I don’t know if it was the boy deliberately or the place the boy said was really hard to find. He took Ye Qianxing around for more than half an hour before finally arriving.

This is an abandoned house. The gate is covered with spider web and dust. It looks like it hasn't lived in more than ten years.

The young man looked around for a while, trying to make sure there was no one nearby.

"Don't watch it, no one is following."

Ye Qianxing said, there was indeed someone followed on the way, but he secretly solved it.

In terms of concealed stalking assassination, Ye Qianxing is called second. It is estimated that no one in the world would dare to call first.

"Well, but it's better to be more cautious."

The boy confirmed it several times before he felt relieved.

He considers himself a competent person. Since he has received the money, he must do what his employer says.

As the employer said, he must be more cautious if he cannot let anyone except Ye Qianxing accident know about this.

The boy stepped forward and knocked on the door regularly, and after about five minutes, the door finally opened.

"Mr. Ye, I will take you here."

The boy bowed to Ye Qianxing, and then left.

Ye Qianxing did not stop him, and walked straight into the gate.

A familiar shadow soon appeared in front of Ye Qianxing. Is it Ye Qinghan?

No, it should be Ye Chenxi, because she is wearing fiery-red clothes and Ye Qinghan doesn't like bright colors.

"Qianxing, you are finally back."

Ye Chenxi looked at Ye Qianxing, with complex colors in her eyes.

Ye Qianxing didn't want to talk about the old at this time, so he asked directly.

"Where's Uncle Ye?"

"You come with me."

Ye Chenxi sighed and led Ye Qianxing to a house.

There was no one in the house, but after Ye Chenxi's operation, a door suddenly appeared on the wall.

Ye Chenxi took the lead in walking in, followed by Ye Qianxing, after passing a dark corridor, they entered a secret room.

As soon as he entered the secret room, Ye Qianxing saw several familiar faces.

Uncle Ye Ye Xiaoyao, Jin Lao Jin Chengwu, Ye Qinghan, and some members of the Longya team.

Ye Qianxing saw Ye Xiaoyao lying on the bed at a glance, seeming to have suffered serious injuries.

"Smelly brat, you finally came back."

When Mr. Jin saw Ye Qianxing, tears could not help but burst into his turbid eyes.

It has been two years, and there has been no news of Ye Qianxing for two years. He is really worried.

Several members of the Longya team followed Ye Qianxing to greet each other one after another. Ye Xiaoyao was originally resting. He woke up when he heard Ye Qianxing's name.

"Ye Xiaozi, it's really good that you are still alive, cough cough..."

Ye Xiaoyao got excited when he saw Ye Qianxing, and hurriedly wanted to get up.

But it caused injuries and kept coughing.

Ye Qinghan hurriedly held him on the side.

"Uncle Ye, be careful."

Ye Qianxing also hurried forward to help Ye Xiaoyao pat on the back.

His cough has improved a lot.

Before this, he thought that Ye Xiaoyao betrayed him, leading to the destruction of the Beiming Family.

But now it was discovered that not only did they hide in the underground chamber like mice, but Ye Xiaoyao was seriously injured.

Ye Qianxing knew that he blamed them.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly released Lin Ruoxi and asked her to quickly treat Ye Xiaoyao.

"The five internal organs have suffered a lot of damage. If it hadn't been supported by spiritual medicine, I wouldn't stick to it now."

Lin Ruoxi frowned said.

But this injury is nothing to her, as long as she is not dead, she is sure to heal it.

Under Lin Ruoxi's Life Power treatment, Ye Xiaoyao's injury quickly recovered, and his pale face quickly turned ruddy.

"What a rich Life Power, the fluctuation of this breath should have reached SLevel 8, right?"

Mr. Jin looked at Lin Ruoxi in shock. He is awakened and can feel it. The breath on Lin Ruoxi's body fluctuated.

Absolutely reached the late stage of S-Rank.

"Well, Sister Ruoxi is already at SLevel 8. Even if her vitality has just been cut off, she can help her continue her life."

"So Uncle Ye's injury is not It will be a big problem."

Ye Qianxing said directly without concealing it.

"Well, it seems that you have also had a lot of fortuitous encounters in the past two years. Looking at your own breath fluctuations, you should have reached the late stage of S-Rank, right?"

" It's about S7-level Peak level."

Ye Qianxing said, the immortal flame soul is already S7-level, and he can share all the strength of the immortal flame soul.

In addition to sharing some of the power of several other Spirit Pets, it is no exaggeration to say that it is an S7-level Peak.

Hearing what Ye Qianxing said, Mr. Jin was nodded with satisfaction.

In just two years, he has risen from A-Rank to S-Rank, which shows the high innate talent of Ye Qianxing.

But he also knows that this is also inseparable from Ye Qianxing's efforts.

During the conversation, Ye Xiaoyao had recovered his bits and pieces under Lin Ruoxi's treatment.

Lin Ruoxi also treated Ye Xiaoyao's Spirit Pet by the way.

His Spirit Pet heavenly thunder ancestral lion was injured more seriously, but because of its powerful bloodline and physique, coupled with the cultivation in the contract space, it was able to persist until now.

Ye Qianxing is very puzzled. With the strength of Ye Xiaoyao and the Heavenly Thunder ancestor, it is definitely the top five in the world.

How could such a strong person be injured like this?

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