"Chancellor, Cabinet Prime Minister Kazuo Miyamoto, visit Queen Your Majesty, may Queen Your Majesty flood of good fortune fills the heavens."

Standing in front of Hundred Officials, Kazuo Miyamoto moved towards Millennium knelt down to pray.

Upon seeing this, the other hundred officials followed suit.

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, from now on, the queen of the millennium is firmly seated.

Next, it only takes time for the millennium to learn how to be a competent queen.

Ye Qianxing still needs to stay in the country of the sun for a while, but it can assist the millennium, so that she can completely gain a foothold in the country of the sun and become an eternal empress.


"Mr. Ye, these all are treasures obtained from the Jingtian family ransacking their home."

A few days later, when Ye Qianxing was resting in the room, There was a sound of moving things outside the courtyard.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly went out to see, only to see that there was a lot of extra things in his yard at this time, including jewelry, gold, artifact spirit medicine.

"The assets of the Jingtian family, why do you take it to me?"

Ye Qianxing questioned.

"Mr. Night, this is the will of Queen Your Majesty."

"She said that the Ida family has hundreds of years of history, and the treasures stored are not even less than the national treasury, and there may be What you need, so let me bring it to you first."

A little Court Eunuch said respectfully.

hearing this Ye Qianxing nodded, indeed, in this pile of treasures, there are many high-quality spiritual medicines alone.

Ye Qianxing scanned it at will, and he saw no less than ten Legendary Grade spiritual medicines, even immortal grade spiritual medicine.

"Okay, thank Millennium for me."

Ye Qianxing nodded, it's not a fake and polite, said moved towards Little Court Eunuch.

Then he moved towards the treasure pile, and after careful selection, Ye Qianxing only left a small part of spiritual medicine.

However, the value of this small part of spiritual medicine can definitely reach seven or eight tenths of the total value of all treasures.

After all, what can be seen by Ye Qianxing, how can it be a mortal thing?

In the next time, Ye Qianxing not only refines medicine and cultivates Spirit Pet, but also assists Millennium.

Millennium is a smart girl with a strong learning ability.

Although Ye Qianxing doesn't know much about political affairs, the Imperial court is also assisted by the loyal veteran Kazuo Miyamoto. Ye Qianxing's role is basically to shock.

Let those who have different intentions dare not move.

With the help of Ye Qianxing and Kazuo Miyamoto, the Yamaguchi Formation's power in the Sun Country is getting weaker and weaker.

Even under the intention of Millennium, the senior members of the Yamaguchi team changed to her.

In this way, you can not only master a Great Influence, but also allow the Yamaguchi Group and the cabinet to restrict each other.

Yes, although Kazuo Miyamoto is very loyal, Millennium does trust him.

But Kazuo Miyamoto is old, and no one can guarantee whether after Kazuo Miyamoto, the prime minister of Uchigami will still be loyal to the royal family.

Ye Qianxing is very supportive of what Millennium has done.

The national major event cannot be dominated by personal emotions, and cannot allow a Great Influence to thrive because of the loyalty of Kazuo Miyamoto.

Ye Qianxing is very pleased that Millennium has this consideration.

This shows that the millennium is basically on the right track.

Two years have passed in a flash.

In fact, Millennium has completely taken the throne a year and a half ago.

So for the next six months, Ye Qianxing basically wandered in the country of the sun.

With the help of the treasure hunting compass, Ye Qianxing enters those forbidden places from time to time to find treasure.

Although there have been several crises, they have all been resolved.

The result of his hard work is that he has found many rare treasures and his strength has greatly increased.

Vajra, Xiaokun, Erbaiwu, Xiao Taixu, and Lin Ruoxi have all successfully stepped into SLevel 8 one after another, but the progress of Eternal Flame Soul is not fast.

In order to upgrade the unbreakable flame soul, it needs to devour flames.

And the general flame is not good, the flame quality must at least reach the earth fire, that is, the flame that is evaluated as 4-Star level or higher by the system.

In the past six months, Ye Qianxing also accidentally obtained more than a dozen earth fire-level ghost fires in the death forest, and only then promoted the immortal flame soul to the S7 level.

"It's been two years, it's time to go back, Xiao Yu, Uncle Ye, Master...you are waiting for me."

Ye Qianxing burst into light in his eyes.

"There is also Ji Tianzi, you Dog Emperor, Young Master is going back, wash your neck and wait for me!"

Even if two years have passed, Ye Qianxing faces Ji The emperor's hatred has not diminished in the slightest.

It's even getting stronger.

If it weren't for him, why should I leave my hometown for two years?

If it wasn't for him, why should I be separated from her for two years.

"I don't know how Xiaoyu and the others have been in the past two years, but with the protection of Uncle Ye, it shouldn't be something for Beiming Family, right?"

Ye Qianxing looked up The stars in the sky, sighed.

I don’t know whether Xia Xiaoyu at this time is also somewhere far away, just like herself, looking up at the stars?

Ye Qianxing got up for a moment.

What's the use if you want more, so I might as well just go back.

Now that I have become stronger, I am fully qualified to return to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Face the emperor Ji.

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