As soon as this voice came out, Azu's body trembled visibly.

But there is no panic on his face.

Obviously, he had already thought that Ye Qianxing would show up at this time.

How could he forget that Ye Qianxing was there, after all, among these people, only Ye Qianxing threatened him.

In fact, he attacked Zhou Lang in order to induce Ye Qianxing.

"Good come!"

Azu sneaked, the spear head turned, and a sudden thrust was moved towards behind him.

Sure enough, Ye Qianxing has already appeared behind him.

The Dragon Soul Spear pointed directly at Ye Qianxing's head, and even tried to headshot him.


A metal strike suddenly sounded, and the Thunder Sword in Ye Qianxing's hand blocked Azu's Dragon Soul Spear.

With a bang, the violent energy poured out, and the floor under Ye Qianxing's feet cracked directly.


Ye Qianxing issued a groan, and the veins on his arm burst.

Under Azu's tremendous power, he was somewhat unable to resist.

"hmph, die!"

Azu yelled violently, and the strength in his hand increased a bit.

The head of the dragon soul spear was a few minutes closer to Ye Qianxing's face.

Ye Qianxing suddenly sweated on his face, more than four minutes have passed, and his body is almost unable to withstand the huge pressure brought by the [reverse scale].

"Hehe, kid, do you know where you lose compared to me?"

It's a pity that your innate talent, if it can be used on me, why not dominate the world?"

Azu has already begun to express his victory speech.

"You who have no feelings will never understand that feelings can stimulate a person's potential."

"Whether it is love, family affection or friendship, it is worthy of a person …With your life to guard!"

Ye Qianxing suddenly roared, and the Supreme fighting intent burst into his eyes.

ka-cha! ka-cha!

one after another The sound of bone cracking due to pressure is heard from Ye Qianxing's body, and blood has even begun to seep out from Ye Qianxing's skin.

But as if he couldn't see it, the fighting intent on his body was just more cohesive.

"reverse scale, 3rd-layer!"


Suddenly, an extremely terrifying force poured out from Ye Qianxing.

The Dragon Soul Spear, which was about to approach his eyes, was suddenly retreated by a huge force. The bones of Azu's arm broke directly. As soon as his hand was released, the Dragon Soul Spear flew out.

Azu’s eyes were full of surprise and incredible color. Just now, Ye Qianxing’s sudden burst of power far surpasses S-Rank Peak.

It may even reach the level of SS-Rank.

Pu chi!

Ye Qianxing can't help but spurt a mouthful of blood.

On the premise that the reverse scale 2nd layer was turned on for four minutes, the reverse scale 3rd-layer was turned on again. Although it was only a few seconds, Ye Qianxing's current physical strength almost couldn't bear it.

At this moment, his five internal organs ceremony six bowels have been shifted, if it weren't for the Immortal Body to give him a powerful life force.

I am afraid he will fall directly.

But even so, he has run out of strength at this time.

Azu knelt on the ground, his arms dropped naturally, apparently broken.

He is not much better than Ye Qianxing. Although he did not suffer fatal injuries, his injuries were extremely serious.

"Hehe, boy, you still haven't beaten me after all. Now you should have no power to fight back?"

Azu snered, struggling to get up.

Although his arms are broken, his legs are still usable.

"Now, I want to kill you, as if crushing a ant..."

Azu sneered while walking towards Ye Qianxing.

However, his voice stopped abruptly as soon as he walked a few steps.

"pu chi ."

A sword light flashed past, passing through Azu's body.

He eyes shrank and looked towards his abdomen in disbelief.

At this point, a lightsaber has penetrated there.

He turned his head slowly, and saw Zhou Lang looking at himself expressionlessly.

This look is like looking at a dead person.

Azu was not reconciled, he was going to die in the hands of an ant who had just been promoted to S-Rank.

Yes, Zhou Lang's breath is now different from before.

He has successfully breakthrough to S-Rank.

Otherwise, with Azu’s dragon scales, Zhou Lang of A-Rank Peak cannot break it.

"I didn't beat you, but unfortunately you still forgot. I have teammates."

Ye Qianxing showed a complacent look.

Azu has been taunting him for fighting with a few cumbersomes before, but now, Zhou Lang has used actual actions to tell Azu that they are teammates, not cumbersome.


Azu raised his head and looked towards the sky, at this moment two lines of tears shed tears from the corner of his eyes.

Suddenly, he knelt down, but did not fall.

The pupils are dilated, but the eyes are not closed, maintaining the same unwilling appearance before.

He died. He lived for three hundred years. The leader of a Great World-class evil force, just died.

Before he died, Azu expressed his unwillingness to God.

I don’t know if I am unwilling to die in the hands of Ye Qianxing and his group of children.

Still not reconciled to not fulfilling the dream of ruling the world and taking revenge on mankind.

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