
Ye Qianxing smiled suddenly. It turns out that there is no Medicine Refining Master.

Isn’t this easier?

He himself is a Medicine Refining Master, and he is also a very high level Medicine Refining Master.

Hmm... As for what level it is, Ye Qianxing doesn't know what it is.

With the system, he can know all the spiritual medicine. The most important thing in refining medicine is to know the efficacy of spiritual medicine and how to distribute spiritual medicine, followed by spiritual strength.

The higher the level of refining medicine pill, the more spirit strength needs to be spent, and sometimes it is even necessary to disperse spirit strength to control the fusion of flame size and spiritual medicine.

But Ye Qianxing is not worried about this. His Shennong Cauldron is very good to help him solve this problem.

As long as the spiritual medicine is put in the right place, Shennong Cauldron can concoct medicine on his own.

There is even a half chance of being promoted by one rank.

So, theoretically speaking, as long as Shennong Cauldron has no restrictions, Ye Qianxing can completely refine the highest level medicine pill.

"Young Lady Bai, go in, just tell your grandfather, this matter is left to you."

Ye Qianxing said.

"Huh? Leave it to me?"

Bai Bailing was taken aback, and some did not react.

"Go, don't worry, I have already thought of a solution."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, his smile seems to have a kind of magical power, which makes Bai Bailing feel The depressed heart was relieved a lot.


Bai Bailing was nodded and chose to believe in Ye Qianxing.

When she walked into the hall, Bai Tengfei saw Bai Bailing coming in, and frowns instantly stretched out, forcefully pretending to be normal.

Obviously, I don't want Bai Bailing to worry.

"Bailing, why are you here? Anything?"

Bai Tengfei asked with a smile.

"grandfather, I have heard all of your conversations just now, let me solve this matter."

Bai Bailing said.

Bai Tengfei heard this for a moment, and gave Bai Bailing a weird look.

What's wrong with my granddaughter? Why has she suddenly become so strong?

"Bailing, it's okay, it's all trivial things, grandfather can solve it."

But Bai Tengfei still keeps smiling, as if it was just an insignificant trifle. .

But Bai Bailing is just innocent, not stupid.

Of course she knew that it was very troublesome to lose the supply of Medicine Refining Master and spiritual medicine.

"grandfather, don't hide it from me. I have grown up. I am also a member of the Bai Family, and I am your granddaughter. I must contribute to the Bai Family."

"Grandfather, please trust me, I will give you a satisfactory answer to this matter."

Bai Bailing said firmly.

It has always been Bai Bailing's mind to share the troubles for grandfather and contribute to the family.

Ye Qianxing's words only made her strengthen her heart.

Bai Tengfei looked at his granddaughter and couldn't help feeling complicated.

Yes, she grows up, and sooner or later she has to take care of everything in the family.

Although Bai Tengfei didn't want to let pure Bai Bailing come into contact with the intrigues of these families, it was no longer his decision.

Unless he chooses to give up Bai Family, he can only let Bai Bailing accept all this.

"Well, since Bailing you have said so, grandfather will delegate the power to you, this matter will be handled by you, Panzi, you will assist Bailing."

"Yes, sir."

Pan Zi respectfully nodded.

He is Bai Tengfei's most loyal subordinate. He has followed Bai Tengfei for several decades and grew up with Bai Bailing's father.

So I am very trusted by Bai Tengfei.

"Bai Ling, since you have decided to start taking over Bai Family, then grandfather has something to say directly. This matter is likely to be directly related to the survival of my Patriarch Bai line. You must be cautious."

Bai Tengfei said very seriously.

"Don't worry, grandfather, I will definitely let Bai Family get through this difficulty!"

Bai Bailing is also determined.

In the guest room where Ye Qianxing lives.

"Young Master Ye, don't sell it. The lady has already promised the master that this matter will be resolved, so you can quickly tell your way."

Xiao Lan urged.

Ye Qianxing laughed, and no longer confuse their appetite.

"Isn't your first question now is the lack of Medicine Refining Master?"

"Yes, Young Master Ye, do you know Medicine Refining Master?"

When Xiaolan heard Ye Qianxing's words, she hurriedly asked before he was finished.

"Well, not only I know, but you also know."

Ye Qianxing nodded, but this made Xiaolan and Bai Bailing both look at a loss.

Do they also know each other? Then why don't they know?

"Young Master Ye, don't go around the corner."

Even Bai Bailing's temperament is about to be broken by Ye Qianxing.

"Ai, it’s already so obvious that the Medicine Refining Master I mentioned is far away from the horizon, right in front of my eyes."

Ye Qianxing said as he said, He pointed at himself with his fingers.

Xiaolan and Bai Bailing suddenly looked towards Ye Qianxing with an inconceivable face, obviously not believing this.

"Young Master Ye, aren't you making fun of me?"

Bai Bailing frowned, a little dissatisfied.

In such an emergency, she didn't want to make a joke.

Ye Qianxing smiled bitterly. In this era, why doesn't anyone believe the truth?

"I'm not kidding."

"Young Master Ye, you are so young, how could you be a Medicine Refining Master? Those Medicine Refining Masters we know are the youngest. He is in his thirties."

Even Xiaolan doesn't believe Ye Qianxing.

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