"She will also play?"

Ye Qianxing looked at Yan Shenshen in surprise, who stared.

angrily said.

"Why, look down on me? Although I only have a level of 5th and 9th dans, I have mastered Azure Phoenix Heavenly Fire anyway. Even if I meet the 5th Peak, I can fight."

Yan Shenshen was coldly snorted, raised his fist, and demonstrated to Ye Qianxing.

Ye Qianxing smiled awkwardly and quickly explained.

"Hehe, I don't look down on you, but you are a Princess after all, body worth a thousand gold, what if you hurt? And other fighters should face you somewhat Fear your hands and feet, will the Flame Emperor allow you to play?"

"Young Master Ye, it seems that you still don’t know much about the Emperor’s Family, the most ruthless Emperor Family, the Imperial Father has so many Sons and daughters, we are not favored. In this kind of competition, even if we are injured or even killed, the Imperial Father will not care, and other challengers will not scrupulously. After all, they are backed by the prince and Princess."

Yan Heng gave a wry smile, with some sadness in his tone.

Their existence is an accident. Where does the Flame Emperor pay attention to their life and death?

The Flame Emperor doesn't pay much attention to it, and there is no background on the mother clan, so other people naturally don't care about it.

"Uh, okay."

Ye Qianxing scratched his head. It seems that the lives of these princes and Princess are not as good as people think.

This level of identity can at best guarantee that they will not worry about eating and drinking.

As soon as Ye Qianxing followed Yan Heng and Yan Shenshen to the outside of the Golden Luang Temple, everyone stared at him.

It's just that the eyes of these people looking towards Yan Heng are full of disdain.

"Oh, fifth, are you here to join in this trial?"

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded.

Ye Qianxing looked over, and he was talking about a young man about the same age as Yan Heng.

Raised his head high, his nostrils facing Yanheng and them.

"He is the Third Prince, his name is Yanli. I used the Imperial Brother against him before, so he held a grudge against me, the Imperial Brother, and targeted him everywhere."

Yan Shenshen is in Ye Qianxing whispered in his ear.

Yan Heng's face obviously sank at this time, but he said nothing.

He knew that he couldn't afford to offend the Third Prince now, so he could only endure it.

It's just that Yan is fierce but unwilling. Seeing Yan Heng's patience, he has made an inch.

"Fifth, if I say that I don’t have the strength, don’t join in the fun, learn from the old ten, Old 13th and Old Nineteenth, knowing that they have no chance, the cat is living in ease and comfort at home. Has this life passed soon?"

The man sneaked.

Flame Emperor has three thousand harems. Although it is a bit exaggerated, dozens of children were born.

Excluding those young and married Princesses, there are still twenty or thirty remaining, but there are no more than twenty princes and princesses present.

Mainly because the other princes, such as Yan Heng and Yan Shenshen, who have no power, knew that they could not fight these brother sisters, so they gave up the fight for power and just wanted to be muddleheaded for a lifetime.

But Yan Heng is different, he was not born a person willing to be plain.

So even if Innate's terms are not comparable to these brother sisters, they are still unwilling to give up.

Even if he knows that the ending may be death, he has to fight for it.

"Third Brother, what I want to do, don’t bother you to care about it, or are you afraid of losing to me?"

Yan Heng finally couldn’t help it and said something Rebellion.

"Afraid of losing to you? Haha, this is really the biggest joke in the world. Based on your strength, you can't compare with money or contacts with me. How can you fight with me?"

"Seeing that you brought two people in total, one of them is Ninth Princess. Why, are you really unavailable and only two siblings played in person? Oh, I almost forgot, there is also a hairless Brat, is it also temporary to gather the number of people?"

Third Prince laughed heartily, and suddenly pointed the finger at Ye Qianxing.

"Boy, depending on your age, I kindly advise you not to intervene in this matter, otherwise it will be worthless to bury your life here."

Ye Qianxing But he didn't look back, as if he hadn't heard.

The Third Prince was suddenly upset, and Yan Heng dared to talk back.

Now a hairless brat he brought with him even dared to ignore himself, which made him unhappy.

"Hey, boy, are you deaf, can't you hear me talking to you?"

Yan Li moved towards Ye Qianxing and shouted again.

Ye Qianxing finally raised his head, just not looking towards Yan Li, but moved towards Yan Shenshen beside him.

"Why are there flies in the Imperial Palace?"

"Huh? Flies? How could there be flies in the Imperial Palace."

Yan Shenshen was taken aback. replied subconsciously.

"Then why do I keep hearing flies buzzing in my ears, it's so annoying, I really want to slap it to death."

Ye Qianxing frowned said.

Yan Shenshen reacted and heard the meaning of Ye Qianxing's words.

Suddenly, Pu Chi couldn't help but laughed out.

But then it seemed that he shouldn't laugh at this occasion, so he hurriedly covered his mouth.

Third Prince's face was stern and gloomy, and his fists were clenched.

He couldn't hear it, Ye Qianxing was calling him a fly and barking there.

"Boy, I think you are..."

As Yan Li was about to get angry, a sharp voice sounded.

"The Flame Emperor is here!"


Everyone heard this voice and looked at the gate of the moved towards Jinluan Temple.

Yan Li hurriedly suffocated the foul language that was about to blur out, but gave Ye Qianxing a fiercely fiercely, and then hurriedly moved towards Jinluan Temple.

Hearing the sound of a stepping sound, soldiers in golden armor lined up to stand.

Surrounded by them, a middle age person wearing a dragon robe with a domineering appearance walked out.

"pay respects to Flame Emperor Your Majesty."

Everyone moved towards the middle-aged man and knelt down at the same time.

Only Ye Qianxing was still standing, suddenly a little conspicuous.

Yan Shenshen hurriedly grabbed Ye Qianxing's trousers.

Ye Qianxing had no choice but to kneel down.

The Flame Emperor above just glanced at Ye Qianxing and didn't say much.

He pondered for a moment, and looked at the sun that had risen in the sky.

This finally speaks.

"Be flat, time is limited, the trials will begin now."

The Flame Emperor's voice is extremely loud.

He tone barely fell, and a guard stepped forward beside him.

A demon soul suddenly appeared on top of his head, and then he knelt down, pressing one hand on the ground, and a burst of earth-yellow energy poured into the earth.

Next moment, there was a bang.

Ye Qianxing turned his head and saw that on the square behind them, a huge stone platform suddenly protruded.

It should be the method of the guard.

"The rules of the trials are very simple. Everyone will be on stage together, and the one who can stay on stage at the end is the person who will represent the Great Yan Emperor to participate in the Wanchao Sacred Assembly this time."

Flame Emperor spoke.

It's so straightforward, simple and rude.

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