"Orioli, what's the matter, didn't Ye Qianxing act with you?" asked Yan Shenshen frowned.

It has been more than half an hour since the end of the experience, and most of the students who can return have returned.

According to the regulations of the institution, those who have not returned to the team within one hour after the end of the experience will be temporarily deemed dead.

"No, Ye Senior Brother said that he prefers to act alone, and he said he likes to take risks and enter some dangerous places, so he won't let me go with him."

Orioles gave a wry smile.

"Then you haven't seen him in the past seven days, or have you heard from him?"

Yan Shenshen continued to ask.

The oriole shook his head.

"Not really. Five days ago, just two days after entering Ziyao Mountain, Wu Xunyan and I encountered gangsters. Later, the Senior Brother suddenly appeared and brought the gangsters. Kill, we can be safe and sound."

"But then Ye Senior Brother left again. I heard that a quasi-king Thunder Element monster beast appeared. He just rushed there, and after that, We don't have any news from him."

At this point, the oriole can't help showing worry.

"Teacher Shenshen, I heard that many of the Monster Soul Masters who besieged the quasi-king Thunder Element monster beast have been killed. Do you think the Senior Brother will..."


Hearing this, Yan Shenshen frowned even deeper.

"Tell me everything you know about the past few days."


Orioles nodded, and then organized the language .

Try to use the most concise words to summarize the changes in these seven days.

It's just that she doesn't know much, except for those mentioned before, there is no other valuable information.

"You can fight with two Tier 5 Monster Soul Masters before the breakthrough. As soon as the breakthrough, you will kill those two Tier 5 Monster Soul Masters in seconds?"

When Yan Shenshen listened When the oriole said that Ye Qianxing had a breakthrough, and as soon as a breakthrough was able to kill two fierce bandits of the same level with rich combat experience, he was a little surprised.

She still seems to underestimate this student.

"If he can come out alive, maybe, he will be the one I'm looking for."

Yan Shenshen thought inwardly.

At this moment, Elder Luo's voice rang.

"The time is almost up, almost all the students who entered the Ziyao Mountain experience this time have returned, and the rest of them have not returned, I think they can be judged as dead."

" Elder Luo, why are you in such a hurry, isn't it time?"

Yan Shenshen said.

Forty minutes have passed, and it hasn’t reached the hour stipulated by the university.

"Yes, Elder Luo, wait a minute, there are still several students who haven't come out. Maybe something happened, we have to be responsible to them."

Xie Elder, who is in charge of leading the team, also said.

He also noticed that Ye Qianxing has not yet come out. He is very optimistic about Ye Qianxing.

He has been in charge of recruiting students for so many years and has seen many Heaven's Chosen.

But in the past few years, among the S-Rank students he has seen, Ye Qianxing is definitely the strongest and the highest innate talent.

So before the last minute, he didn't want to give up Ye Qianxing either.

"Hehe, I know what you are thinking. I just want to wait for the kid Ye Qianxing to come out, hum, from my point of view, with his character, it is absolutely impossible to come out alive."

"Also, even if you let him out by chance, don't even think about staying in Dayan Academy!"

Elder Luo coldly snorted said.

At this time, the hope of surviving is still very small.

If you offend him, even God will not let it go.

But just when he tone barely fell, a familiar chuckle sounded.

"It seems that you really want me to die, but unfortunately, you can't make you wish. I not only live, but also live well."


Everyone moved towards looking in the direction where the sound came from.

I saw a silhouette on the path leading to the foot of the mountain.

It is Ye Qianxing.

Huang Li and Wu Xunyan suddenly became excited when they saw Ye Qianxing.

Yan Shenshen also secretly sighed in relief, and at the same time he couldn't help but glance at Ye Qianxing a few more times.

Many instructors and students present were in different moods at the moment. Elder Luo's face was full of sarcasm and sneer, and suddenly collapsed.

Why did this guy come out alive?

Ye Qianxing smiled, and quickly walked into the crowd, nodded to the oriole and Yan Shenshen who care about him.

"Elder Luo, sorry, let you down."

Ye Qianxing looked towards Elder Luo provocatively and said.

Elder Luo's already gloomy face is suddenly even more unsightly.

"hmph, you are good luck, but we have never finished things. After I go back, I will definitely report what you have done to the palace lord. I dare to be disrespectful to Elder. For a person of this kind, even if innate talent No matter how tall he is, he is not worthy of being a person of Great Yan Academy!"

Elder Luo coldly snorted and said.

"Okay, then I'll wait and see."

Ye Qianxing shrugged, showing no signs of worry.

Elder Luo simply turned around and did not look at Ye Qianxing, otherwise he was afraid that he could not hold back the anger in his heart.

After waiting for another ten minutes, no new students came back.

Thank you Elder sighed, a total of twelve students did not come back from this experience, they should be dead.

It was the most loss in the past few years, and he estimated that he would have to be punished a lot.

Fortunately, the only S-Rank student Ye Qianxing this time is still alive.

"The time is up, let's go back."

Xie Elder said loudly.

A group of tutors and students are ready to leave.

At this moment, a heart-piercing voice suddenly sounded.

"Master, Master, you have to call the shots for me!"

At this time, everyone's attention was drawn to that trail.

A young man in a purple robe, embarrassed, ran up and wailed.

"This... isn't this Bai Xianxin Senior Brother Bai? How could he be here, and still look like this?"

"It should be for the quasi-king class Monster beast, I heard that many senior brothers and senior sisters in the college have entered Ziyao Mountain, but Senior Brother Bai is the strongest among the students in the college. How could this be?"

New students who know Bai Xianxin can't help but wonder.

Elder Luo's face changed suddenly after seeing Bai Xianxin's appearance.

Silhouette turned into an afterimage and ran to Bai Xianxin's side instantly, holding him back.

At this time, Bai Xianxin's state is very bad, his breath is disordered, and he has a lot of internal and external injuries.

If you don't receive treatment, it will probably not last long.

"Oh, is this guy still alive?"

Among the crowd, Ye Qianxing was taken aback when he saw Bai Xianxin.

Without the demon soul, but still seriously injured, this Bai Xianxin is a useless person.

Actually he can still come out of Ziyao Mountain alive, it seems that his desire to survive is not small.

Yan Shenshen on the side noticed the change in Ye Qianxing's expression, and he shook his heart.

She suddenly had a bad instinct.

Is Bai Xianxin's matter related to Ye Qianxing?

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