"Eh, is there something wrong with Spirit Stone? How did the red rays of light bloom?"

"I remember Spirit Stone only has six types: white, orange, yellow, azure, green, and blue The color, why is there an extra red now?"

"I don't think Spirit Stone made a mistake. Didn't you see Mr. Yang's expression? This is extremely shocking."

Those people were surprised when they saw Ye Qianxing holding the Spirit Stone in his hand and the green rays of light bloomed, but when they saw purple and red, they were puzzled.

They think it's something wrong with Spirit Stone.

However, soon someone who knows better will be snered.

"hmph, a group of a frog in well, Spirit Stone can not only burst into six colors, but the highest person you have seen can only make it bloom blue rays of light."

A young man wearing brocade flowery clothed disdainfully said, and then looked towards Ye Qianxing ahead with envy.

"As far as I know, the Spirit Stone can bloom in ten colors, representing ten levels of the quality of the demon soul, and red is the eighth level."

" Looking at the entire Jizhou City, apart from him, I'm afraid I can't find a demon soul with such a quality!"

The young man said very solemnly.

When the people around heard the brocade flowery clothed youth's words, they were even more shocked.

A demon soul that is two grades higher than the blue quality demon soul.

Isn’t this incredible?

"Am I passing the Demon Soul Test?"

Seeing that the old man and the crowd around him were shocked and incredulous, his heart was faintly smiled.

If you let them know that there are still several Spirit Pets of this quality, they don't know what their expressions will be.

This is also good, although Ye Qianxing likes to be low-key, he doesn't like trouble.

But in order to find Xia Xiaoyu and the others, now that Ye Qianxing has decided to act high-profile, then Ye Qianxing will naturally no longer converge.

"Huh? When, of course, it passed. This is your status token. It contains your information, but it has not been rated yet. You need to wait for the official start of the school to be rated."

"But I believe that with your innate talent, you can at least be rated as A+."

"Young man, I am very optimistic about you, come on, you have such a high innate talent. Work harder, and you will surely become a well-known figure of Jizhou City and even the Great Yan Emperor in the future, which is the pride of my Dayan Academy."

The old man looked towards Ye Qianxing with great appreciation and was very concerned about his future. Optimistic.

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, bowing to pay respect to the old man nodded, and then followed Pan Zi to the direction of Dayan Academy.

"Mr. Ye, you are so amazing, the old man, I have heard, the Heaven's Chosen with extremely old qualifications in Dayan Academy, and countless talents who have seen Heaven's Chosen."

" But you can get such a high evaluation from him, you are the only one, listen, these people are still discussing you now."

Pan Zi said excitedly, as if it was not Ye who passed the test. Qianxing, but his average.

Ye Qianxing's expression is indifferent. Passing the test does not seem suspenseful to him at all.

What he will do next will only shock the world even more!

While talking and walking, the two came to a magnificent school gate.

Looking at the gate of this magnificent college, and the four characters Dayan College engraved on it, Ye Qianxing couldn't help feeling a special mood.

These four words are definitely not something that ordinary people can engrave.

"Mr. Ye, this is Dayan Academy. You can only enter with the status token of the Academy, so I can only send you here."

"But you go in After that, someone will receive you, and then they will take you to rate it."

Pan Zi said, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, patted Pan Zi's shoulder, and then suddenly remembered something, when he turned his hand, a medicine pill appeared in his palm.

"I can't remember well, your demon soul should be the Crypt Demon Spider, right?"

"The Crypt Demon Spider is of low quality, and the fourth rank has already reached it. This medicine pill can help your Crypt Spider Demon Soul evolve into the Crypt Spider Emperor Demon Soul, and the level limit can also be raised to Tier 5."

Ye Qianxing said.

In fact, this medicine pill was refined when he was on the road. It was a pleasant surprise to wait for it to be given to him when he was parting.

Thank him for leading the way during this time.

"Evolution? Is this... true?"

When Pan Zi heard Ye Qianxing's words, his body trembled with excitement.

His strength level has stayed in the fourth rank for several years, but he has not been able to continue to improve.

He also knew that it was because his demon soul's quality was too low, but he couldn't find a way to help the demon soul evolve.

Meteor Town is too small after all, and the powerful Medicine Refining Master cannot be found at all.

But now, Ye Qianxing did give him a big surprise.

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you can take it now."

Ye Qianxing said confidently.

"No, I believe it, I'm just too excited, this... I don't know how to thank you."

Pan Zi couldn't speak very well, but his tone Full of gratitude to Ye Qianxing.

Of course he believes in Ye Qianxing's ability, even Grade 7 Immortal Pill can be refined, and now it is placed in their Bai Family shop as shop protecting treasure.

Trifling, a medicine pill that helps demonic souls evolve, how could it not be produced?

"Then take it."

Ye Qianxing handed it to Pan Zi. Pan Zi was not polite, and took it.

This medicine pill is really important to him.

"Thanks for the great grace, Mr. Ye, if you need my help for anything in the future, come to Meteorite Town to find me, go through water and tread on fire, go through water and tread on fire!"


Pan Zi said firmly.

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