Kazuo Miyamoto did send someone to check, and the final answer was that the active volcano was dormant and it became an extinct volcano again.

Upon hearing this news, Kazuo Miyamoto finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Those cities around Mount Fuji have been spared the disaster of death.

Hundreds of thousands of lives and tens of billions of economic lives have been saved.

I also respect Ye Qianxing a lot.

"cough cough."

Kazuo Miyamoto stood up suddenly and looked at the civil and military officials below.

The officials who were still discussing spiritedly suddenly fell silent.

"I declare that starting from today, I support Millennium to sit as the queen. Anyone who dares to oppose the Queen of Millennium will be punished with treason!"

Kazuo Miyamoto spoke domineeringly, and the officials who belonged to the lineage of Kazuo Miyamoto stood up at the same time, expressing their support for the Millennium Queen.

Kazuo Miyamoto's influence in the court is greater than Jiro Ida, and the officials belonging to his this lineage directly reached 2/3/2022.

The remaining one third officials were originally not too loyal to Ida Jiro, but now that the situation is over, they are thinking about standing up again.

"Queen Millennium is the bloodline of the royal family, inheriting the throne of the country, and she deserves her name."

As the first Jiro Ida lineage officials stepped forward and chose to support Qian Queen Jubilee, more and more officials have come forward.

"The minister agrees."

"The minister also thinks so..."

Seeing that all the party members who were originally themselves betrayed themselves, Ida Jiro His face became more and more gloomy.

I also know that the general situation is over, unless you choose to forcefully kill the king to seize the throne.

As the last official stepped forward to express his stance, all civil and military officials all stood on the side of the millennium.

Ye Qianxing watched this scene with a smile, obviously already in his expectation.

"General Ida, how about you?"

Kazuo Miyamoto stood up and looked towards Ida Jiro coldly.

Ida Jiro's mouth twitched, trying his best to endure it.

"Since the succession of the millennial queen to the throne of the country is expected, the ministers naturally have no opinion."

Ida Jiro said solemnly, knowing that the matter has reached this level, there is no objection used.

"General Jingtian really understands the general situation. In this case, we can also understand the difficulties of General Jingtian. You are already old, and you should return to your hometown and live forever."

" So, I beg you to hand over the right to send troops."

Ye Qianxing stood up suddenly and said with a smile.

Ida Jiro is hearing this, his body tensed, his fists clenched.

Are you going to seize his military power so soon? Although it was difficult for him to rebel even if he had control of the military.

But Ye Qianxing's move still made him feel uncomfortable.

"What thing are you, do you also have the right to let me hand over the talisman?"

Ida Jiro coldly said.

"What Ye said is what I think. His words are my words."

Millennium said at the right time.

Ida Jiro's eyes widened and stared at the millennium.

I didn't expect Little Lass, who had hairs not even grown yet, dare to talk like that.

Millennium was body trembled by Jiro Ida, but then his shoulder was pinched by a warm hand.

Suddenly, the sense of fear disappeared completely.

When there is night, why should I be afraid?

"Why, don't you listen to what I said?"

Millennium is coldly snorted, with Ye Qianxing as the backer, she is not afraid.

Seeing such a tough millennium, Ida Jiro was rather shocked.

He squeezed his fist, his nails got stuck in the flesh, but in the end he held it back.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you this soldier talisman!"

"Just, don't know if you can get it?"

Ida Jiro Show cold light and take out a token from his waist.


Millennium frowned, called an old Court Eunuch to get the soldier's amulet.

Court Eunuch was scared, but he still walked towards Ida Jiro.

"General Ida, don't blame the old slave, the old slave is just obedient..."


The old Court Eunuch just arrived In front of Jiro Ida, before he finished speaking, his body sounded peng sound.

It burst!

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