impossible to do.


For Ye Chenxi's evaluation, Ye Qianxing just gave an awkward smile.

In fact, he is not so abnormal, even because part of the Soul Source was sealed, his soul innate talent is extremely low.

If there is no system, he is probably just an ordinary person in the slum area of ​​Jiangnan City, struggling for a good meal.

No, it might even be dead.

It can be said that system changed him and saved him.

Of course, Ye Qianxing's inner thoughts Ye Chenxi didn't know.

"Oh, Chenxi is back, why did you bring an outsider?"

A dull voice sounded, Ye Qianxing looked around, and a man of about 30 years old walked away. Come here.

Perhaps because the members of the Longya team are all from the military, except for Ye Chenxi, the other four members are all strong men.

"Big Brother Long Ao, this is not an outsider."

Ye Chenxi moved towards that guy said with a smile.

"Isn't it an outsider? Is it your boyfriend? Hahaha, sister Chenxi, you are finally looking for a boyfriend. This kid looks young. So you like small meat."

Listening to Ye Chenxi's words, Long Ao was taken aback for a moment, and then he seemed to think of something, said with a laugh.

Ye Qianxing scratched his head. It seemed that the other party had misunderstood, but Ye Chenxi did not react at all.

If you are another woman, you will be shy if you get misunderstood and explain quickly, but Ye Chenxi's personality doesn't care about this at all.

"I think, it's a pity that this kid already has a girlfriend."

Ye Chenxi shrugged and said.

"He is a new member of the Dragon Ya team recruited by my father, Ye Qianxing."

"New member?"

Long Ao hearing this looked towards Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of fiery eyes.

The Longya team hasn't joined fresh blood for a long time, but he is also a little strange. This kid looks soft skin and tender meat, and he doesn't seem to have joined the army at all.

Was it recruited from outside the army?

Although strange, Long Ao didn't think that Ye Qianxing would be a rookie who came in through the back door. The one who was valued by Marshal Ye and recruited into Longya was definitely Peak talent in a certain area.

"I will gather all for Laozi, here is a newcomer!"

Long Ao suddenly opened his throat loudly roared, and the members of the Longya team who were training everywhere quickly moved towards here. Come.

The assembly was completed in just five seconds.

"For the new members, everyone will introduce themselves. I will come first."

"My name is Long Ao, the current leader of the Longya team, but everyone shouted My Long Brother or Big Brother Long Ao, you just call me after them."

Long Ao is self-introduced.

It turns out that he is the leader of the Longya team, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

According to what Ye Chenxi said before, the leader of the Longya team is an ALevel 8 Spirit Master.

You can become an ALevel 8 Spirit Master when you are only thirty years old. No wonder you can become the leader of Longya.

"Hercules, let's introduce yourself from you."

Long Ao moved towards Hercules shouted.

"My name is Zhang Feng, but I basically don't use this name anymore. Just call me Hercules like them. This is also my code name in the army."

Li Shi Zhang Feng said.

Then a middle-aged man beside him spoke up.

"Lengfeng, my code name."

Lengfeng is also a man who looks about thirty years old. Although he is also very strong, he belongs to that kind of strong.

The kind that looks thin and has fleshy clothes.

His eyes are very sharp, and he looks decisive.

"Leng Feng was a killer before joining the army, so he was relatively indifferent. Although he is cold on the surface, he is very emotional. You will understand after getting along with him for a long time."

Ye Chenxi explained to the side.

Ye Qianxing nodded, did not say anything.

Actually, he doesn't think he will have too much overlap with these few. At most, he will have a cooperative relationship when entering the mysterious island to perform missions this time.

Soon it was the last player's turn. Ye Qianxing looked at this person and felt a little familiar.

But he has a bad memory, so he can't remember.

"My name is Shi Hao, you can also call me Stone directly, kid, let's meet again."

Shi Hao moved towards Ye Qianxing and said with a smile.

Ye Qianxing finally remembered when he heard his name.

He did know this person, and he had saved his life.

Ye Qianxing and the others in Spiritual Mountain outside Imperial Capital were blocked by Xiao Kuangben before, and their lives were at stake.

If Shi Hao didn't make a move at the end, I'm afraid he and Xia Xiaoyu and the others would fall there.

Thinking of these, Ye Qianxing moved towards Shi Hao arched his hands.

"Shi Hao big brother, many thanks to your original life-saving grace."

Ye Qianxing is the kind of person who has gratitude and grudges are clear and treats him badly. He will retaliate.

And those who are kind to him will definitely be treated with courtesy.

"You don't have to thank me, the young lady asked me to help you."

Shi Hao shook his head and said.


Ye Qianxing was taken aback, who was the lady he was talking about?

Is it Ye Chenxi?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but look towards Ye Chenxi on the side.

The latter obviously guessed his thoughts and shook his head.

"It's the little girl Qinghan. Since you came to Imperial Capital, she has been paying attention and protecting you secretly."

Ye Chenxi laughed and moved towards Ye Qianxing winking. of.


Hearing this Ye Qianxing can't help but feel a little moved. Is this the feeling of being protected?

"Don't be moved, they have all introduced, should you introduce yourself?"

Ye Chenxi unceremoniously interrupted Ye Qianxing's move.

"Uh, my name is Ye Qianxing. You can call me Qianxing. In fact, I am not a member of the Longya team. I am only affected by the old fox...cough cough, and I will follow you by the marshal Ye. Go to the mysterious island to perform the task."

"After performing this task, I shouldn't be left behind."

Ye Qianxing said.

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