"...The sooner the better, I should leave when I finish dealing with the matter here."

Ye Qianxing said after hesitating for a moment.

Although he doesn't know many people, each one is very important to him.

He was impossible and just left.

"Ai, okay, I won't say much, pay attention to safety, if you find your father, also help us to say hello for him."

Jin Laohe Ye Xiaoyao sighed at each other without saying much.

"Okay, let's go, you don't have to tell us when you go, a few big masters, there is no need to be too sad."

Jin Laopatted Ye Qianxing's shoulders, and then followed Ye Xiaoyao to leave.

Looking at the silhouettes of them leaving, he didn't know if they had misunderstood them. He actually felt that these two old men were much older for a while.

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, but his eyes were filled with a firm look.

In the next few days, Ye Qianxing was not idle. The first thing he looked for was of course Xia Xiaoyu and Sutila, and he told them about leaving Earth Star.

After several people hearing this, Sutila and Zhou Yue were very reluctant to give up.

But they didn't persuade them much. They and Ye Qianxing went all the way, so they even knew better than Ye Xiaoyao and Jin Lao how Ye Qianxing cared about his life experience.

Xia Xiaoyu grabbed Ye Qianxing's hand, looked into his eyes and said.

"Brother Brother Xing, I also want to go with you. I have no relatives here. If you go, I will really be alone."

Xia Xiaoyu said.

"Don't you still have Uncle Xia and Xia Liuxing? Although they have no blood relationship with you, you have lived with them since childhood, even closer than your relatives."

Ye Qianxing said, Xia Xiaoyu pursed her lips and stopped talking.

Why can't this elm head turn around?

"Hahaha, Thousand Stars, you said that you were clever, how can you fail to think about it in this respect, Xiao Yu obviously is reluctant to bear you, if you want to go with you, you have to take advantage of her."

Sutila said with a laugh, and Ye Qianxing touched his head awkwardly.

In the face of these friends, he doesn't like to use his brain, who knows that Xia Xiaoyu likes to detour so much.

"Okay, you go with me."

Ye Qianxing agreed without thinking this time.

Not only is Xia Xiaoyu reluctant to bear him, he is also reluctant to Xia Xiaoyu.

Since the last confession, he has been facing his own heart.

To like is to like, there is no need to suppress your sincerity because of any objective conditions.

"Brother Xing, let me go together too."

But Ye Qianxing and the others were a little surprised that Zhou Lang, the servants also proposed to go together.

Xia Xiaoyu likes Ye Qianxing, how about Zhou Lang?

Is he also interested in Ye Qianxing?

Thinking of this, several people can't help feeling a chill.

Fortunately, with Zhou Lang’s current character, he wouldn’t think too much about it, otherwise he would probably be tempted to give them one man one sword.

"I want to challenge myself. I am confident that I can become the Peak of the Earth Star soon. If I want to be stronger, I can only go to the world you said."

"So, I want to go with you."

Zhou Lang said calmly.

His unparalleled combat body makes him destined to be impossible to idle, and staying on the earth will only restrict his growth.

So when he learned that there was another stronger world, he made a decision without the slightest hesitation.

"Okay, where are you two?"

Ye Qianxing looked towards Zhou Yue and Sutila again, and they laughed bitterly.

"We won't go, even my brother is gone. If we leave again, Zhou Family will be abandoned."

Zhou Yue shook his head and said.

Ye Qianxing can also understand them. Zhou Yue’s father Zhou Shen is dedicated to his business empire. As for the rest of the Zhou Family, they are a group of wine skin and rice bags.

Therefore, Zhou Family cannot leave them.

Next, the group of five people, including Wu Chi Zhou Lang, did not cultivation, but let go of their hearts and minds and played well for a few days.

Then, Ye Qianxing went to find Ye Chenxi, Ye Qinghan, Long Ao of the Dragon Tooth Group, and the others, as well as the daughter of the Left Xiang Chen Keyi, Professor Dongfang, Grandmaster Furukawa, and so on.

As long as you have a good relationship with him, he went to meet him.

After that, Ye Qianxing took Xia Xiaoyu back to Jiangnan City and met the old general and Xia Liuyun.

After learning that Ye Qianxing and Xia Xiaoyu were leaving Earth Star, Xia Liuyun was obviously very worried, but Xia Xiaoyu was obviously determined, so he did not persuade him much.

Ye Qianxing has been told many times to take care of Xia Xiaoyu.

While Xia Xiaoyu bids farewell to Xia Liuyun and Xia Liuxing's family, Ye Qianxing moved towards the civilian area of ​​Jiangnan City.

"Do you want to go back to my house?"

Lin Ruoxi appeared next to Ye Qianxing, her face was still very pale at this time.

Before, she released the Power of Immortal Spirit and saved millions of people in the Imperial Capital city, which caused her to run out of spiritual power. At this time, she could barely maintain normal actions, but was unable to fight.

Just now, Ye Qianxing summoned her out, and then led her to a familiar road.

"Well, anyway, they have also raised me for more than ten years. At the beginning, I was so angry that I didn't tell them when I took you away. Now that I think about it, I still feel a little guilty. "

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile.

At that time, he was too young. Now that he has matured so much, he has also figured out a lot.

Anyway, Lin Ruoxi's parents have raised herself for more than ten years. Although it is not good for herself, they also support herself after all.

And Lin Ruoxi has been with him for so long, even if it is because of Lin Ruoxi's face, he has to visit them again before leaving.

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