"Okay, then start from Dayan Academy."

Ye Qianxing made a decision immediately.

"Sir, if you are sure you want to enter the Great Yan Academy, then you have to be careful of one of them, he is Bai Xianxin, Bai Zhenfei's grandson."

Bai Tengfei said suddenly.

"Although Bai Zhenfei died of my Bai Family family law, you also participated in it after all, so Bai Xianxin will definitely anger you. He has been in Dayan Academy for several years and his influence is not small."

Ye Qianxing suddenly looked towards Bai Tengfei with weird eyes, and he suddenly understood that he seemed to be plot against by this old bastard plot.

Sure enough, people are old and good, and a lot of these old foxes are old fox.

This suddenly reminded Ye Qianxing of Ye Xiaoyao, who had cheated himself in the first place.

"Patriarch Bai, you let me enter the Great Yan Academy, you should want me to help solve Bai Xianxin, after all, Bai Zhenfei said before he died, Bai Xianxin will not let you go."

Ye Qianxing directly exposed Bai Tengfei's Xiao Jiujiu.

Bai Tengfei smiled awkwardly, but he had a thick-skinned face and didn't care at all.

"Sir, this is just one of the reasons. The most important reason is that I want to help you find friends soon."

Bai Tengfei laughed.

Ye Qianxing didn't care too much, because the method Bai Tengfei said was really useful.

What's more, Bai Xianxin is not in Ye Qianxing's eyes at all, peers, so far he has never been in his eyes.

Hmm... Except for Zhou Lang, Sutila and his few friends.

"Okay, if there is an opportunity, I will get rid of him by the way."

Ye Qianxing said casually.

Bai Family even has Bai Xianxin known as the number one genius in Meteorite Town. In Ye Qianxing's mouth, it turns out to be like an ant.

The kind that can be crushed to death at will.

If you let him know his low status in Ye Qianxing's heart, I don't know what his expression would be.

"Haha, then again, Mr. Many thanks."

"The branch of Dayan Academy in Jizhou City also has half a month enrollment. During this time, Mr. can stay with me. Bai Family, Bai Family will treat you with the highest standard of hospitality."

Bai Tengfei said with a laugh.


Ye Qianxing did not refuse either.


The time of half a month passed in a flash. In this half a month, Ye Qianxing was helping Bai Family refining medicine almost every day.

Anyway, he doesn't need to consume much energy, the materials are also provided by Bai Family.

Ye Qianxing can also draw some benefits from it.

Furthermore, refining medicine can help Shennong Cauldron recover from damage. Why not?

Of course, Bai Tengfei is happy. With Ye Qianxing's hands of concocting medicine, he can make the most profit with the least cost. Of course, he has to make more money while Ye Qianxing is still alive. Earn more.

Moreover, after Bai Tengfei's powerful means, in just a dozen days, it basically monopolized the medicine pill industry in Meteorite Town, and became the largest family in Meteorite Town.

There is no one.

Many families and the Chamber of Commerce have become vassals of the Bai Family. Once the Bai Family falls, they also fall. This will have a huge impact on the economy of Meteorite Town.

Therefore, even the ruler of Meteorite Town will never allow Bai Family to fall.

"Sir, you can take this animal vehicle to Jizhou City, Pan Zi will take you to Dayan Academy to report, let's not pass it."

Meteorite Town city gate In addition, Bai Tengfei and Bai Bailing watched Ye Qianxing leave.

The beast carriage stopped outside the city gate, and Pan Zi served as the driver.

Baibai spiritual eyes is slightly red, she wants to restrain, but can't help it.

Ye Qianxing glanced at Bai Bailing, then withdrew his gaze.

He did not say goodbye to Bai Bailing. After so many experiences, he is also much more sensitive to feelings.

Of course he can see that Bai Bailing has some affection for him, but fortunately, the contact time is not long, so the affection is not very deep.

He must not let Bai Bailing really fall in love with him, they are destined not to be a world.

That's why I behaved so indifferently.

Bai Tengfei is old and fine, and of course he can see the feelings of his granddaughter towards Ye Qianxing.

But he can only sigh, Ye Qianxing is not a thing in the pool, not his granddaughter can control it.

"If fated will meet again."

After Ye Qianxing bids farewell to Bai Tengfei, cup one fist in the other hand, he decisively gets on the animal cart.

"Old Master, let's go first."

Pan Zi said.

"Well, be careful on the road."


Pan Zi drove the animal cart and moved towards Jizhou City. .

Jizhou City is one of the twelve largest cities in the Yan Emperor Dynasty. Regardless of the number of Monster Soul Masters or the economic strength over the years, it ranks in the top five among the twelve cities.

An hour after Pan Zi drove the animal cart, he arrived outside the city gate of Jizhou City.

"It is indeed a city, it is different from the small town of Meteorite Town."

Ye Qianxing glanced at the city gate of Jizhou City and said.

Regardless of the material, height and thickness, it is several times that of the city gate of Meteorite Town.

It is estimated that even the gates of Jizhou City are extremely difficult to break through the general small and medium-sized beasts.

Outsider needs to pay a gold coin to enter Jizhou City. Although it is not much, it is not necessary for many people in small towns and even rural areas.

Even so, the city gate still has many outsiders.

Of course, the most important reason is that today is the birthday of the annual Dayan Academy in Jizhou City.

Many people want to try whether they can be admitted to Dayan Academy.

Once you successfully enter the Great Yan Academy, you will become Phoenix on the branch.

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