In the Pavilion of Pines, there is silence at this time.

Kazuo Miyamoto closed his eyes and thought, Ye Qianxing's complexion was flat, but Ida Jiro was very nervous.

Because he can't afford to gamble, once Miyamoto chooses to support the millennium, all the efforts of their Yamaguchi team will be wasted.

Although he said just now that the Yamaguchi team will do their best to launch an offense, it is actually so easy.

The Yamaguchi group is not in the hands of his Iida family. There are pro-fighters and masters, and there are even other families who are not willing to let Ida Jiro be the head of the country.

If it were not for the Ida family to be the most powerful in the Yamaguchi Formation, Jiro Ida would not be the agent of the country.

If the battle starts, the Yamaguchi team is not one mind, and does not raise at all.

For Ida Jiro, Miyamoto Kazuo seemed to have been thinking about it for a century.

I was suffering. I don’t know how long it took. Just when Ida Jiro was about to be unable to support it, Kazuo Miyamoto finally opened his eyes.

Suddenly everyone except Ye Qianxing focused on him.

"With a word of yours, I can't determine who I should trust, so let me post a task, and which one of you can complete, I will choose to support whom."

Moto Kazuo finally spoke.

Ye Qianxing brows slightly wrinkle, Kazuo Miyamoto did not directly choose to support the Millennium, which was somewhat unexpected.

It seems that Kazuo Miyamoto is still too cautious.

"What task?"

Ida Jiro hurriedly asked.

As long as Kazuo Miyamoto does not directly state that he supports the Millennium.

"There is a small town called Shizuoka Prefecture in the southern part of Honshu Island. There is a large volcano near Shizuoka Prefecture called Mt. Fuji. Mt. Fuji was supposed to be an extinct volcano, but it has appeared frequently recently. It is a sign of a volcanic eruption."

"You all know that Mount Fuji is nothing but an extinct volcano, but it turns out to be an active volcano for unknown reasons. The lava contained in it is too rich. , Once an outbreak occurs, not only Shizuoka Prefecture, but the surrounding small cities will not be spared."

"I have sent everyone to investigate before, but almost no one can come back. Just one day ago, there was finally One came back alive, but only one breath remained. From his intermittent words, we can only draw a speculative conclusion, that is..."

"The reason for the outbreak of Mount Fuji is very It may be related to evil spirits!"

Kazuo Miyamoto said in one breath.

He is indeed a good official loyal to the country and the people, and he attaches great importance to such threats to the people.

But he really has nothing to do with the Mount Fuji volcanic eruption incident. Instead, he can hand it over to the two parties. While solving the problem of Mount Fuji, it can also run for the final sovereign and avoid a war.

"Who of you two can investigate the truth about Mt. Fuji's transformation from an extinct volcano to an active volcano, and resolve this matter and prevent the eruption of the volcano, I will choose which one to support."

said Kazuo Miyamoto.

Ida Jiro heard of the words browse frowned, Miyamoto Kazuo bluntly said that he sent many people to investigate, but in the end only one half-dead person returned.

This shows that this matter is very tricky.

But being tricky is not a bad thing, the more tricky, the harder it is to complete, and the better it is for him.

Because he does not need Kazuo Miyamoto's support, he only needs Kazuo Miyamoto not support Millennium.

The harder the task, the smaller the probability that Millennium and Ye Qianxing will complete.

And all he needs to do is to stop and interfere with Ye Qianxing.

Millennium looked towards Ye Qianxing, because she has only one hope now.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, let Millennium feel at ease.

Although the current process is a bit beyond his expectations, it doesn't matter.

At least Kazuo Miyamoto has given them a chance now.

"Okay, we take this task."

Ye Qianxing's voice was loud.

"Well, the relevant departments predict that Mount Fuji will erupt in seven days. I hope you can do it. When the time comes, you have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. You are the great hero of the Sun Country. the time comes Not only I support you, but the people of the Sun Country will support you."

Ye Qianxing promised so happy, it made Miyamoto Kazuo very satisfied.

Ye Qianxing can become an S-Rank Spirit Master at such a young age, which in itself is a miracle.

So Kazuo Miyamoto felt that Ye Qianxing is very likely to create another miracle and save hundreds of thousands of lives.

"It doesn't take seven days, three days is enough."

Ye Qianxing smiled confidently, took Millennium's hand and walked out of the Pine Pavilion under the crowd.

Erbaiwu followed them, and the people around felt the terrifying aura exuding Erbaiwu's body, let alone blocking them, they didn't dare to come close.

"Jiro Ida, why are you staying here? Don't you send someone to stop them? You know, if they can do it, I will support Millennium without reservation."

"The plan that your Iida family has planned for so long will be shattered."

Kazuo Miyamoto looked at Ida Jiro and said that he actually didn't have a cold for Ida Jiro.

And he also knows that once the Jingtian family is in control of the government, he will definitely find a way to weaken his power.

But he doesn't care, he has no ambitions, only for the country and the people.

"Then I will retire."

Ida Jiro is still afraid to cast aside all considerations for face with Kazuo Miyamoto, so he respectfully salutes and takes his minions. Left quickly.

He has to quickly arrange manpower to deal with Ye Qianxing.

"Night, are you really going so soon? Don't you want to prepare?"

In the Imperial Study Room, Qianxi heard Ye Qianxing say that he would set off immediately, and couldn’t help but feel a little worried. .

She doesn't know everything. She has heard about Mount Fuji. The volcano is a very dangerous place. Although she knows Ye Qianxing is very difficult to deal with, she still can't help but worry.

"The sooner the matter is resolved, the better, don't worry, I will definitely help you keep the queen's position."

Ye Qianxing said with a smile on his face.

"No, safety first, do what you can. I just want you to come back safely. As for the position of the queen, don't worry."

Millennium shook his head again and again.

She is unwilling to give up her position as queen, just because she is unwilling to waste the efforts of father and her ancestors.

But if Ye Qianxing's safety is to be used as a price, she would rather give up.

"Well, I will definitely come back safely."

Ye Qianxing solemnly nodded, and snapped his fingers.

Soon, the shadow will appear from the darkness.

"After I leave, you are responsible for protecting the personal safety of Millennium."

Ye Qianxing said to the shadow general, who was slightly nodded.

Ye Qianxing knew that his order was a death order to the movie director, so he didn't worry too much.

There is a shadow general, Millennium It shouldn't be too dangerous, even if the Jingtian family sends a stronger Spirit Pet, the shadow general can guarantee the Millennium life safety.

Enough to support Ye Qianxing's return.

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