"Spirit World? Heavenly Jade continent? Great Yan Emperor Chao? Jizhou City?"

Ye Qianxing sat quietly on the bed, sorting out the information he had obtained these days.

This is a general understanding of this world.

This is indeed no longer the earth star, but a world named Spirit World.

Spirit World is vast, and Heavenly Jade continent is just an ordinary continent in the vast Spirit World.

Xiaolan doesn't know how big Spirit World is and how many continents there are.

After all, she is just a maid in the White House, knowing that she only learned this because she often followed the young lady and was fascinated by her eyes and ears.

For the outside world, even Miss Bai Bailing doesn't know much.

The White House may be considered a relatively large family in Meteorite Town, but for the entire Jizhou City and even the Great Yan Emperor, it is not worth mentioning.

Not to mention that the Yan Emperor Dynasty is only a middle dynasty on Heavenly Jade continent.

And Heavenly Jade continent is just a tip of the iceberg of the vast Spirit World.

Spirit World, unlike Earth Star, which has a developed technological level, speaking of which is still a bit more archaic.

In this world, besides humans, there are monster beasts and evil things.

According to Xiaolan's explanation, Ye Qianxing can guess that the so-called monster beasts and evil things should refer to the evil spirits on the earth and stars.

It’s just that the world is different, so the title is also different.

Putting it that way, Ye Qianxing should indeed come to the world where his father is.

But Ye Qianxing is a little surprised that in Spirit World, the mainstream profession of cultivation is not Spirit Master, but an existence called Monster Soul Master.

"This Monster Soul Master seems to be a little like awakened, but also like the monsters of those inhuman organizations."

Ye Qianxing murmured.

Through his understanding, these Monster Soul Masters are cultivation through monster souls.

People kill the monster beast, deprive the monster beast of its demon soul, and merge with themselves to obtain the ability of the monster beast and become the Monster Soul Master.

That's why Ye Qianxing thinks this is a bit similar to the monsters of the awakened and inhuman organizations.

The difference is also very big. The relationship between awakened and Spirit Pet is equal, and the fit must reach a certain level.

The demon begs for power from evil spirits by betraying their souls. While possessing power, they also lose their human identity, and even their character will change greatly.

The Monster Soul Master is different. They take humans as the main body and forcefully deprive the monster beast of the monster souls, so that these monsters can be used by them and become their furnace cauldron for their cultivation.

You can possess a demon soul in battle, and it still looks like a human in normal times.

It is precisely because the mainstream cultivation profession among humans in Spirit World is Monster Soul Master, which has caused strong dissatisfaction with Monster Beast Race.

Hundreds of years ago, Spirit World’s Monster Beast Race and Human Race started an unprecedented battle.

Although it ended with a narrow victory in Human Race, the vitality was greatly injured, so the ultimate humanity and the leader of Monster Beast Race reached a certain promise.

Human Race and Monster Race barely made peace a lot.

Of course, the peace mentioned here is only relative. Humans still kill monster beasts to deprive them of demon souls, and monster beasts still have an extremely bad attitude towards Human Race.

At every turn, a beast wave will be launched to slaughter a city.

"Could the Domain Portal of Earth and Star be caused by the great battle hundreds of years ago?"

In Ye Qianxing's heart, speculated, on the timeline, it is Probably.

But Ye Qianxing has no intention of thinking about it now. After knowing that Spirit World is so dangerous, he is even more worried.

I don’t know if Xia Xiaoyu and Zhou Lang will have an accident.

At the same time, Ye Qianxing was also thinking in his heart that such high-quality Spirit Pets as Erbaiwu should never be released easily.

After all, in Spirit World, the higher the quality monster beast, the better the monster soul.

This is the favorite prey of those Monster Soul Masters.

"Ding, the system has been updated and is restarting..."

"One percent, two percent...10%...50% ……Ninety-nine percent, Ding, the system has restarted."

Just as Ye Qianxing was digesting the information about Spirit World, something strange and familiar suddenly appeared in his mind. sound.

Ye Qianxing's face suddenly became excited after a daze.

Isn't this sound the system that has been silent for several days?

My system is back again?

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing hurriedly asked in the heart.

"System, system, are you there?"

After asking, Ye Qianxing felt nervous in his heart, for fear that it was just an illusion.

Fortunately, after a moment of silence, the voice of system reappeared.


Although it's just a cold word, to Ye Qianxing, it's no different from nature.

"System, why did you disappear a few days ago? Also, what happened to the update that I just said?"

Ye Qianxing hurriedly asked, this time the system's reply was rather positive. Quite fast.

"The system detects that the host arrives in the New World, and in order to adapt to the new World Rule, the system updates itself."

"Oh, so, are there any new features?"


Ye Qianxing asked curiously, won't those software, apps, etc., have more new features after they are updated?

System should be no exception.

I just don’t know if I can update it with new features that are more dazzling than the creation of Spirit Pet.


System still only replied with one word coldly.

"What new function?"

Ye Qianxing has long been accustomed to the cold attitude of system, so he asked actively.

"The host delves into it by himself."


I asked about loneliness, and I said it was the same as if I didn't say it, but I had to study it myself.

However, Ye Qianxing didn't ask any more, let's think about the new features slowly. The previous creation space and system eyes are still on the line.

Ye Qianxing understands the situation of Spirit World basically. Now that the system is back, Ye Qianxing feels that there is no need to stay here again.

After all, he has to find Xia Xiaoyu and the others as soon as possible.

Xia Xiaoyu is not around, Ye Qianxing always feels uneasy.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianxing called the maid Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, can you take me to see your lady, I have something to tell her."

"Well, yes, come with me."


Xiao Lan promised to be refreshed.

Under the leadership of Xiaolan, Ye Qianxing went to Bai Bailing's residence, but no one was there.

After asking the servants over there, I realized that Bai Bailing had been called to the conference hall.

The conference hall is the most solemn place in the Bai Family, where all discussions are major events.

"It's not good anymore, maybe the clansman from the clansman will make troubles, no, I have to go and see, I can't let the young lady be wronged."

Lan was nervous for a while, and hurriedly moved towards one direction and ran away.

Ye Qianxing hesitated for a while, but also followed along.

In any case, Bai Bailing has also saved herself, if something really happened and he can help, let's help.

[The author has something to say]

system: "I'm back again."

Also: Do ​​you want to guess what functions the system has updated? Or if you have anything you want to add to the system, you can also say it in the comment area. The author can arrange a wave depending on the situation.

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