Ye Qianxing also saw the tangled expression on Zuo Xiong's face, hesitated for a moment, but did not continue to make a move.

Instead, looked towards Zuo Xiong, waiting for his decision.

Zuo Xiong expressed his gratitude to Ye Qianxing nodded.

If Ye Qianxing insists on killing Bai Xianxin, Zuo Xiong is really hard to punish because of his relationship with Her Highness the Princess.

So he knew that Ye Qianxing was giving himself face.

People respect me one foot and I respect others. This is Zuo Xiong's principle of treating others. Ye Qianxing gives him face, and he naturally has to give Ye Qianxing an explanation.

"Bai Xianxin, your demon soul has been destroyed, and you have become a useless person. You are no longer eligible to stay in the Great Flame Academy. I announce in the name of the palace lord, from now on, that you will be expelled from the Great Flame Academy. , Do you have any comments?"

Zuo Xiong said to Bai Xianxin.

There are policies at the top and countermeasures at the bottom. Dayan Academy does have rules that students cannot kill each other, so they will be expelled from the institution.

Not a member of the Academy, Ye Qianxing wants to kill him anymore, then he will not be restricted by the rules of the Dayan Academy.


Bai Xianxin didn't expect Zuo Xiong will suddenly come to such a trick.

But he also knew that even if he had opinions, it would be useless to expel one of his students who had no demon souls out of the college. This did not violate the rules of the college.

Bai Xianxin's eyes rolled around, resisting the pain and got up.

Directly moved towards the exit of Ziyao Mountain and ran.

Seeing Bai Xianxin leaving behind, Ye Qianxing frowned.

Just trying to stop him, Zuo Xiong stopped him.

"The university has regulations that must eliminate the student status file to be completely expelled from the university. If you kill him now, you will inevitably lose your tongue. When I go back and completely delete his student status information, let's talk about it."

"He is a useless person now, he should not be able to escape at this time." Zuo Xiong said softly, Bai Xianxin must also know this, so he dared to be in front of Ye Qianxing. Run away.

Ye Qianxing sighed, but still nodded.

He just doesn't like trouble, so he wants to kill Bai Xianxin to avoid future troubles.

But since you can't kill it now, forget it, let's talk about it later if you have a chance.

After that, Zuo Xiong personally led the team and returned to the Great Yan Academy with everyone who was still in shock.

Back at the school, Zuo Xiong originally wanted to say something to Yan Shenshen, but was sent away directly by the latter.

The oriole is very nervous, nervous like never before.

She couldn't think that her mentor would be the Princess of the Great Yan Emperor.

She has what skills and abilities, she can be related to Her Highness the Princess.

On the contrary, Ye Qianxing has already returned to his original calmness.

Yan Shenshen looked at the two students in front of him, and was a little surprised at Ye Qianxing's performance. From the time he knew his identity to the present, except at first, he was a little surprised, but he quickly recovered.

With such a mentality, it doesn't seem like a kid around twenty years old.

In contrast, the performance of the Oriole is what a normal youngster should have now.

"You know who I am, so you are not nervous?"

Yan Shenshen asked strangely.

Ye Qianxing shrugged.

"What is nervous, I should be happy, right, hehe, the instructor is Princess, then I can walk unhindered in this Dayan Academy in the future? Can I also enjoy the resources of Dayan Academy at will? "

Ye Qianxing chuckled, Yan Shenshen gave him a big eye.

"What are you thinking about, I'm just a Princess, the ruler behind the Dayan Academy is my Imperial Father. Apart from the role of my identity, I have no privileges at all. You just said, I can't do it either."

Yan Shenshen said grimly.

"Ah? That's it, ah, I regret it, it's better to find an Elder to apprentice."

Ye Qianxing pretended to be a wrong face of regret, which provokes him aside Both Yan Shenshen and Orioles couldn't help but twitch their mouths.

Ye Qianxing now is so hungry.

Compared with Ye Qianxing who was decisive before, it seems that he is not alone.

After a while, Yan Shenshen said to the oriole.

