"You kid, you have taken the best thing like blood essence, you are still not satisfied. It's really greedy."

"hahaha, each other."

Ye Qianxing said with a laugh, greeted Ye Xiaoyao with a burst of eyes.

But then he seemed to think of something, and his face became serious.

"This Spirit Pet of yours seems to have a lot of origin, is it True Dragon?"

Ye Xiaoyao asked with a serious face.

Ye Qianxing was taken aback for a moment, but after hesitating for a while, he was still nodded and did not hide it.

After all, the too virtual Torch Dragon has been exposed, and there is no use concealing it.

"tsk tsk, I really don't know what you brat is going to do. Dogshit luck, True Dragon, I'm afraid there is only this one for the entire planet, but you got it."

"However, boy, you should know what a True Dragon represents. Such a rare Spirit Pet must not be exposed at will. You must know that an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a criminal."

Ye Xiaoyao asked.

Ye Qianxing certainly knows this.

Prior to this, he had always hidden Xiao Taixu, unless he encountered a major enemy, he rarely summoned Xiao Taixu out.

"You took the blood essence of the tyrant, and broke the good deeds of the God Venerable, he must have hated you, and if he wants to break through, he can only rely on your True Dragon Spirit Pet Now."

"So I suggest that if you don't have to, you'd better not leave the kingdom of heaven, or even leave the Imperial Capital. At least in that piece of land, I can protect you well."


Ye Xiaoyao said, Ye Qianxing also knew what he was saying was from his heart, so he was nodded.

In fact, there is no need for him and he will not leave Imperial Capital.

"Okay, let's go first, Chen Xi and the others still need to go for treatment."

Ye Xiaoyao said.

After a short while, the shuttle landed, leaving the island with Ye Qianxing and the others, and returned to the Imperial Capital.

Ye Chenxi, Long Ao and the others were taken to the military hospital for treatment, while Ye Qianxing separated from them and went to the courtyard where they had rented before.

However, when he arrived at the courtyard, Ye Qianxing found that the place was deserted and no one lived.

"I almost forgot, Zhou Lang often stayed in the awakened league to study the sword dao. Yueyue and Tira should have been to the romantic couple's world. Xiao Yu would definitely not live here alone."

Ye Qianxing slapped his head. Now their five little friends have their own lives, and they can't stay together as often as before.

Xia Xiaoyu is not in the courtyard, this point should also be impossible in the Academy.

Then it is only possible that it is in Beiming Family, after all, it is her home.

Ye Qianxing did not stay in the courtyard for a long time, so he moved towards Beiming Family directly.

In a short while, he arrived at Beiming Family.

Since the Beiming Family escaped from the crisis, Bei Mingzhen has also begun to be extravagant, and the mansion has been renovated.

Today's Beiming Family can be regarded as splendorous and majestic, at least in appearance, it is no different from Ten Great Aristocratic Families.

"Ye Shao."

When they saw Ye Qianxing, the two guards in front of the gate of the North Hades hurriedly shouted respectfully.

Obviously, I have already remembered Ye Qianxing's appearance.

"en. ”

Ye Qianxing moved towards their nodded, and directly entered the mansion.

In the lobby, Bei Mingzhen, Ming Yue, and Xia Xiaoyu are sitting opposite each other, seeming to be arguing about something.

Look at their expressions, it seems something is wrong.

"Xiao Yu."

Ye Qianxing yelled, Xia Xiaoyu hearing this, and when she saw Ye Qianxing, her face was suddenly happy.

"Brother Brother Xing."

Xia Xiaoyu got up and walked directly to Ye Qianxing. Seeing that Ye Qianxing was not injured, he was sighed in relief.

Bei Mingzhen and Mingyue said hello when they saw Ye Qianxing also nodded to him.

However, Ye Qianxing can see some hesitations and stops from the expressions of the two, which is suddenly a little strange.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

Ye Qianxing asked.

Bei Mingzhen and Mingyue looked at each other, and finally Mingyue sighed and said.

"Qianxing, I want to tell you something, but before I say it, I hope you can calm down after listening."

Seeing their seriousness, Ye Qianxing frowned.

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

"Say it."

Ye Qianxing said solemnly.

"Huh, not long ago, the Lord of the country made an order to let Xiaoyu marry Eldest Prince Ji Dong."


Ye Qianxing's heart beat suddenly as soon as he said this.

The country's main decree? Let Xiaoyu marry Ji Dong?


Ye Qianxing basically said this sentence through gritted teeth.

If you want to say what feelings he has for Xia Xiaoyu, it is very obvious that he loves Xia Xiaoyu.

It’s just that he kept avoiding talking, because he was afraid that he would not be able to give Xia Xiaoyu happiness.

But this does not mean that he can watch Xia Xiaoyu become someone else's woman.

Said that he is selfish or overbearing, but this is Ye Qianxing's true thoughts.

Although he was angry, he still suppressed it forcibly.

He wants to know the entire process of development.

"I heard that Eldest Prince took the initiative to ask the lord to marry him. Eldest Prince is the lord’s favorite prince, and also the number one candidate of the crown prince. It is natural for the lord to accept such a small condition as a concubine. I won't refuse."

"Although there is no official decree, it is probably the past few days."

This time Bei Mingzhen spoke.

When Bei Mingzhen heard this news, he did not react for a while.

If it were before this, of course he would be very happy.

After all, if your daughter can marry Eldest Prince, then the crisis of Beiming Family can also be lifted.

But now he has learned that Ye Qianxing is what his daughter really loves.

And the crisis of Beiming Family was also relieved because of Ye Qianxing, and he owed Ye Qianxing a favor.

That's why I struggled.

"So, what did you plan for?"

Ye Qianxing solemnly asked, he still wanted to see what the Bei Mingzhen couple meant.

Whether to choose to rely on Eldest Prince, or choose to resist the purpose.

"Brother Brother Xing, I will not agree, I love you from the beginning to the end."

Without waiting for the Beimingzhen couple to speak, Xia Xiaoyu hurriedly spoke. Said.

She is very afraid that Ye Qianxing will have a gap with herself because of this incident.

After hearing Xia Xiaoyu's statement, Ye Qianxing's gloomy face finally looked better.

Of course he knows Xia Xiaoyu's feelings for him, but he is not sure what the Bei Mingzhen family thinks.

See Ye Qianxing looked towards themselves, Bei Mingzhen and Ming Yue looked at each other.

Mingyue finally spoke up.

"Of course we respect our daughter's thoughts. Whoever she likes, we let her marry. Of course, it also depends on whether the person she likes is worthy of her liking."

"Ye Qianxing, as far as I know, Xiao Yu has confessed to you more than once, but you have avoided talking about it. Now that this incident has happened, I also want to ask clearly, what is your plan for Xiao Yu? ."

"You can make a real statement here. If you really love her, then I have nothing to say, but if you still choose to avoid talking, then don’t blame us for it. She has made a decision."

Mingyue strongly opened the mouth and said.

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