"Which Heaven's Chosen is willing to play for the celestial dynasty?"

Tianzi Ji was also upset when he saw the arrogant Dragon Knight in the sky, said solemnly.

"Imperial Father, my son is willing to accept the challenge!"

Ji Tianzi tone barely fell, and a person stood beside him.

Ye Qianxing looked at that person and browsed slightly raise, that person is not someone else, it is Eldest Prince Ji Dong.

"I heard that Eldest Prince's innate talent is so high that he ranks first among the younger generation in the awakened league."

Bei Mingzhen said.

Although Ye Qianxing is uncomfortable with Ji Dong, he has to admit that Ji Dong's strength is indeed good.

But it is only good, and the three Dragon Knights opposite are not general.

"use a cleaver to kill a chicken, why should Eldest Prince go out in person to deal with these barbarians? Your Majesty, the ministers are willing to come first and kill their spirit!"

Just as Ji Dong stood up, another person stood up not far below.

He is also a young man, but Ye Qianxing does not know him.

"Is the Dugu Family's Dugu Family, I heard that the innate talent is also very high, ranking first in the Imperial Capital Academy Hidden Dragon List."

Bei Mingzhen gave Ye Qianxing introduced.

The Dugu Family is the most powerful among the Ten Great Aristocratic Families, and also cultivated a descendant of the first Hidden Dragon List. Before that, Bei Mingzhen was very envious.

Ye Qianxing glanced at that Du Guyi, and quickly took it back.

Hidden Dragon List He knows that, in fact, he also has a position in the Hidden Dragon List, which seems to be the top ten. He forgot the specific number.

In his opinion, the Hidden Dragon List is too high in moisture, so he doesn't care.

"A1 level Spirit Master, barely good."

Ye Qianxing said casually.

"Level A1? This guy actually broke through. I heard that he was Level B9 last month."

Bei Ming slapped and said, suddenly realizing something, Looked towards Ye Qianxing with a look of doubt.

"Eh, no, Duguyi doesn't have summon Spirit Pet yet, how do you know he is A-Rank?"

Ye Qianxing blinked, just as he didn't hear it. He can't say that he saw it through the system.

"Okay, Duguyi, then it's up to you to play this First Stage. If you win, the widow will reward you."

Ji Tianzi nodded to Duguyi with satisfaction and decided to say.

Ji Dong did not insist, he knew he would have a mobile phone meeting.

Duguyi walked to the Martial Practice Stage and looked up towards the Dragon Knight.

"Imperial Capital Academy Hidden Dragon List is number one, Duguyi, I asked for advice."

said Duguyi cup one fist in the other hand.

Even if he is unhappy with these foreign envoys, the question of etiquette is still indispensable.

"Hidden Dragon List, I have heard that it gathers almost all the geniuses of your heavenly dynasty."

said Dragon Knight in the sky.

Dugu Yihearing this face showed an arrogant color, and the number one on the Hidden Dragon List has always been his proudest.

But just when he was about to speak and show off, the Dragon Knight in the sky spoke again.

"If the rumors are true, then the younger generation of your celestial dynasty is really terrible."

hearing this Duguyi's proud expression changed drastically in an instant, turning green.

"What do you mean!"

"Hehe, you, as the top of the Hidden Dragon List, don't know if you want to immediately bring Spirit Pet summon out during battle? If I want, You don’t have the chance of summon, you will be killed by me immediately."

"A rookie like you can be at the top of the list. It seems that you, the so-called Hidden Dragon List, have enough moisture."

Dragon Knight said rudely, this not only offended Du Guyi alone, but also cursed all the younger generation of the Heavenly Kingdom.

Ji Tianzi's face was also gloomy at this time, and he greeted Duguyi's family in his heart.

The imposing manner was suppressed before the fight started, and it is estimated that there will be no improvement in the future.

This is the first battle, and it's very important, it's about his face.

"hmph, it's just that you barbarians don't understand etiquette."

Du Guyi retorted with a grimace.

"Etiquette? Life or etiquette, which one do you think is more important? No wonder it is said that the heavens are mostly pedantic, as expected."

Dragon Knight's tone became even more disdainful.

Du Guyi's retort instantly turned into a stone to his own foot.

Just when he was going to continue to rebut, Ji Tianzi couldn't help it anymore.

"Let's start fighting."

Ji Tianzi suppressed his anger as much as possible and spoke calmly.

It's just that the anger in his eyes was still caught by Duguyi.

The latter was heart trembled, knowing that Your Majesty was very dissatisfied with him, and hurriedly closed his mouth, made fingerprints and opened the contract Space Gate.

Next moment, his Spirit Pet walked out.

That is an earth-yellow strange creature, Ye Qianxing doesn't know it.

But this has no effect. The system's eyes are opened, and soon the other party's information appears in his mind.

Spirit Pet: Bimeng Beast

attribute: Earth Element

Rating: 4-Star level

Level: A1

Ability: the power of the earth spirit, able to control the Earth Element combat

Weakness: Plants

Conditions for promotion:...

Evolution route:... …

Note: The beast is not a terrestrial species, it comes from another world

No wonder Ye Qianxing doesn’t know this kind of Spirit Pet, it turns out to be a species from another world.

"You can control the Earth Element, but its opponent is wyvern, which can fly. It's not easy."

Ye Qianxing shook his head, already foreseeing the ending of Du Gu Yi.

"Beimeng beast, defeat them!"

Du Guyi loudly shouted, and Beimong beast behind him suddenly roared.

The ground began to tremble, equivalent to the level of a Level 4 earthquake.

Du Guyi knew that if he didn't want to be hated by Emperor Ji, he could only do his best to defeat that Dragon Knight.

"Strange species, but it is about to lose."

The Dragon Knight sneered in the air touched Wyvern's head.

The latter opened his mouth wide, and a raging flame burst out.

"Beimeng beast, defense!"

Duguyi shouted, and Beimeng beast hammered the ground with both fists and a wall of soil burst out loudly.

The turbulent flame strikes on the earth wall, and the earth wall is instantly burned to dust and scattered on the ground.

The power of the fire wave disappeared, directly obliterating the beast.

"What, it can't stop even a second?"

When Duguyi saw the complexion changed, he didn't worry too much.

The defense of Bimengmon is still very strong.

Sure enough, the flames quickly dissipated, and the silhouette of the Bemon Beast appeared in front of everyone.

It turned out that an earth-yellow shield appeared around the beast, blocking the flame.

"Earth Protection?"

Ye Qianxing looked at this familiar shield, Zhou Lang's Xiaoba also had this skill.

The skill of Earth Protection is more common, basically anyone who understands Earth Element.

Although common, but the ability is not small, as long as the foot is on the ground, the defensive power of the ground shield is still very strong.

"My little green is just yawning, are you so embarrassed?"

Dragon Knight in the sky disdainful.

Du Guyi's face was gloomy, and he obviously could see that the beast was still suffering from the battle against Wyvern.

Not to mention, the opponent's level seems to be higher than that of Meng Beast.

"Next, I will take it seriously. In one minute, I will solve the battle."

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