"In this case, it is better for the minister to be respectful."

"Speaking of which, the minister does have something to do with Your Majesty."

Ye Qianxing saluted.

"What's the matter, let's talk."

Ji Tianzi waved his hand.

Today he is very happy, even if Ye Qianxing proposes to be a high official, he will agree without the slightest hesitation.

"The minister has a childhood sweethearts, right here, the minister would like to ask Your Majesty to give the minister the marriage."

"Gift the marriage?"

Listen At the reward Ye Qianxing wanted, Emperor Ji was taken aback.

"It's that simple?"

"Yes, I hope Your Majesty can agree."

Ye Qianxing nodded.

"Hahaha, of course it’s okay, but I don’t know which woman is so lucky and can be seen by you. You said she was here just now? Call it out and have a look."

said Emperor Ji.

Ye Qianxing looked towards Beiming’s Aristocratic Family, Xia Xiaoyu was there at this time, and when she saw Ye Qianxing’s eyes, her face was slightly red, she was very nervous.

"Go, success and failure, it depends on this time."

Mingyue patted Xia Xiaoyu's shoulder to cheer her on.

"en. ”

Xia Xiaoyu nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and walked out and came to Ye Qianxing's side.

Ye Qianxing gave Xia Xiaoyu a fond look, then turned his head and looked towards Tianzi Ji.

"Your Majesty, what the minister wants to marry is the Treasured Young Lady of Beiming Aristocratic Family, Xia Xiaoyu, please also Your Majesty to give you the marriage."

Ye Qianxing cup one fist in the other hand said.


However, Ji Tianzi, who had been smiling before, turned his smile back.

Not only him, but the surrounding guests are also talking softly.

Obviously, Ji Dong once asked Ji Tianzi to marry him and Xia Xiaoyu, these people also knew about it.

"Ye Qianxing, you still have to make other requests, even if you want a reward of ten thousand dollars or a high-ranking official and nobleman, you can give it to you."

Ji Tianzi said solemnly.

"No, Your Majesty, the minister only has this condition."

Ye Qianxing said firmly, Ji Tianzi's face sank.

Obviously, Ye Qianxing refuted him in public when he was very upset.

But anyway, Ye Qianxing just helped a lot just now, even though he was a little unhappy, he couldn't show it.

So Ji Tianzi smiled as much as possible and said.

"Ye Qianxing, it’s not that the widow doesn’t want to marry him, but the widow has promised Ji Dong some time ago to give him the marriage, and the object is Xia Xiaoyu beside you."

" monarch does not go back on his words, if you make a promise, you can't break your promise."

"Your Majesty, since monarch does not go back on his words, you can't break your words, then you just promised the minister, you can let the minister Is it necessary to violate the promise of putting forward conditions?"


Ye Qianxing's words caused an uproar immediately.

Whether it is words or questioning tone, this is a great disrespect to Your Majesty.

If you change to someone else and dare to talk to Ji Tianzi like this, I'm afraid you will be put to death immediately.

"Ai, Qianxing is still too anxious, he should speak well."

Bei Mingzhen is also anxious, for fear that Tianzi Ji will convict Ye Qianxing in anger. .

Tianzi Ji is indeed very angry. Since he became the lord of the country, this is the first time anyone has ever met someone who dared to talk to him like this.

But Ye Qianxing's words are not crude. If he dares to treat Ye Qianxing at this time, he will probably provoke abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal.

So it is decided that Tianzi Ji is very angry and can only endure it.

You can't even directly reject Ye Qianxing's conditions.

"Huh, what you said is right, the widow did promise you, but also promised Ji Dong, you can’t break your promise to both of you."

"Why not, When Ji Dong wakes up, the widow will have a good talk with him, and I will give you an answer when the time comes."

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