"Brother Xing, Brother Xing!"

This young man is Ye Qianxing. He asked Ye Xiaoyao and Jin Lao to come forward to attract everyone's attention.

Then he concealed himself, sneaked onto the execution platform secretly, and rescued Xia Xiaoyu.

At this time, Ye Qianxing and Xia Xiaoyu looked at each other. Ye Qianxing looked at Xia Xiaoyu's pale face and almost desperate eyes, feeling like being crossed by ten thousand swords.


After Xia Xiaoyu saw Ye Qianxing, the dull and unlovable face finally reappeared.

Two lines of clear tears flowed from the corner of Xia Xiaoyu's eyes.

At this moment, she finally no longer despaired, she was no longer in love.

Ye Qianxing is back, and she has the motivation to continue to live again.

"Xiao Yu, I'm sorry, you have suffered these days, Brother Qianxing is back, you will be fine."

Ye Qianxing gently wiped the face of Xia Xiaoyu Tears, but my heart hurts even more.

He has never felt the warmth of home, so he can't empathize with Xia Xiaoyu's current sadness.

But when he saw Xia Xiaoyu weeping, especially when he recalled Xia Xiaoyu's desperate eyes before, he felt a tingling pain in his heart.

He secretly vowed in the heart that he would never let this beloved woman in front of him suffer any more harm.

"Brother Brother Xing, father is dead, mother is also dead, all my relatives are dead, they were killed in front of my eyes, they died because of me, wu wu wu......"

Xia Xiaoyu finally couldn't help it, hugged Ye Qianxing, and burst into tears.

She vented all the sadness in the past few months, crying is indeed the best way to vent.

Ye Qianxing hugged Xia Xiaoyu, and every word of the latter made his killing intent soaring by a point.

The beast of Tianzi Ji allowed Xia Xiaoyu to watch Bei Mingzhen, Mingyue, and more than a hundred members of the Beiming Family beheaded.

What a blow to Xia Xiaoyu should this be? This made Xia Xiaoyu more painful to be alive than to die.

Killing people but nodding their heads, why punish people's desires?

Ji Tianzi's behavior has completely detonated Ye Qianxing's inner gunpowder keg.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry, I am here. I will avenge Uncle Aunt's grudges. I will kill the murderers with my own hands to sacrifice their spirits in the sky!"

Ye Qianxing His eyes became red, the gunpowder barrel was detonated, and he slowly fell into a tyrannical state.

"Sister Ruoxi, help me take care of her."

Ye Qianxing summon Lin Ruoxi out and exhorted.

Seeing Ye Qianxing's tendency to fall into a tyrannical state again, Lin Ruoxi hurriedly prepared to cast a spell to relieve him.

But Ye Qianxing stopped him and refused.

"Sister Ruoxi, don't help me this time, I want to be really crazy once!"

Ye Qianxing gritted his teeth and said, the red color in his eyes became more and more intense. It seemed to be bleeding.

Suddenly, he suddenly turned his head and looked towards Ji Tianzi.

The killing intent and baleful aura in their eyes pointed directly at Ji Tianzi, scared him to sit on the Dragon Throne, terrified.

"You, damn it!"

Ye Qianxing roared, and the roar went straight into the sky.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or something, the cloud above the sky that was facing Ye Qianxing actually dispersed.

"Guardian! Guardian!"

Tianzi Ji was terrified and shouted.

The surrounding guards hurriedly blocked Ji Tianzi behind him, and the latter relaxed a little.

But he still did not dare to look at Ye Qianxing.

"Ma Baoguo, what are you doing in a daze, take it!"

Ji Tianzi roared.

Just as Ji Tianzi's voice fell, in a corner below the execution platform, a black robed man suddenly lifted the black robe on his body, leaping forward, moved towards Ye above the execution platform Kill Qianxing.

This person is no one else, but the Alliance Leader of the Awakened Alliance, the strongest generation of Tai Chi Grandmaster in the Heavenly Kingdom, and Ma Baoguo.

"Zhuzi, eat the old man and a lightning whip with pine cones and bullet beans!"

Ma Baoguo loudly shouted, using the Absolute Art in the qi technique of the effusion, lightning five consecutive whips .

The two arms seemed to have become two whips at this moment, and moved towards Ye Qianxing flew away in anger.

However, as soon as Ma Baoguo approached Ye Qianxing, he saw the latter suddenly turn around and let it go in an imposing manner.

With this imposing manner, even Ma Baoguo felt lingering fear.

"reverse scale 2nd layer, come!"


Ye Qianxing's breath soared, with a rapid speed, the attack on Ma Baoguo has not yet hit When it reached him, he first struck Ma Baoguo's abdomen with his fist strikes.


Ma Baoguo groaned, his stomach acid was spit out, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

But soon his two arms were caught by Ye Qianxing.


Ye Qianxing slammed hard, Ma Baoguo's arms twisted suddenly, making the sound of bone cracks.


Ma Baoguo just screamed like a pig, and Ye Qianxing struck his right eye again.

This time Ma Baoguo flew out without hindrance, fiercely fell to the ground.

At this time, his arms were twisted, and his right eye became a panda eye.

"S-Rank Peak, you are despicable."

"Youngster does not speak martial arts, dare to sneak attack, I advise you, rat...tail juice."

Ma Baoguo only had time to put down a ruthless word, and fell unwillingly.

The dignified generation of Hunyuan Taiji Grandmaster was defeated, and it was still defeated by a youngster who was less than twenty years old.

This matter will quickly heat up and become people’s after-dinner talk.

[The author has something to say]

I don’t know if you are believing or not. When the author wrote about Xia Xiaoyu in this chapter, my mood was a little fluctuating, and I almost cried, and I didn’t know it. What's going on, and I don’t have the feeling of the first time when I read it again and again. I don’t know how to describe this feeling, and I don’t know if you will have it when you watch it. For this reason, I hurriedly wrote the slogan of Ma Baoguo Grandmaster. Let me calm my emotions...

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