"hahaha, that's really good, miss, our previous Medicine Refining Masters are only third-class, not comparable to Young Master Ye."

Xiaolan danced with excitement. .

Bai Bailing has the restraint of everybody's lady, but his face can't hide his excitement.

A Grade 7 Immortal Medicine teacher, if she wants, can even promote her Bai Family to become the Great Family in Jizhou City quickly.

Not to mention just solving the current trifling separation problem.

Of course, Bai Bailing didn't ask Ye Qianxing to stay to help Bai Family develop quickly, because she knew very well that people like Ye Qianxing are absolutely impossible to stay in a trifling meteorite town.

Even impossible to stay in Jizhou City, with his ability, can definitely be dazzling and colorful throughout the entire Yan Emperor.

"In this way, the problem of Medicine Refining Master is solved, but there is still the problem of spiritual medicine supply..."

Bai Bailing fell into sorrow again.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. No matter how great Ye Qianxing is, it is useless without spiritual medicine.

Can he easily transform into spiritual medicine?

"The supply problem of spiritual medicine is actually easy to solve. After all, businessmen are profit-oriented. The reason why your suppliers choose to terminate the cooperation is nothing but Bai Zhenfei and the others. High profit temptation."

"So, we only need to spend more money, and we don’t have to worry about the lack of spiritual medicine supply channels."

Ye Qianxing is still A faint smile on his face.

To be rude, it is to use money.

If double is not enough, double more.

With Ye Qianxing's medicine refining ability, after refining the cost of a spiritual medicine into a pill, it can be sold for more than fifty times the price.

"Yes, as long as you give enough money, you are not afraid of not having a partner."

Both Xiaolan and Bai Bailing are happy. Under Ye Qianxing's prompt, They finally understood.

"Eh, miss, it seems that tomorrow is a gathering, we can just go to buy some spiritual medicine." Xiaolan suddenly thought of something and said hurriedly.

The rally is an event in Meteorite Town Once a month. Almost all the herb-gatherers in the town will gather at this time to take out all the spiritual medicine they have collected this month for auction.

"Well, let's go to the rally tomorrow, Young Lady Bai, when the time comes, remember to bring more money."

Ye Qianxing understands what a rally is After that, nodded said.


The next day, early morning.

Bai Bailing, Xiaolan, Ye Qianxing and Pan Zi went to the meeting place in an animal cart.

Bai Tengfei insisted on sending Pan Zi to follow. After all, he was still worried, after all, Baibai Spirit Root had not come into contact with this before.

"Miss, this is...?"

Pan Zi glanced at Ye Qianxing, his eyes alert.

Xiaolan knows, but Ye Qianxing doesn't know him, he hasn't even seen it.

"Oh, Uncle Pan, this is a friend of mine who can be trusted."

Bai Bailing said quickly, but did not say that Ye Qianxing was a Grade 7 Immortal Medicine teacher. .

This is what Ye Qianxing said. He doesn't want others to know that he is the Medicine Refining Master.

Pan Zi hearing this did not relax his vigilance, but did not say anything, but secretly followed Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing glanced at Pan Zi and found that he was just a third-rank Monster Soul Master, which was equivalent to SLevel 4 awakened or Spirit Master.

So I stopped paying attention.

After half an hour, they came to the place where the rally was held.

It is a huge open space, but at this time many people have gathered here.

There are businesses and farmers who collect spiritual medicine, and there are people who buy spiritual medicine.

"Oh, isn't this Bailing? Why, now your family can't provide manpower, you actually sent out all the flat little girls."

" Are you afraid of any danger? After all, dragons and snakes mingle here is messy."

Suddenly, a provocative voice sounded.

Bai Bailing and Ye Qianxing entire group turned their heads to see that they were not others, but the clansman of the Bai Family led by Bai Zhenfei.

Of course, the family is now separated, so it is not considered as a side branch of the Bai Family.

Bai Zhenfei's eyes flashed with strange light, looking at Bai Bailing.

This is Bai Tengfei's most beloved granddaughter. If she is caught up, it is estimated that even if Bai Tengfei is allowed to die, he will not hesitate at all?

Bai Bailing is frowned and feels something wrong.

But soon Pan Zi stepped forward and stood in front of Bai Bailing.

A fourth-rank imposing manner poured out, and Bai Zhenfei stepped back in shock.

Although Pan Zi is only the third rank of the fourth rank, it is nothing in Ye Qianxing's eyes, but in the small town of Meteorite Town, it is definitely considered an expert.

Bai Tengfei asked him to follow, also to protect Bai Bailing.

Facts have proved that Pan Zi's intimidation is still very effective, and Bai Zhenfei directly led people away in a desperate manner.

Just before leaving, the gazes looking towards Bai Bailing and Pan Zi were still full of spite.

"Miss, Bai Zhenfei and others are also here, it is estimated that we will not let us buy spiritual medicine."

Pan Zi said with some worry.

"It's okay, the gathering is for those with more money to get spiritual medicine. As long as we pay a high price, we are not afraid that we will not be able to buy spiritual medicine."

Bai Bailing is not worried at all. After seeing Ye Qianxing's ability, she dared to be 100% sure that no one could compete with them.

Soon, the rally officially began.

The first herb picker came to the forefront, holding more than a dozen jade boxes in his hand.

He opened the jade box with this, and then said.

"There are a total of twelve spiritual medicines here, including five spiritual grass from Grade 2, four Tianxinhua from Grade 3 and three Huoxue fruit from Grade 4."

"According to the market price of these spiritual medicines, these twelve spiritual medicines are packaged and sold together, and the reserve price is set at one hundred thousand copper spirit coins."

The herbalist said.

Spirit coins are the universal currency of Spirit World. They are divided into copper spirit coins, silver spirit coins and gold spirit coins. The exchange rate is ten times.

One gold spirit coin is equal to ten silver spirit coins is equal to one hundred copper spirit coins.

In Meteorite Town, the annual total income of ordinary person households is only 100,000 Copper Coins.

In other words, the base price of these twelve strains of spiritual medicine is enough for the ordinary person's income for one year.

And this is only the reserve price. The final transaction price is generally at least twice the reserve price.

However, it is not ordinary people who can come to the rally, so 100,000 is not a big deal to them.

"One hundred twenty thousand."

Soon a merchant raised his hand and said.

However, the fare increases immediately following the others.




"200,000 !"

It was originally a plus of ten thousand twenty thousand, but soon a voice sounded.

I added 50,000 directly.

Many people frowned. This is disrupting the market.

But when they saw that Bai Zhenfei was shouting the price, they swallowed the swear word that they almost blurted out.

Bai Zhenfei, that is from Bai Family.

And they have heard more or less about the Bai Family separation recently, and Bai Zhenfei's position and influence have become stronger.

They dare not offend at all.

Bai Zhenfei glanced provocatively at Bai Bailing's side and laughed sarcastically.

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