That’s right, the powerful prince Princess must be looking for the younger generation of Heaven's Chosen in the Dayan Academy or the local imperial city.

After all, what expert says in the folks is only a minority.

In terms of the quantity and quality of Heaven's Chosen, imperial city is generally better than other places.

This is unquestionable. After all, whether it is resource advantage or environmental advantage, imperial city is far stronger than other places.

The local Heaven's Chosen of imperial city has been snatched away by those powerful princes and Princesses. Naturally, Yan Shenshen can only go to those small places to find them.

"I and the imperial brother's mother are just a citizen's daughter. In an accident, we were lucky enough by the Imperial Father to give birth to us. Unlike other princes and princesses, their maternal powers are also nobles. I can give them enough resources to help."

"Because of this, if I want to compete for the position of the crown prince, I need to rely on this opportunity to increase my advantage."

Yan Shenshen explained.

"Oh, don't worry, I will definitely help you."

Ye Qianxing slightly smiled, but the smile is full of confidence.

He also knew that the fight for the throne was very cruel and bloody.

If it fails, the end is death.

This is why Yan Shenshen attaches great importance to this matter.

"Well, thank you, no matter whether it is successful or not, I owe you a favor."

Yan Shenshen is also solemnly nodded.

The two moved towards Fifth Prince's palace.

The guard who guarded the gate knew Yan Shenshen, so naturally they would not stop him, and the two entered smoothly.

Under the leadership of Yan Shenshen, they moved towards the study.

In the study, four people are gathering at this time, all about the same age, between twenty-five and thirty years old.

A handsome young man in a yellow python robe is sitting in a chair, talking to the three young people below.

It may be thirsty. He picks up the teacup on the table and wants to drink tea.

At this moment, one of the three youths below spoke again.

"His Royal Highness, Fifth Prince, it is not impossible to ask our three brothers to help you, but well, we need to add one more condition to the remuneration mentioned before."

"What condition "

Just as the mang-robed youth took a sip of tea, he hurriedly asked.

"I heard that Lingmei, also known as Nine Her Highness the Princess, looks extremely beautiful. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is devastatingly beautiful, hehe, my condition is that I hope His Highness Fifth Prince can My sister betrothed to me."

"In this way, we are also relatives, and I will naturally work harder for Fifth Prince."

The young man continued.

And the young man in python robes sitting upright has a stagnant expression, and there is a clear chill in his eyes.

Even the hand holding the teacup has added a bit of strength.

A few more cracks appeared directly on the teacup.

"I have never interfered with my sister’s relationship issues, and my sister has not been in imperial city recently. Master Tao Young should change the terms instead of doubling the previous salary?"

The young man in python robes tried his best to hold back his anger, said solemnly.

The young man surnamed Tao still said with a smile.

"I have deep affection for my sister and cannot be measured by money, so the condition is impossible. As for whether the sister is in the imperial city or not, it doesn't matter. As long as your Royal Highness Fifth Prince promises you are willing to order My sister can be married to me."


The teacup rang again, and there were a few more cracks.

"My sister is not here, it’s not good for me to call the shots without authorization."

"The eldest brother is like a father. Since ancient times, the daughter’s marriage has been the word of the parents’ matchmaking, so His Royal Highness Fifth Prince You can totally call the shots."

The young man surnamed Tao is not letting go of this matter.

With a bang, the teacup in the hands of the mang-robed youth finally couldn't bear the force and broke.

The face of the young man in the python robe was so gloomy that it seemed to be able to leak water.

But he finally invited these people, and everything is discussed.

Seeing that the selection is about to begin, if there is a problem in this section, it will be terrible.

The young man surnamed Tao knew the seriousness of this matter, so he unscrupulously put forward such a condition.

"I'm impossible to marry you, Tao Ming, you have to die of this heart."

At this moment, a soft voice sounded outside the door.

At the same time, the door opened and two figures walked in side by side.

It is Yan Shenshen and Ye Qianxing.

As for the one who just spoke, it is naturally Yan Shenshen.

They heard the conversation between Tao Ming and Yan Heng as soon as they arrived at the door. Yan Shenshen was immediately angry when he saw that this guy dared to threaten the Imperial Brother with this incident.

So I just broke in.

When Tao Ming saw Yan Shenshen, his eyes went round.

Seeing Yan Shenshen's eyes are full of obscene colors.

Sure enough, as beautiful as the rumors, and the body is still so good.

curvaceous, where the fat is fat, the thin part is thin.

It must be fun to play.

Thinking of this, Tao Ming couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips.

Kinky said with a smile.

"You're Shenshen Princess, it really is as beautiful as the rumors."

Yan Shenshen looked at Tao Ming's yellow and black teeth in disgust, disgusting.

She ignored this guy, walked directly to the young man in the python robe, and said with a pouting mouth.

"Imperial Brother, I don't like this person, I will never marry him."

"Shen Shen, don't worry, I..."

Before Yan Heng finished speaking, Tao Ming's voice sounded again.

"Fifth Prince, there are some things that you need to say carefully. You should understand the importance of tomorrow’s trials. With our help, you may still have a chance. If you don’t have us, you must be the crown prince. I completely missed it."

Tao Ming said with a cold laugh.

He is not afraid of this Fifth Prince, who has no background in power.

It can be threatened.

"Imperial Brother, ignore him, I have found the person who participated in the trials on your behalf."

Yan Shenshen said about the match.

Yan Heng heard this and asked hurriedly.

"Really, where?"

Yan Shenshen moved towards Ye Qianxing and pointed, Yan Heng's gaze suddenly turned to him.

When Ye Qianxing was found to be just a youngster in his early twenties, his brows frowned slightly.

"Imperial Brother, don't think he is young, but he is very strong..."

As Yan Shenshen was about to explain, Tao Ming let out a mockery again.

"Hahaha, Princess Shen, how dare you put your hope on such a brat? He guesses hairs not even grown yet?"

Tao Ming taunted unscrupulously.

Then Yan Heng moved towards Fifth Prince and said.

"His Royal Highness Fifth Prince, you have to think clearly about whether you are willing to pin your hopes on such a brat, or I am ranked fifth in the Ranking List of the Great Flame Academy."

When it comes to fifth place in the Ranking List of Dayan Academy, Tao Ming's face is obviously proud.

The Dayan Academy in his mouth is not the branch office, but the general office.

A genius who can be ranked in the headquarters is definitely a first-class genius.

Let alone fifth place.

But when Tao Ming's nostrils were almost up to the sky, a voice that was very dissonant to him suddenly sounded beside him.

"Trifling Tier 5 Peak will be able to enter the fifth place in the Ranking List of Great Yan Academy? This Ranking List has too much water, right? I'm afraid that the water from the entire moat was poured in?"

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