"Ye Qianxing, there are Fire Spirit Mushroom and Qingyanhua in the list. I can understand. After all, your demon soul is of the Fire Element type, but there are dozens of other spiritual medicines, you want to do it. Huh?"

Yan Shenshen complexion ashen, basically gritted his teeth and said this sentence.

"Don't you want to embezzle from it?"

"Teacher Shenshen, how can you think of me that way? I think money is like dirt, since I have chosen They show that they are definitely useful."

Ye Qianxing looked like he was wronged and heartbroken.

"You said it before, and you will try to meet my requirements, let me buy spiritual medicine from the treasury of the academic institution at will, but I can’t speak for nothing."

"You ......"

Yan Shenshen pointed to Ye Qianxing, so angry that the whole white Face is red.

But I can’t refute it.

On "reasonable", how could she be Ye Qianxing's opponent.

"Hehe, Mentor Shenshen, all the things I want are in the list, please contact me when you are ready, I will go first."

Ye Qianxing laughed , And then ran away.

Yan Shenshen is not given a chance to stop him at all.


By the time Yan Shenshen reacted, Ye Qianxing would have disappeared long ago.

Looking at the A4 paper in his hand, Yan Shenshen was crying without tears.

The piece of paper in her hand is as heavy as it is, and she can't breathe.

Among the more than 30 strains of spiritual medicine in it, a random one is worth at least nearly 10 million copper coins.

The 30-odd spiritual medicines on the list add up, and I am afraid that she will have to empty her pockets.

"Ye Qianxing, if you let me know that you are deliberately cheating me, I promise you won't make you feel better!"

Yan Shenshen roared inwardly.

I have to say that Yan Shenshen's efficiency is still very fast. In only three days, Ye Qianxing listed all the spiritual medicines.

Not these all are Orioles sent to Ye Qianxing.

Yan Shenshen didn't want to see Ye Qianxing anymore, mainly because she was really afraid that she could not help burning Ye Qianxing to death.

The Oriole handed a storage bag to Ye Qianxing and said curiously.

"Ye Senior Brother, what the hell is this? When Mentor Shen Shen asked me to show it to you, his face seemed a bit wrong."

"You don't know?"

"Yes, I asked Mentor Shenshen, but she didn't say, is it the little secret between you?"

The oriole asked in a big turn, almost letting it go Ye Qianxing couldn't stand a staggering fall.

This little girl is too imaginative, right?

"It’s for your own good that Mr. Shenshen didn’t let you know. Okay, then I’m going to focus on cultivation. If there is nothing important, don’t bother me."

Ye Qianxing laughed and said.

If the little girl, Oriole, knew that she had been holding a pile of spiritual medicine worth hundreds of millions, she would be scared to death.

"Oh, okay."

The oriole was also sensible, and when Ye Qianxing said that he wanted cultivation, he stopped asking.

While returning to house, Ye Qianxing can't wait to take out the pile of spiritual medicine from the storage bag.

Suddenly a scent of medicine filled Ye Qianxing's whole room.

"Erbaiwu, Vajra, Xiao Taixu, Xiao Lei, Xiao Yan, Sister Ruoxi, and movie heroes, come out to have a big meal!"

Ye Qianxing made handprints, Open the contract space.

The little friend of Spirit Pet smelled the scent of medicine in the house and rushed out immediately.

"Chen Bu! Mu Cao! Boss, are you making a fortune?"

When Erbaiwu saw the spiritual medicine all over the floor, he couldn't help howling.

Ye Qianxing hurriedly held his big mouth with one hand, and then cautiously looked around, no one noticed that this was sighed in relief.

"Do you want to court death, do you know where it is, Dayan Academy, there are strong people everywhere, in case your howl draws some old monsters over, and then You killed, deprived of your demon soul, and see where you cry!"

Ye Qianxing said fiercely fiercely.

Vajra, Xiao Taixu and they all immediately glared at Erbaiwu.

Erbaiwu shrank his dog's head, and started to become scared.

"These spiritual medicines are all suffering untold hardships from my exhaustion. You have to take care of them and don't let my efforts go in vain."

Ye Qianxing's tone Said solemnly.

Both Xiao Taixu and Vajra are moved, only Erbaiwu, who grew up with Ye Qianxing, has a skeptical look.

But before he could speak, Ye Qianxing just glared.

Too scared that he hurriedly retracted the dog's head again, afraid to say a word.

After chatting and farting for a while, Ye Qianxing also got into the topic, no longer wasting time.

He took out Shennong Cauldron, and then put the spiritual medicine in it in order.

These more than 30 strains of spiritual medicine are suitable for Erbaiwu and Vajra. It is estimated that they will be enough to raise them several levels.

"The tears of the fierce demon, Ghost Demon mushrooms..."

Several strains of demon-type spiritual medicine were put into Shennong Cauldron. One hour later, a black medicine pill passed It's out.

Grade 7 high-level Immortal Pill, magic pill.

When medicine pill reaches Grade 7, it can be called Immortal Pill.

Immortal Pill is divided into ranks, each grade is divided into junior high and top fourth rank, the gap between each small rank is even larger than the difference in grade before Grade 7.

Grade 7 high-level Immortal Pill, even Shennong Cauldron has been refined for an hour before finally being refined.

And only three of them were refined.

"Wow, what a strong demonic energy breath, boss, give it to me soon."

Erbaiwu smelled the demonic energy breath emitted by the magic pill and couldn't help it. Outlet water.

I almost couldn't help howling again.

Ye Qianxing threw the three magic pills to Erbaiwu directly, and Erbaiwu swallowed the three magic pills at the same time, and then began to fall asleep and refining.

The huge energy contained in the three magic pills is estimated to be enough for Erbaiwu to digest for a long time.

"The next thing is Xiaotaixu."

With that, Ye Qianxing put those dragon spirit medicines into Shennong Cauldron...

More than half a month passed in a flash, Ye Qianxing spent half a month in his room.

He has all made medicine pills for more than 30 strains of spiritual medicine, but except for Erbaiwu's magic pill which is Grade 7 high, the others are only Grade 7 intermediate.

In more than half a month, Erbaiwu they have been promoted one after another.

With the help of the three magic pills, Erbaiwu was promoted to Level 7 and jumped directly from SS1 to SSLevel 8.

Xiao Taixu also broke through to SS-Rank and jumped to SSLevel 5.

Vajra has also been upgraded to SSLevel 5, but his bloodline quality is much worse than that of Erbaiwu, so since the breakthrough SS-Rank, his promotion speed has slowed down significantly.

Ye Qianxing began to think, and should find an opportunity to help him evolve a few more times.

There is also a movie general, his quality is the lowest, after being promoted to S9 level with the help of Immortal Pill, he encountered bottleneck.

To breakthrough, only evolve and improve quality.

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