"Bai Zhenfei, what? I'm not leaving yet, do you want to stay for a meal?"

Bai Tengfei's expression is the opposite of Bai Zhenfei's, he is extremely happy.

Although these families and Chamber of Commerce cannot represent the entire Meteor Town, they definitely occupy half of all medicine pill industries in Meteor Town.

Today, these families and the Chamber of Commerce have become vassals of the Bai Family.

In time, when they get used to wholesale medicine pills from Bai Family, they will no longer pay attention to those Medicine Refining Masters.

After all, the remuneration of Medicine Refining Master is very high, and Meteor Town cannot find a Medicine Refining Master that can refine medicine pill above Grade 5.

Therefore, these families and Chamber of Commerce will only rely more on Bai Family.

Over time, they will be completely swallowed by Bai Family.

At that time, the status of Bai Family in Meteorite Town will reach the Peak value.

"Bai Tengfei, it seems that I still underestimate you, didn't expect you still have such a hole card, you hide it quite deep, it seems that you have been secretly prepared to deal with me?"

Bai Zhenfei coldly said, he felt that Bai Tengfei had already seen his ambition.

So the arrangements have already been made.

But in fact, Bai Tengfei didn't expect these things to happen. He was still struggling with the separation of the family.

Who knows that Bai Bailing, the granddaughter she has been neglecting, can solve it so easily.

Moreover, Bai Family directly embarked on Peak.

"Bai Zhenfei, blame you for being too ambitious, but if you only target me, you shouldn't do it. In order to seize power, you don't care to let Bai Family fall into crisis!"

"A person like you is not worthy of being a Bai Family person, nor is he worthy of being part of the Bai Family's ancestral grave after death!" Bai Tengfei directly scolded.

But Bai Zhenfei didn't look guilty at all. He still sneered.

"Hehe, winner is the king, loser is the villain, now of course everything you say is right, but I am not without a hole card."

"Originally I don’t want to cast aside all considerations for face thoroughly with you, but now that you’re not benevolent, then you don’t blame me Bai Zhenfei for being unrighteous, let me come in!"

Bai Zhenfei has a grim expression and suddenly loudly roared .

The next moment is the sound of neat steps.

A team of fully armed family soldiers broke into the hall. There were about thirty or so, each of which was a Monster Soul Master.

Among them, the breath of three Monster Soul Masters is extremely strong, not even weaker than Bai Tengfei.

When seeing this scene, Bai Tengfei's face finally changed.

He has not been worried, because he considers himself the number one expert of Meteorite Town, Bai Zhenfei dare not cast aside all considerations for face with him.

But now, he found himself wrong.

Bai Zhenfei obviously had planned for a long time, and he has already cultivated such a family soldier composed of Monster Soul Master.

Although the number is small, each of them has at least reached the late First Rank (E7) or higher.

Although the Bai Family is considered a Great Family in Meteorite Town, most of the resources are provided to Bai Tengfei, so there is no extra resources to train family soldiers.

"Bai Zhenfei, what on earth do you want to do!"

Bai Tengfei scolded angrily, while moving his footsteps to block Bai Bailing's body.

In any case, he must also protect Bai Bailing.

"What am I going to do? Of course I kill you. As long as I kill you, Bai Family Position of Patriarch is mine."

"I wanted to seize the position peacefully, but you just wanted to If you want to fight against me, then don't blame me and disregard the friendship of the same clan."

"Give it to me!"

Bai Zhenfei waved his hand and the soldiers moved suddenly towards Bai Tengfei rushed away.

Bai Tengfei screamed, and a black giant snake illusory shadow covered it, and Bai Tengfei instantly turned into a half-human and half-snake state.

Bai Tengfei’s demon soul is Black Water Profound Snake. The battle form of Monster Soul Master is similar to that of demon or awakened, and the body can be transformed into a half human half beast.


Bai Tengfei flicked his huge snake's tail, like a whip, and immediately fanned the few Monster Soul Masters that rushed to the front.

After all, he is a fourth-rank Monster Soul Master (S9), and a few trifling-second-rank Monster Soul Masters can't withstand his blow.

But, soon the three Monster Soul Masters with powerful aura rushed up, surrounded Bai Tengfei, and launched a fierce attack.

"Eat my Iron Palm!"

One of the Monster Soul Master, who is incarnation of Iron Back Grey Bear, fucked his huge bear paw and patted Bai Teng.

Bai Tengfei also took a palm, and two palms collided, Bai Tengfei immediately retreated a few steps, smashing the marble seat behind.

"Fourth rank nine-dan?"

Bai Tengfei's face suddenly changed. The Monster Soul Master with the Iron Back Grey Bear monster turned out to be a fourth-rank Monster Soul Master. !

Putting it that way, the other two are almost the same as him.

All are the Monster Soul Masters of the fourth rank nine-dan.

You must know that Bai Tengfei, a Monster Soul Master with a fourth rank and nine tiers, is considered to be the number one expert in Meteorite Town.

Now, three directly appeared in front of him.

How Bai Zhenfei did it? Not only did he cultivate more than 30 Monster Soul Masters, three of them were fourth rank 9th dans!

"They were sent by Bai Xianxin?"

Soon, Bai Tengfei guessed it.

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