"Miss, all the spiritual medicines are here. There are 856 spiritual medicines in total, among which 503 are Grade 2 spiritual medicine and 252 are Grade 3 spiritual medicine. There are ninety-three strains of Grade 4 Spirit Medicine, six strains of Grade 5 spiritual medicine and two strains of Grade 6 Spirit Medicine."

"Miss, so many spiritual medicines, you still buy them at a price of 50,000 yuan more than the market price. This is not a small expense, Old Master knows, will it..."

Pan Zi asked with some worry.

The cost of buying these spiritual medicines is beyond imagination. After the separation of Bai Zhenfei and the others, the remaining funds of Bai Family are running out.

This time the expenditure has exceeded half.

"Don't worry, Uncle Pan, you and grandfather wait and see."

Bai Bailing smiled confidently.

After returning to Bai Family, Ye Qianxing brought all those spiritual medicines directly into the room.

Then let Bai Bailing and Xiaolan stay outside and don't let others come in and disturb them.

Although these are just three, four, five, Grade 6 spiritual medicines, but after all, the quantity is large, so even Ye Qianxing needs a quiet environment.


Xiaolan and Bai Bailing went out with serious faces, and then guarded the door.

In the discussion hall, Bai Tengfei sat on the main seat, listening to Pan Zi's report, his mouth twitched.

Pan Zi looked at Bai Tengfei's face with a bitter expression.

I am ready to be scolded.

"Are you saying that half of my fortune was spent in a rally?" Bai Tengfei asked with a gloomy expression.

"Yes...Yes, the lady said that she has a sense of measure, so I..."

Pan Zi was too scared to speak.

Bai Tengfei clenched his fists, and the sound of crack crack sounded.

After Pan Zi endured a few minutes of suffering, Bai Tengfei's face recovered a little.

Unexpectedly, he didn't scold Pan Zi.

"Ai, nothing else, let Bailing learn to learn."

Bai Tengfei sighed.

What can I do if I don’t forget it, I bought it all, can I still return it?

Pan Zi relieved, anyhow he escaped.

"Old Master, I think the young lady is full of confidence, does she really have any trump cards?"

Pan Zi looked thoughtful and said.

"Bailing? What trump cards can she have, can you still not know her bottom line? Maybe she is too worried about me and don't want me to be too tired, so I am eager to express myself."

Bai Tengfei shook the head, he knew very well about his granddaughter.

There is no city mansion, so where is the hole card?

One afternoon and one night, Ye Qianxing stayed in his room to concoct medicine.

Although all low-level medicine pills are refined, they are numerous.

There are close to a thousand spiritual medicines, and four or five strains of pill concocting will have to be practiced more than two hundred times each time.

Three or four minutes at a time, that would have to be close to ten hours, that would be half a day.

Early in the morning, the door of the room finally opened.

Xiaolan and Bai Bailing both fell asleep leaning on the door panel.

Ye Qianxing gave a wry smile, he just said not to let others in and disturb him, he didn't say to let them stay on guard.

Sleeping outside the door for a night without fear of getting sick?

After all, whether it is Bai Bailing or Xiaolan, they are just ordinary persons, and their physical fitness is very average. It is inevitable to catch a cold with a cool breeze all night.

Bai Bailing and Xiaolan are both curled up at this time, their bodies trembling.

Suddenly sneezed, and then woke up.

"Young Master Ye, you are out."

Seeing Ye Qianxing looking at him, Bai Bailing blushed suddenly.

Being watched fall asleep, this makes her such a lady still very shy.

"Actually, you don't need to stay outside the door all the time, are you sick?"

Ye Qianxing said guiltily, then flipped his hand and a medicine pill appeared.

This is just the most common Grade 1 Medicine Pill, which is used to drive away cold and cure diseases.

"Nuo, take it, the disease should be cured soon."

Ye Qianxing said.

Bai Bailing took it shyly, and then took it directly.

Sure enough, my head, which was a little dizzy, is now sober.

It’s not as cold as before.

"Thank you."

Bai Bailing lowered his head and said softly, did Ye Qianxing care about her just now?

This is the first person besides grandfather to care about her opposite sex so much.

At this time, Bai Bailing was a little afraid to look at Ye Qianxing.

"cough cough, I have refined those spiritual medicines into medicine pill, a total of 3,000 pieces, of which more than 1,500 are Grade 2 Medicine Pill, more than 1,200 are Grade 4 Medicine Pill, More than two hundred Grade 5 Medicine Pills, there are 30 Grade 6 Medicine Pills, and...five Grade 7 Immortal Pills."

Feeling a strange breath in the air, Ye Qianxing hurriedly talked about it. Move to the topic.

He took Bai Ling into the room. At this time, the room was filled with small porcelain bottles, and each small porcelain bottle contained more than six medicine pill.

At a glance, there are at least five hundred small porcelain vases here.

With the medicine pill refined by Shennong Cauldron, a combination of spiritual medicine can produce at least six pieces, and it also has the effect of upgrading quality. That’s why it has so many excellent qualities. Medicine pill.

And he also discovered that after refining so many medicine pills, Shennong Cauldron's luster is even more obvious than before.

Obviously, every time pill concocting can help Shennong Cauldron to recover.

Shennong Cauldron was 7-star before, but now it is restored to 7-and-a-half stars.

Although it has only increased by half a level, this at least shows that refining spiritual medicine can indeed help Shennong Cauldron restore quality.

This is a surprise for Ye Qianxing.

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