Taixu Torch Dragon also blinked its big eyes, and looked at Remnant Soul curiously.

Apparently, he has the same doubts as Ye Qianxing.

But perhaps because of the natural suppression on the bloodline, Torch Dragon did not have the slightest fear when facing the overlord Remnant Soul.

"Oh, I see, Ba Xia was born to Dragon Clan and Divine Tortoise, so all Dragon Clan can be regarded as the elders of Ba Xia in generation."

Ye Qianxing suddenly guessed something and said.

Domination Remnant Soul hearing this gave Ye Qianxing a glance, nodded.

"Yes, in Dragon Clan, the bloodline is used to establish generations. The bloodline of Old Ancestor is noble in Dragon Clan. It is not an exaggeration to call Old Ancestor."

"Didn't expect that I can still meet Dragon Clan senior before I die. It's dead without regret."

The tone of Remnant Soul is full of relief.

Ye Qianxing suddenly spoke when he rolled his eyes.

"Under the senior, Xiao Taixu has Dragon Clan's powerful bloodline, but because of this, it is very difficult to improve its strength. The world Spiritual Qi is thin and suitable for Dragon Clan. Spiritual medicine is too rare."

"Although the younger generation wants to cultivate Xiaotaixu, they are powerless."

Hearing Ye Qianxing's words, he lived for millions of years. How can Remnant Soul not understand what he means.

But when I think I'm going to die soon, it is better to help Old Ancestor instead of cheapening those who killed him.

"My blood essence contains half of the pure essence of Dragon Clan, which is very suitable for Old Ancestor."

said Remnant Soul.

Next moment, a red light group gushes out from the body of Remnant Soul.

Suspended in front of Taixu Torch Dragon.

The latter smelled the pure Dragon Clan aura in the blood essence, and his eyes flashed suddenly.

Outlet water also began to flow from the corners of the mouth.

From its birth to the present, the spiritual medicine that Ye Qianxing has given it contains only a trace of Dragon Qi, which is not good for it.

Compared with the previous spiritual medicine, the blood essence in front of me is many times more attractive.

"Old Ancestor, please enjoy."

Remnant Soul is still very respectful when facing Taixu Torch Dragon. This comes from the suppression in the depths of the bloodline, even if it is a tyrant Remnant Soul is on the verge of the soul flew away and scattered, and it still cannot be changed.

Tai Xu Torch Dragon hearing this glanced at Ye Qianxing, and after getting the latter’s consent, he opened his mouth and moved towards the blood essence of Na Tuan Baxia and swallowed it.

"Shut up!"

At this moment, the President of the World Exterminating Society finally reacted.

Seeing that the blood essence of Baxia is about to be swallowed by the Torch Dragon of Taixu, it is too late to fear the breath of the dragon on Torch Dragon of Taixu, moving towards this side is rushing.

Ye Qianxing clenched his fists, and must not let the opponent disturb Xiao Taixu's promotion.

However, before Ye Qianxing could do anything, Remnant Soul took a step ahead of him.

"Anyway, this Remnant Soul is about to be broken. Before you die, I will help you again."

Remnant Soul under the control said, Ye Qianxing was taken aback.

Does it have the power to fight again?

"The origin burns, the soul explodes!"

Remnant Soul ignored Ye Qianxing's shock, and a raging flame broke out all over his body.

moved towards The chasing Destroyer Society everyone rushed away.

"Not good, it wants to self-destruct the soul, quickly withdraw!"

The president of the World Destruction Society seemed to have guessed something, his face suddenly changed.

Loudly roared, moved towards dodge beside.

But no matter how fast he is, can he be faster than Remnant Soul?

The burning Remnant Soul turned into an afterimage, which instantly hit the ground.

Suddenly, a terrifying explosion sounded loudly, and as soon as the mushroom cloud rose to the sky, even if Ye Qianxing had been far in advance, the internal organs were still trembling by the afterglow of the explosion.

Even Ye Xiaoyao and Venerable who were fighting in the sky were affected and looked towards there at the same time.

"Damn it, self-destruct Divine Soul, what a lunatic!"

The God Venerable cursed secretly.

Not long after the gunpowder smoke dissipated, a large crater with a depth of tens of meters and a width of tens of meters was already exploded on the ground.

"cough cough ......Pu chi!"

The deep pit is full of the corpses and limbs of the demon.

Only the president of the World Extinction Society survived, but he was also seriously injured and very embarrassed.

"ao wu!"

The sound of a dragon roar suddenly sounded and went straight into the sky.

Everyone's eyes were originally gathered in the deep pit, and they were immediately attracted by the Dragon's roar.

One after another moved towards and looked over there.

"This is...True Dragon!"

The instant Venerable saw Taixu Torch Dragon, his eyes lighted up.

He can clearly feel that Taixu Torch Dragon belongs to the True Dragon clan, and the bloodline of the dragon contained in his body is countless times more pure than that of Domination.

"A Level 5 is now, and the breath is still rising rapidly."

Ye Qianxing is right next to Taixu Torch Dragon, feeling the soaring breath of Xiao Taixu's body, suddenly happiness.

In just a few minutes, Xiao Taixu jumped directly from B9 to ALevel 5.

And this is not over yet, Xiao Taixu's breath is still soaring, and there is no sign of ending.

After thinking about it, he was promoted to A6 again.

"Venerable, the blood essence of the tyrant was swallowed by that dragon!"

The president of the World Destroying Society moved towards the God Venerable shouted.


The God Venerable hearing this complexion changed, and he was immediately angry.

"It's really a waste, it's not enough to succeed and it's more than defeat!"

The God Venerable moved towards the president of the Destroyer Society cursed.

The blood essence of Baxia is gone, and the plan he has planned for a long time is so abandoned.

Although Taixu Torch Dragon's Dragon Clan Bloodline is more refined, but he is being dragged by Ye Xiaoyao at this time, impossible to catch Taixu Torch Dragon.

Moreover, Torch Dragon's breath is soaring now that he is too empty, and even makes him feel jealous.

"Azu, you should give up, evil is overwhelming, you have already lost."

Ye Xiaoyao's mood is exactly the opposite of that of God Venerable, and he is very happy.

Shangshen Venerable looked at Ye Xiaoyao's smile so that his facial features were crowded into a ball, making him even more unhappy.

But he also knows that the general trend is over, and the blood essence of hegemony is gone. His plan this time has completely failed.

"hmph, the blue mountains never grow old and the green waters flow on forever, when I recover, see you next time, you won’t be so lucky."

" And you, kid, I remember you, there is nothing that the deity wants, and there is nothing that you can't get."

The Venerable glared at Ye Qianxing and Taixu Torch Dragon, and let out a cruel word.

Then he stopped staying, and his silhouette flashed away.

Ye Xiaoyao did not chase, even if he catches up with him, it is impossible to defeat the opponent.

a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, not to mention that Venerable was not hurt too badly.

If the battle continues, it is still unknown who wins and loses.

"Venerable, you forgot me!"

The badly injured president of the World Destruction Society saw the god Venerable, regardless of himself, went straight away, and knelt down in despair. .

"hmph, you, the president of the World Destruction Society, have invaded my heavenly kingdom many times and harmed my heavenly people. I will kill you on the spot in the name of Chief Marshal of the heavenly military!"

Ye Xiaoyao looked towards the president of the World Extinction Society, coldly snorted.

Next moment, a thunder without emotion fell from the sky and strikes directly on the president of the World Extinction Association.

The latter was directly chopped into fly ash and dissipated in the air.

The dignified president of the World Extinction Club, just body dies and Dao disappears.

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