"Huh, it seems that this time there is really a big trouble."

After walking out of Bei Hades, Ye Qianxing took a long breath.

At this moment, he is aimless and doesn't know where to go.

Siheyuan? There is no one there anymore.

Awakened alliance? Forget it, there is no place worthy of nostalgia.

"Ye Qianxing."

As Ye Qianxing was walking aimlessly on the street, a familiar voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Ye Qianxing turned around and took a look.

"Sister Chenxi?"

"I am Ye Qinghan."

The person who came was Ye Xiaoyao's daughter, Ye Qinghan.

It's just that she looks exactly the same as Ye Chenxi. Ye Qianxing fought side by side with Ye Chenxi before, so she subconsciously thought it was her.

But in fact, a closer look reveals the difference.

Ye Qinghan behaves very cold and reserved all the year round, while Ye Chenxi is the opposite, smiling at all times.

From this point, they can be distinguished.

"Uh, sorry, I made a mistake."

Ye Qianxing apologized.

"Father wants to see you."

Ye Qinghan still spoke very briefly.

"Old fox is looking for me?"

Ye Qianxing is slightly taken aback, what is he looking for himself at this time?

Is it helping yourself?

"Let's go."

Although he is puzzled, Ye Qianxing still trusts Ye Xiaoyao.

So directly followed Ye Qinghan to Marshall Mansion.

When he came to the study, Ye Xiaoyao was still examining and approving documents.

"Father, Ye Qianxing brought it."

"Well, you go down first."

Ye Xiaoyao raised his head and laughed at Ye Qianxing first. Then he said to Ye Qinghan.

The latter left without saying anything.

"Hehe, Ye Xiaoyao, I haven’t seen a reputation for a few days but I’m known as Imperial Capital. Now you are the hero of our heavenly kingdom."

Ye Xiaoyao said with a laugh .

Ye Qianxing couldn't help being sneaked upon hearing the three words "big hero".

This name is now full of irony in his heart.

"Why are you looking for me?"

Ye Qianxing asked directly.

"Of course it is a good thing. Didn't you say that you want to divide the treasures on the islands into 50%?"

Ye Xiaoyao said, hearing the word treasure, Ye Qianxing's eyes suddenly Just shine.

"The search is over so soon?"

"Of course, my efficiency is leveraged. This is the treasure list. Take a look."

Ye Xiaoyao handed a small book to Ye Qianxing.

The small book has about ten pages, densely packed with the name of treasure.

Including but not limited to spiritual medicine, minerals, etc., arranged according to the quality of treasure from front to back.

On the first page are some seven-star immortal grade spiritual medicine, more than ten plants.

As for Legendary Grade spiritual medicine, there are more, close to a hundred.

"I didn't make any small movements, these all are real."

Ye Xiaoyao said.

Ye Qianxing nodded, there are so many good things, even if you write less, you can't miss too much.

In half, Ye Qianxing can also make a lot of money.

"What about things?"

"No, here."

Ye Xiaoyao directly threw a ring to Ye Qianxing.

"The spiritual outfit of the space system?"

Ye Qianxing looked at it, and sure enough, there is a large space of hundreds of square meters in the ring.

"The quality of this space ring is not low, ten Legendary Grade spiritual medicine plus one immortal grade spiritual medicine, how about selling it to you?"

Ye Xiaoyao chuckled, Ye Qianxing directly He glanced at him in vain.

Take out the treasure from the storage ring with one sweep, and put it into your own portable space.

Just kidding, Young Master is someone who belongs to Spirit Pet.

Would you like a storage ring of 100 square meters?

"On this matter? I'll leave if there is nothing else."

With that, Ye Qianxing got up and prepared to leave.

Ye Xiaoyao hurriedly stopped him.

"Fuck, you brat, why are you leaving in such a hurry? I still have something to do."

"If you have anything to say."

Ye Qianxing impatiently Said.

Ye Xiaoyao's expression suddenly became serious.

"I already know about Your Majesty's marriage to Eldest Prince, do you...have no plans?"

Ye Qianxing hearing this narrowed his eyes, but immediately stopped. stand up.

A calm face.

"Your Majesty gifted marriage, what can I plan? Can I still resist the decree? I haven't lived enough."

"Che, you brat's character I don't Understand? It’s about your beloved woman, so it’s impossible."

"If I guess it’s right, the reason why you were willing to fight the Dragon Knights of the empire that never sets in the sun is just for this. Something?"

Ye Xiaoyao said directly.

I have to say that he really knows Ye Qianxing very well.

"What can I do if I don’t? I’m just a trifling civilian. Even if I contribute to the country, it’s not Your Majesty what I want."

Ye Qianxing sneered.

"The resentment is quite big, night boy, we don’t have to talk secretly. This is indeed something that Your Majesty did wrong. Based on what I know about you, you will never Let's just leave it, should you want to make a big fuss?"

Ye Xiaoyao sighed.

Ye Qianxing's heart moved, but didn't expect Ye Xiaoyao to know him so well.

I can even guess what I think in my heart.

"So, you are here to dissuade me? If I am not obedient, you will solve me for Ji Tianzi?"

Ye Qianxing narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Ye Xiaozi, is Lao Tzu like this in your heart!"

Who knows that Ye Qianxing's question directly made Ye Xiaoyao angry.

Ye Xiaoyao's performance made Ye Qianxing stunned.

"old fox..."

"Ai, night boy, you grew up when I watched you, and I treat you as my nephew."

Ye Xiaoyao seems to be much older at this moment.

But Ye Qianxing was taken aback, watching me grow up?

Didn’t I only meet him when I joined the Xiaoyao mercenary group two years ago?

"old fox, what do you mean?"

"Actually, my father and you are old acquaintances. Before he left, he specially asked me to look after you, but he couldn't expose you. Identity, so I can only put you in the orphanage, and I, hidden in Jiangnan City, secretly follow you."

"So, it is not an exaggeration to say that I grew up watching you. "

Ye Xiaoyao is amazing.

Ye Qianxing is body trembled, his father?

Does he have a father? Isn't he an orphan?

"old fox..."

Ye Qianxing just wanted to ask, but Ye Xiaoyao raised his hand to stop him.

"I know you want to ask me about your father, but I can't tell you right now, at least until you really become stronger, I can't tell you."

"This... …It’s also for your good."

"Huh, ok, I won’t ask."

Ye Qianxing took a long breath, but what he said was something that did not come from Ye Xiaoyao. Expected.

In theory, shouldn't Ye Qianxing keep asking about his father?

Ye Xiaoyao has even figured out the reason for her refusal, so he didn't expect it anymore.

In fact, Ye Qianxing also wanted to know the identity of his father, but he knew that Ye Xiaoyao would definitely not tell him.

It’s better not to ask.

At least, he already knows now that someone knows his father's identity.

So, as long as you become stronger, you will know the news of father sooner or later.

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