"hmph, I have given you a chance, but you don’t cherish it. No wonder we."


The Hercules voice was very loud, and he took off his tactical vest directly.

Expose the explosive muscles of the whole body.

"Within three moves, I won't defeat you. I lose."

"Let's take the move!"

The Hercules roared, stepped forward and kicked Stepping on the ground, the ground trembled unexpectedly.


The Hercules slammed a punch, and the fist directly broke the air.

Go straight to the Ye Qianxing door.

"Good come!"

Ye Qianxing was not at all nervous when he saw this, but the fighting intent was slow in his eyes.

Do not retreat but advance, and also throw a punch.


"Titan Fist!"

Playing two battle skills at the same time, under several times the strength increase, Ye Qianxing this fist The explosive power reached the extreme.

During the impact, bursts of explosions sounded unexpectedly.


The two fists collided, and a powerful wave of air overflowed from the two.

Even the surrounding tables, chairs and benches were lifted off.


Ye Qianxing stepped back three steps, his right arm felt a little numb.

However, everyone present laughed sarcastically, but their eyes widened.

Because they saw an incredible scene, the Hercules even backed away.

And also took three steps back.

When they collided this time, the two were evenly divided.

"This is the first time I have seen someone who can be equal to a Hercules in strength. Is this... dreaming?"

"This child, not simple."

Long Ao also stared at Ye Qianxing with wide eyes, with a look of disbelief.

It was the first time he saw someone who didn't lose to a strong man because of pure strength.

However, the most unacceptable person is the Hercules himself. The power he has always been proud of does not have the slightest advantage in front of Ye Qianxing.

"Come again!"

The Hercules is loudly roared, he didn't use his full force with the punch just now.

This time, he will use a hundred percent of his power.

He doesn't believe it, Ye Qianxing can still catch it.


The Hercules burst out and punched again.

There is no skill at all, just a single punch.

Innate Divine Strength, he doesn't even bother to practice any battle skills.

For him, dealing with the enemy is a matter of one punch. If one punch fails, then two punches.

"This fist, the formidable power is bigger."

Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes, this time he did not choose to hard-wire, but body flashed, hidden into the gloom.

It is the skill that the shadow will give him, assassination.


Ye Qianxing's sudden disappearance made the Hercules stunned, and subconsciously forcibly closed his fists.

Almost a staggering wrestling.

"Behind him!"

Suddenly, the Hercules seemed to have reacted to something. He turned around and punched him.

The Hercules is also a king of soldiers anyway. Although he likes to use brute force, his response power is not weak at all.

The moment Ye Qianxing disappeared, he realized something was wrong.


The Hercules punched behind him, but at the next moment he felt a stronger force coming.

Suddenly the huge body flew directly backwards, fiercely fell to the ground.


Long Ao, Leng Feng, Shi Hao and Ye Chenxi criticized out in surprise in unison.

The Hercules was knocked into the air. This is definitely the first time they have seen it.

Ye Qianxing also appeared at this time, looking at the strongman with a smile on his face.

Just now he used assassination technique, assassination technique will have twice the explosive power at the moment of assassination.

Coupled with the six-fold increase in battle strength of Titan fist and Cun Jin, that punch directly exploded twelve times the strength of Ye Qianxing itself.

Even the Hercules Innate Divine Strength can't resist.

This is Ye Qianxing's mercy. After all, his assassination technique is suitable for assassination. If he had just used Raeche, then the Hercules was probably dead.

"Do you still need to continue?"

Ye Qianxing asked, everyone looked towards the Hercules.

The latter struggled to get up in silence.

"I am not convinced, but if I lose, I lose. I agree that you will join us in the mission."

The Hercules muttered, Ye Qianxing just won by a sneak attack He, so he refused.

But Ye Qianxing did defeat him anyway, and he had to admit that.

"Then what about you?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards the people of Long Ao again, they looked at each other, and in the end they were all nodded.

"Being able to defeat the Hercules, you are qualified to perform the task with us."

Long Ao said.

Ye Qianxing could see that they were still a little dissatisfied, but he didn't care anymore.

There will be opportunities for them to see their true strength.

"Tomorrow morning, we are going to the mysterious island. Are you going to stay in Longya for one night?" Long Ao asked, and Ye Qianxing shook his head directly.

"I will be there on time tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Ye Qianxing left directly.

The people of Long Ao looked at the silhouette of Ye Qianxing's departure, and waited until the silhouette of Ye Qianxing disappeared in front of them.

"Hercules, what do you think of that kid?"

Long Ao asked suddenly.

"Very strong, his strength is not weaker than mine, and he also knows a lot of battle skills, if it is a life-and-death battle, I have a 50% chance of death."

The Hercules said Your own true thoughts.

Although he was dissatisfied with his mouth before, he knew clearly in his heart that if Ye Qianxing used a spiritual weapon in the previous match, he might be seriously injured if he did not die.

Although there are reasons to underestimate the enemy, there are not so many ifs.

"You won’t be wronged if you lose to him. I haven’t told you about some things. Some time ago, southern my country was attacked by the Spiritual God Sect. He broke into the Spiritual God Sect headquarters alone, which not only prevented it. The conspiracy of the summon Lich King of the spiritual god is to directly behead the spiritual god Sect Lord."

"Such a record, even if it is placed in the dragon teeth, it is absolutely excellent, right?"

Ye Chenxi said, and Long Ao was shocked by hearing this.

"What did you say, he broke into the Spiritual God Cult alone? He prevented Lich King from coming into the world and killed the Spiritual God Sect Lord?"

Especially Long Ao, he couldn't bear it. Exclaimed.

Lingshen taught him that it was a cult in the inhuman organization. Although it can only be regarded as the bottom in terms of battle strength, it is also very powerful.

Long Ao once took over a task of assassinating a high-level spiritual god sect, and he was easily discovered.

Even almost explained there.

He has fought against the spirit god Sect Lord, and he knows the strength of the latter. That is a strong man with ALevel 8 battle strength.

Ye Qianxing was able to kill him, how is this possible?

"Are you sure?"

Long Ao asked in disbelief.

"Of course, my father rewarded him with 100,000 combat exploits for this."

Ye Chenxi said indifferent expression, and the people of Long Ao can only believe it.

After all, they trust Ye Xiaoyao very much.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier that we frigid irony and scorching satire for such a great achievement, really..."

Long Ao gave a wry smile, really wanted to fan Slap yourself.

Ye Qianxing solved the spiritual religion and saved hundreds of millions of people in the southern part of the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is a great contribution, for this kind of people, soldiers like Long Ao are very respected.

But just now they even frigid irony and scorching satire on Ye Qianxing. Isn't this chilling?

"You guys didn't give me a chance to speak."

Ye Chenxi shrugged and said helplessly. Seeing Long Ao and the others seemed to blame themselves, Ye Chenxi was comfortable again.

"Don’t worry, I understand his character, he will certainly not resent you, and, in fact, it’s the same whether he joins the Dragon Ya, he just doesn’t like being restricted for freedom, but if the country really If there is anything that needs him to do, I believe he will do it without hesitation."

"He is no worse than us for his patriotism."

Nothing else, After Ye Qianxing learned of the crisis of the Southern Guard Pass, he did not hesitate to go to help this matter, which can prove that he is still very patriotic.

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