Ye Qianxing had already noticed Heavenly Dog, and when he saw him attacking him, the corners of his mouth went straight.

The reason why Heavenly Dog was not selected, apart from the lack of Spirit Pets, is also due to another reason that Ye Qianxing deliberately did it.

To be precise, he picked Heavenly Dog.

To the enemy, Ye Qianxing is by no means a generous person, and even he is very obsessive.

Heavenly Dog almost let him fall and took his body. He hasn't forgotten this hatred.

"Boy, take it to death!"

Heavenly Dog grinned, revealing an even tooth.

This smile is very permeating.

"Night, be careful!"

The millennium on the side couldn't help cred out in surprise, and stood in front of Ye Qianxing.

She doesn't know how strong Ye Qianxing is now, but she has seen the power of Heavenly Dog.

So the millennium subconsciously wanted to block the attack of Heavenly Dog for Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing didn't expect Millennium would stand in front of him, too late to stop him.

Even the forthcoming attack stopped.

"Pu chi!"

With only a sound of pu chi, Heavenly Dog's sharp-edged claw penetrated directly into the abdomen of Millennium.

"You are courting death!"

Ye Qianxing burst out a stern light in his eyes, roared, and directly crossed the Millennium, moved towards Heavenly Dog punched out.

The fist is covered with a layer of azure flame, which is Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

Ye Qianxing inherits all the abilities of the Immortal Flame Soul, and naturally also includes the right to use Qinglian Earth Core Fire.


Heavenly Dog originally grinned and made a piercing laugh, and the face changed immediately at the next moment.

Ye Qianxing punches too fast, and the azure flame covered on the fist is extremely hot.

Heavenly Dog feels incredibly hot before he touches it.

It's a pity that he reacted too slowly. As soon as he realized that something was wrong, Ye Qianxing's fist hit his face.


Ye Qianxing's huge strength directly smashed Heavenly Dog a few meters away.

Qinglian Earth Core Fire ignited when it touched it, and Heavenly Dog kept rolling and covering his face on the ground, trying to extinguish the flame.

It is a pity that the tenaciousness of Qinglian Earth Core Fire is so easy to extinguish?

"Sister Ruoxi, save people."

Ye Qianxing moved towards Lin Ruoxi shouted, and then moved towards Heavenly Dog directly.

His eyes are red, as if he is about to enter a tyrannical state.

But at this moment, the blood in Ye Qianxing's eyes suddenly faded and turned into a surging fighting intent.

It is the passive skill that the immortal flame soul bestows on him, surging fighting intent.

When he enters a combat state, it will be triggered automatically.

Ye Qianxing in a tyrannical state, although battle strength may increase sharply, it is extremely risky.

Because his consciousness was affected by the tyrannical aura at that time, it was possible to do anything, such as directly turning on the reverse scale last layer and then self-destructing and dying.

Fortunately, the surging fighting intent is a passive skill that can autonomously detect whether Ye Qianxing has entered a fighting state, and then trigger it autonomously.

When Lin Ruoxi heard Ye Qianxing's shout, she came to Qianxi's side and injected her with Life Power.

Fortunately, Millennium didn't hurt the key points, and received timely treatment, the wound quickly healed.

It’s just that although the wound has healed, the pain is still real. Millennial’s face and lips turned pale at this moment. At that moment, she even felt the coming of Death God.

"Qianxing's battle, don't insert it casually at the end, otherwise it will only drag him down."

Lin Ruoxi said to Millennium, her tone a little uncomfortable.

She has an inexplicable hostility towards Millennium, and she does not know why this feeling exists for Millennium.

Anyway, she dislikes this millennium very much.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Millennium was frightened by Lin Ruoxi's tone, and said with his head down.

Lin Ruoxi was only coldly snorted, and did not continue to say anything cruel to Millennium, but continued to join the battle.

Ye Qianxing, with the blessing of fighting intent, his physical fitness has reached the peak state.

Flip his hand, Lei Qijian suddenly appeared in his hand.


A bolt of lightning moved towards the Heavenly Dog that was rolling on the ground.

Heavenly Dog is also the evil spirit of S-Rank anyway, feeling the crisis, enduring the burning pain, turning over and avoiding the lightning attack.

But Ye Qianxing had already expected it, a dodge appeared beside Heavenly Dog, and a foot fiercely stepped on him.

The huge force directly pressed half of Heavenly Dog's body into the ground.


Ye Qianxing didn't say anything harsh, because at this time his state was the purest combat state.

Don't bother to speak at all.

Holding the Thunder Sword moved towards Heavenly Dog, the back of the heart is suddenly stabbed.

But at this moment, Heavenly Dog's head suddenly rotated one hundred and eighty degrees strangely, and looked at Ye Qianxing.

His two eyes are like two black holes at this time, as if to swallow Ye Qianxing's soul.

Heavenly Dog is a ghost spirit, and spirit strength attack is his strong point.

Seeing Ye Qianxing was recruited, Heavenly Dog smiled evilly, and stretched out the sharp claw to pierce the chest moved towards Ye Qianxing directly.

"jié jié jié, you will still die on my hands after all!"

Heavenly Dog gave a wicked smile, but his wicked smile froze at the next moment.

The sharp claw pierced Ye Qianxing's chest, but there was no blood splattering as imagined.

Instead, there was a metal clink.

Heavenly Dog just felt like he was stuck on a steel plate.

No, even steel plates can penetrate with the sharpness of his sharp claw. Ye Qianxing's skin is countless times harder than steel plates.

It is estimated that even if the missile hits him, it will not necessarily break his defense.

"How is it possible!"

Heavenly Dog made an incredulous cry. Because of his surprise, he made a mistake in his attack on Ye Qianxing's spirit strength.

Ye Qianxing came back to his senses directly.

Seeing Heavenly Dog's sharp claw stabbing himself, Ye Qianxing couldn't help but sweat.

I was still a bit arrogant, ignoring that the weakness of the soul was my own flaw, and almost fell for it.

Fortunately, he is already SLevel 5, and the Indestructible Vajra Body can completely resist the attack of Heavenly Dog.

If he were to change to a SLevel 8 evil spirit like Nine-Tailed Monster Fox, he might not be able to resist.


Ye Qianxing yelled, and the Leiqi sword that reached in midair fell again.

This time, he directly pierced Heavenly Dog's body.

Thunder Sword burst out a burst of thunder, instantly destroying Heavenly Dog's body from the inside.


An illusory shadow flew out from the body of Heavenly Dog, and then quickly moved towards the outside and ran away.

But Ye Qianxing is faster, he directly waved his hand and shot a black flame.

Strikes directly on the illusory shadow.


The hellfire swallowed the illusory shadow and burned, and suddenly there was a scream of infiltration.

This voice penetrates directly into people's souls, so it seems even more permeating.

This illusory shadow is the soul of Heavenly Dog, as well as his body.

If the soul is immortal, Heavenly Dog will not die.

Unfortunately, since Ye Qianxing has decided to kill him, he will never hesitate.

If One Doesn't Cut The Grass At Its Roots, Then The Spring Breeze Will Blow And Give Life To It Once More, Ye Qianxing still understands this truth.

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