Looking at this scene with a flat expression on the face of Millennial, it was obvious that he had already expected it.

"I agree with General Ida's statement that Queen Your Majesty, after all, is young and is not suitable for the administration of state affairs."

"The minister reconsidered."

"The minister believes that it should be up to Ida As the acting general, you govern the country, and our Great Solar Empire will surely be able to flourish and become the most powerful country on the planet."

People are also representatives of the Yamaguchi group.

Today's identity is the Great General of the Sun Nation Army.

Even if you are looking for someone to replace the leader of the country, it is impossible to choose randomly, and you must be from the Imperial Court.

And the official position cannot be too low, so the representative of Ida Jiro was selected.

As soon as Ida Jiro finished speaking, the officials below stood and agreed one after another.

In fact, this time it is only a superficial form, there is no suspense at all.

In their view, the millennium has no probability of a comeback.

"Since everyone thinks I am..."

Just as Ida Jiro was about to speak, a silhouette suddenly stood up.

"I don't agree!"

That is an official at a lower position. The later you stand, the smaller the official position.

"Our country has always been based on bloodline inheritance. The Millennium Queen is the only one who owns the bloodline of the royal family. The lord of the country must be his. Ida Jiro, if you dare to usurp the lord of the country, Aren't you afraid of being struck by thunder!"

The official directly moved towards Jingtian Jiro and cursed.

Ida Jiro's face was as usual, obviously he had expected it a long time ago.

He knows very well that there are still some people in the Imperial Court who are loyal to the royal family. He said that in public this time, and one of the reasons was to elicit those princes.

Then cut weeds and eliminate the roots.

"What you said is wrong. Although our country emphasizes bloodline inheritance, it should take the essence of traditional culture and eliminate the dross instead of copying it."

"Millennium" The queen is too young to force her to manage the country. Wouldn’t it be embarrassing for her, and it’s also detrimental to the country. The choice of the monarch should be done by someone with the ability."

"This is for the country." , Is responsible to the people."

Jiro Ida spoke a series of different things, obviously he had already thought of his words.

"hmph, Ida Jiro, I don’t want to hear you say so many high-sounding words that the monarch must be inherited by bloodline. This is the rule left by Old Ancestor and cannot be tampered with!"

" If this is the case for you, what face will you have to meet Old Ancestor in a hundred years?"

The officials directly moved towards the great hall accused him.

Some of the officials present suddenly raised their eyes, and they themselves didn't really want to support Ida Jiro.

After accepting so many years of loyalty to the emperor, it is difficult for them to change. If it were not for the coercion and temptation of the Yamaguchi group, they would be impossible to do so.

Now that the official has been accused by that official, their hearts have floated a little again.

Ida Jiro obviously noticed this too, frowning suddenly.

"hmph, stubborn thinking will only slow down our country's development speed, come here, pull this chaotic country out, beheaded to show the public!"

Ida Jiro angrily said.

tone barely fell, two fully armed soldiers walked up to the hall and pulled the official out.

"Jiro Ida, if you dare to usurp the throne, you will suffer Heavenly Retribution!"

When he was pulled down, the official was still shouting loudly.

Seeing the officials being dragged down, they will be beheaded immediately.

Those officials with floating thoughts were suddenly scared into cold sweat.

How they don’t know, Jiro Ida’s move is killing the chicken to warn the monkey.

If they dare to refute, they will end up like that official.

"Everyone, is there anything else you want to refute? If you have something to say, I like to listen to other people's suggestions and opinions."

Ida Jiro's face recovered Normal, as if nothing just happened.

This time, no one stood up to resist.

Ida Jiro once again looked towards the Cabinet Prime Minister Kazuo Miyamoto who was sitting on the opposite side. Seeing that the latter was squinting, there was nothing to express, and the corners of his mouth lifted and smiled with success.

"Since no one opposes, then I declare here that I am the lord of the country..."

Ida Jiro smiled slightly and wants to announce.


However, just halfway through the conversation, two dark shadows suddenly flew into the great hall and fiercely fell to the ground.

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