Above the sky, a golden shadow passes by, it is the golden wings divine sculpture.

"Damn, that Dog Emperor is really stubborn. Didn't he just kill one of his sons? As for the chasing after him?"

Jin Lao Tucao said, at this time behind him There are no less than ten chasing soldiers.

I have been chasing them for several hours without stopping. If it weren't for the Golden Wings Divine Eagle with Ancient Divine Beast bloodline, it would be impossible to hold it.

However, those chasing soldiers didn't dare to get too close, fearing that Mr. Jin would get rid of them.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help but twitch his mouth as he listened to Jin Lao's spit.

Didn't he just kill one of his sons? The vengeance of murder is not worth mentioning in Jin Lao's mouth.

But Ye Qianxing can guess that the death of Ji Dong is just one of the reasons why Tianzi Ji insists on hunting him down. The most important thing is the coveted Torch Dragon.

"hmph, if it weren't for those old farts, with my violent temper, there would be no need to escape."

Old Jin coldly snorted and said.

"Master, does the Imperial court still have a presence that makes you afraid?"

Ye Qianxing heard what Jin Lao said, complexion changed.

He always thought that Mr. Jin was standing in the cream of the crop. He didn't expect to be afraid of him.

But if Tianzi Ji has such a powerful battle strength in his hands, why hasn't it been released?

"It's not a jealousy. You still underestimate the Imperial Family. Ji Family can inform the Heavenly Kingdom for hundreds of years. There must be some background. As far as I know, it is in the forbidden area of ​​the Imperial Palace. There are just a few old monsters of the Imperial Family hidden."

"Perhaps I am not afraid of individual strength, but if there are more, I am still somewhat dreaded when we shoot together."

Old Jin explained.

"Then why they have not appeared?"

Ye Qianxing asked again in doubt.

"Haha, how can it appear so easily? They are all said to be old monsters. They are not far away. They only use the secret technique to save their life force. One shot is a great loss for them. "

"Unless there is a danger of extinction, or the current leader is in danger, otherwise they are impossible to take action."

"disciple, fortunately you didn't have any brains to get rid of Ji Tianzi. And solve it, otherwise we might not be chased by these weak chickens."

Old Jin replied, Ye Qianxing hearing this wiped a cold sweat, thanking himself for holding it back.

"But it’s not a good thing to be chased like this all the time, good disciple, I’ll find a chance later and I will lead them away, and then you leave the kingdom of heaven, how far you can run, and wait until you have enough strength. I just came back to take revenge."

said Mr. Jin.

"Master, I..."

Ye Qianxing just wanted to refuse, and Mr. Jin had already guessed what he said next.

Waved his hand and said.

"I know you are worried about me, but in fact, without you holding back, I can have a smooth flow in the heavens."

Ye Qianxing hearing this was moved, but the corners of his mouth twitched .

Although I know that you are persuading me, this is not polite.

"Okay, it's so decided. Before we part, what do you want to ask me?"

Jin Lao said, but after a while, Ye Qianxing said Still did not speak.

Mr. Jin suddenly became a little confused.

"What's the matter, you don't have anything to ask me? For example, are you not curious about your father?"

"Curious, but you definitely don't Will tell me that I have asked Uncle Ye before, and he said that I am too weak to know too much."

Ye Qianxing shrugged helplessly and said.

"Uncle Ye? Are you talking about Ye Xiaoyao's old fox?"

Jin Lao asked.

Ye Qianxing nodded, it seems that I got the nickname old fox for Ye Xiaoyao before.

"The old fox must be afraid that you know it will affect your heart, and I am afraid that you are eager to cultivation, aiming too high."

Jin Lao Cai said with curled lips.

"Then you are not afraid that I will be affected after I know the identity of father?"

"Fear of a ball, if you are affected because of this, then you are not worthy of me Disciple, even less worthy of his son."

Old Jin said with wide eyes, his personality is very different from Ye Xiaoyao.

The attitude towards Ye Qianxing is different, but one thing is the same, that is, it is for Ye Qianxing's good.

It’s just a different way of expression.

"Then what do you mean, are you willing to tell me?"

Ye Qianxing's eyes lit up, and he was a little excited.

It is false to say that you are not curious about your own life experience, but Ye Qianxing has been holding it in his heart all the time.

The answer is right now, and of course he is impossible indifferent.

"Of course, I can tell you what you want to know."

Mr. Jin took out a cigarette stick from nowhere, and fiercely took a sip.

Then spit out a burst of smoke.

"What are my parents' names?"

Ye Qianxing hurriedly asked.

"Your father is called Night Blade. As for your mother... I don't know, because until now I see your father alone with you."

said Mr. Jin .

"Night Blade..."

Ye Qianxing murmured, and a familiar but unfamiliar silhouette appeared in his mind.

But it was just an outline, because the existence of the seal in Soul Source made him unable to remember the specific appearance of father at all.

"By the way, do you still carry the identity token of the awakened alliance?"

Jin Lao asked suddenly, as if he was thinking of something.

Identity token?

Ye Qianxing hearing this froze for a moment, and then hurriedly took out the identity token.

On the back, a middle-aged man is carved.

"You guessed right, this is what your father looks like. The awakened alliance is actually created by your father. He is a very mysterious person."

After a few puffs of cigarettes, his eyes were erratic, and he seemed to be lost in memory.

It took two minutes for him to finally tell the story of Ye Qianxing father back then.

"It should be eighteen years ago, or twenty years ago. I forgot to know the details. Your father suddenly appeared without warning, and no one can find out his past, like It’s the same as appear out of thin air."

"When he appeared, the Heavenly Dynasty was in a special period. He suffered a strong attack from the alliance of Eastern Continent and the interference of the inhuman organization. That attack, the Heavenly Dynasty Weak and retreat steadily, and were directly beaten into the Imperial Capital."

"The danger of annihilating the country is right in front of you. In an emergency, your father appeared. He by the strength of oneself, directly The army of the invading nations was expelled, and the inhuman organization was also greatly injured at that time, otherwise the Heavenly Kingdom would have been impossible to be so peaceful in the past ten years."

"After helping the Heavenly Kingdom to resolve the crisis, your father rejected the situation at the time. The Lord of the country rewards, but only finds a group of people for special training. This group of people is the original awakened. I, Ma Baoguo, and the older generation in the awakened alliance are all those people."

Before that, we didn’t even know that humans themselves can have powers as good as evil spirits, not only awakened, but your father also taught us a lot about controlling Spirit Master and Spirit Pet, precisely because of you father, I The strength of the celestial dynasty is equivalent to directly ahead of other countries for several decades......"

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