"So, what do you mean, you want me to fight for the Kingdom of Heaven when the time comes, to overpower that foreign junior, and to gain the favor of the country lord, then this matter can be resolved?"

Ye Qianxing quickly understood the meaning of Bei Mingzhen.

"But what if the country's lord has arranged someone to deal with those foreigners?"

Ye Qianxing asked his doubts.

"I've inquired about this. The lord of the country is worrying about this matter recently. I heard that the junior innate talent brought by foreign envoys is very high, and the other party seems to be prepared long ago. I am afraid that the younger generation of our celestial dynasty It’s difficult to deal with."

"But you are also very strong, many times stronger than the so-called Heaven's Chosen in our country, I don’t know how many times stronger, I must be able to fight them."

Bei Mingzhen said.

Ye Qianxing hearing this nodded, as far as he knows, the younger generation of the Tian Dynasty is really not very strong.

In this way, this may indeed be a way.

"That's all there is to it, right, when is the birthday?"

"Three days later."

It's late at night, Ye Qianxing doesn't have it After leaving North Hades, he planned to live in North Hades for the past three days.

However, Ye Qianxing still did not share the same room with Xia Xiaoyu. On the one hand, he was still annoying the country's main decree, and on the other hand, Bei Mingzhen and his wife did not allow it.

In their words, unless the two go to court and get married and become true fathers, they must never go beyond the thunder pool.

Ye Qianxing is not the kind of animal that only knows how to think in the lower body, so he didn't force it, although he knew that as long as he proposed it, Xia Xiaoyu would definitely not refuse.

During these three days, Ye Qianxing didn't use it for cultivation, but accompanied Xia Xiaoyu throughout the entire Imperial Capital.

Before they played together, but then they were friends, but now they are lovers.

Although the person has not changed, the place has not changed, but the feeling and mentality have been different.

These three days were Ye Qianxing's happiest three days. He abandoned everything and the pressure was suddenly reduced by 70%.

Unfortunately, happy time is always short.

Three days passed in a flash, and on this day, it was also the busiest day in the entire Imperial Capital city.

Because today is the birthday of the country's lord, the whole country celebrates.

The 60th birthday of Heavenly Kingdom Lord Ji Tianzi was grandly held in the Imperial Palace. A hundred civil and military officials and nobles, as long as the family power ranks in the Imperial Capital, will basically come to celebrate.

In the eyes of the common people, rare treasure, which is extremely valuable, is now piled up in the Imperial Palace like rubbish.

these all are birthday gifts from guests.

The Imperial Palace great hall of gold and jade in glorious splendor is very lively with singing and dancing.

Ye Qianxing followed the Beiming Family members to the guest seat.

Today's Beiming Family family can be said to be well-established, even if it is placed in the Ten Great Aristocratic Families, it is absolutely famous.

So I was directly placed in the upper seat, closer to the country's lord.

This is also a status symbol.

The only people who can sit here are Ten Great Aristocratic Families, Spirit Master Association, Educator Association, Awakened Alliance, and some senior officials ranked in Grade 1.

And ordinary first-class families are at the end of the line.

As for those quasi-first-rate and second-rate families, they don't know where they are being squeezed.

"It's very luxurious, it seems that the position of the lord of the country is quite comfortable."

Ye Qianxing looked at the table full of delicacies from mountains and seas, and the beauty on the stage. If the dancer of Heavenly Immortal, tsk tsk sighed.

In those barren places of the Heavenly Kingdom, hundreds of millions or even billions of civilians can't get enough to eat. Everyday all is living for the next meal.

In some border areas with harsh environments, the warriors who guard the country are still suffering from cold and starvation.

But here...

"Hush, sincerely, if your words are heard by someone with a heart, then it will be troublesome."

Bei Ming Zhen heard Ye Qianxing's complaints, the complexion changed, and hurriedly covered his mouth.

Companion to a monarch is like a companion tiger. The lord of the country is angry at heaven falls and earth rends. If the lord of the country blames him, it is very likely that the nine races will be affected.

Ye Qianxing pulled away Bei Mingzhen's hand with a helpless look on his face.

There is nothing more to say.

He is not afraid of the country's lord, the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes, and he can run at the worst.

Heaven and Earth is big, does he really think he is the Sovereign of the entire Earth?

But Bei Mingzhen is different. He has a whole family under him, so he must be careful no matter what he does.

"Is that a foreign envoy?"

Ye Qianxing glanced around, and soon discovered that there were a group of unique-looking people in an area.

Golden hair, blue eyes, pale skin and three-dimensional facial features, as well as the clothing that is obviously different from the heavenly kingdom.

All show their identity.

Ye Qianxing in the past did not have the innate talent to control the Spirit Master, so he liked to read books when he was fine, especially the ancient book before the new era.

It introduces the characteristics of foreigners from the West.

"Yes, they are the empire from the western continent that the sun never sets. The position of the empire in the west is equivalent to the position of our celestial kingdom in the east. However, there was a rumors in the world that the empire of the celestial kingdom It is the most powerful country in the world, and it is very dissatisfied with the imperial empire."

"I guess I want to take this opportunity to face our celestial dynasty."

Zhen explained to Ye Qianxing.

"How does the national power of the empire that never set the sun compare to that of the Heavenly Kingdom?" Ye Qianxing asked curiously.

"Well...In terms of comprehensive national power, our celestial kingdom should be better, but the sun never sets empire is rapidly rising, I heard that their younger generation has produced a lot of ruthless, but our celestial dynasty is self-proclaimed ."

"If this continues, when the next generation, I am afraid that my position in the Yangyang Dynasty will not be preserved."

Bei Mingzhen sighed, now the Lord of the Heavenly Kingdom, Ji Tianzi, Compared with previous generations, the ability is much worse.

While Ye Qianxing and Bei Mingzhen were talking about major events in these countries, a person suddenly stood up at the banquet.

"Your Majesty, singing, dancing and dancing is really boring. It is no longer a peaceful era. Evil spirits are spreading all over the world, threatening the survival of mankind. Although it has become plain now, we are also Shouldn't you be prepared for danger in times of peace?"

It is not someone else who is speaking, but one of the envoys from the Empire that never sets.

"Impudent, how can you wait for the barbarians to get involved in the affairs of the great power of my celestial kingdom?"

"What a courage, is your Majesty your Majesty who you deserve to blame?"

The imperial envoys tone barely fell when the sun never sets, and the ministers angrily scolded.

But the envoy had obviously anticipated this a long time ago, and he didn't panic, with a plain face.

"Faithful advice, I remember this is an old saying from your celestial kingdom, I believe that Emperor Ji Your Majesty is not the kind of person who only likes to listen to flattery, right?"

The ministers hearing this were even more furious. Just when he wanted to speak, Tianzi Ji raised his hand to stop them.

"The widow wants to ask, what should you do if you don't think singing and dancing are good?"

Ji Tianzi asked, his expression is very calm, but Ye Qianxing can see it in his eyes That trace of killing intent.

Obviously, he is already angry.

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