"You go back first, I have something to talk to Ye Qianxing."

"Okay, teacher."

Oriole nodded, and then leave directly Now, without any muddle-headedness.

Actually, the oriole wanted to leave a long time ago, and she was always next to Yan Shenshen, which always made her feel a great deal of pressure.

I didn’t know the identity of Yan Shenshen before, but now that I know it, letting her stay by the side of a Princess really puts her under a lot of pressure.

After the oriole is gone, only Yan Shenshen and Ye Qianxing are left.

Yan Shenshen did not speak, but stared at Ye Qianxing closely.

"Why keep staring at me, there are flowers on my face?"

Ye Qianxing was a little shy when he was seen.

"I'm really surprised, how did you do it, from the fourth rank 9th dan to the 5th rank 5th dan in just seven days?"

Yan Shenshen's eyes are full of weirdness. Looking at Ye Qianxing, he asked in confusion.

This is too unimaginable.

"I had a fortuite encounter in Ziyao Mountain, and I found a lot of Heaven and Earth Treasure."

Ye Qianxing said very honestly.

"Heaven and Earth Treasure can not be used casually. It must be refining into a pill with the help of Medicine Refining Master to maximize its effectiveness, and different types of monster souls are applicable Spiritual medicine is also different."

"How can you break through with Heaven and Earth Treasure alone?"

Yan Shenshen was a little bit disbelieved.

"It's very simple, because I am the Medicine Refining Master myself."

Ye Qianxing shrugged, his tone of voice was ordinary, but what he said was too amazing.

Medicine Refining Master is not something you can do casually.

Yan Shenshen couldn't believe it even more. The Medicine Refining Master needs to spend most of his time on learning the knowledge of refining medicine. It is basically impossible to spend time on cultivation.

How can Ye Qianxing be a powerful Monster Soul Master at the same time as a Medicine Refining Master?

"Ai, why doesn't anyone believe me?"

Ye Qianxing sighed, of course he could see the unbelief in Yan Shenshen's eyes.

So Shennong Cauldron was taken out directly.

Refining medicine cauldron, most people don't have it, only Medicine Refining Master will carry it with them.

Ye Qianxing took out the medicine cauldron and basically proved that he didn't tell lies.

"You, which Medicine Refining Master are you?"

Yan Shenshen's expression became serious at this time.

A young Monster Soul Master with an evil innate talent, and also a Medicine Refining Master.

This is incredible.

"Well... Grade 6, maybe Grade 7. Anyway, I practiced the medicine pill of Grade 7."

Ye Qianxing thought for a while, if it’s too high, then It seems too shocking to the world, and if it is too low, you may worry that it will not attract Yan Shenshen's attention.

After knowing Yan Shenshen’s Princess identity, Ye Qianxing no longer intends to keep a low profile.

Originally, he planned to increase his popularity through Dayan Academy step by step, but now he has a Her Highness the Princess halfway through, and Ye Qianxing will certainly not let it go.

If Yan Shenshen’s attention can be gained, maybe she can use her to speed up the process.

However, Ye Qianxing clearly underestimated the status of Grade 7 Medicine Refining Master in the Great Yan Emperor. Yan Shenshen couldn't help shaking after hearing Ye Qianxing's words.

Those who have practiced Grade 7 Immortal Pill can be called Grade 7 Immortal Medicine masters.

Master Grade 7 Immortal Medicine, there is only one in the entire Yan Emperor dynasty, and that is the Chief Medicine Refining Master of the Imperial Family Special Recruitment.

But how old is the chief Immortal Medicine division, and how old is Ye Qianxing?

"You didn't lie to me?"

Yan Shenshen stared at Ye Qianxing very seriously, and asked solemnly.

"Why do you lie to you? It's no good for me. If you don't believe me, take the spiritual medicine and I will prove it to you."

Ye Qianxing just finished speaking, Yan Shenshen took out a few strains of spiritual medicine from the storage bag.

In front of Ye Qianxing.

Didn't really see Ye Qianxing refining Grade 7 Immortal Pill, she still couldn't believe it.

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