"Big brother, in fact, we always feel that the patriarch's veto power is too dictatorship."

"Position of Patriarch will be surrendered sooner or later. We will never allow it. Let Bai Bailing be a Bai Family patriarch, so if you disagree, then we have to choose the last method."

Bai Zhenfei's face is gloomy, he didn't expect Bai Tengfei to be unexpected. Really will be so stubborn.

If grandson can take over the Bai Family Position of Patriarch safely, wouldn't everything be solved?

Before the last minute, he didn't want to make that last decision.

"Oh? I would like to know, if I insist on disagreeing, what can you do?"

Bai Tengfei laughed extremely angry and asked.

"It's very simple, separate the family."


As soon as Bai Zhenfei said this, Bai Tengfei's face changed drastically.

He could no longer hold back the anger in his heart, and slapped his palm on the table in front of him.

The huge force directly shattered the sandalwood table.

"Fuck, it seems that this Old Master is also ruthless."

Ye Qianxing and Xiaolan have already arrived, they are hiding not far from the door watching this scene.

Ye Qianxing couldn't help feeling a little shocked when he saw that Bai Tengfei smashed a heavy table with one palm.

Is this still a centenarian?

Ye Qianxing subconsciously opened the eyes of the system, and Bai Tengfei's information data suddenly appeared in front of Ye Qianxing's eyes.

[Name]: Bai Tengfei

[Race]: Human Race

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