"Ye Qianxing, run away!"

Yan Shenshen's face changed abruptly when he saw it, and while shouting, he rushed towards Ye Qianxing.

I want to try to push him away.

But it was too late. As soon as Yan Shenshen ran a few steps, the bronze sledgehammer had already fallen.

Hit with Ye Qianxing's fist.


First, there was a long knocking sound, like the sound of hitting a bronze bell.

Everyone present was shocked with eardrum pain, and there was a trance in his mind.

bang!! !

The next moment is a strong wind and waves moving towards all around and spreading.

Yan Shenshen just ran a few steps, and was directly lifted back by the air wave. After rubbing his feet on the ground a few times, he could not stop.

Other Monster Soul Masters around are also affected more or less.

Wait until they react, and then look at Ye Qianxing.

Everyone is dumbfounded.

They imagined that the scene where Ye Qianxing was smashed into meatloaf did not happen, Ye Qianxing still stood upright on the spot.

It's just that the ground he stepped on has sunk for nearly half a meter.

Ye Qianxing's fist was still against the bronze sledgehammer, and there was a visible depression where the fist and the bronze sledgehammer touched.

And Ye Qianxing's fist also splashed out some golden powder at this time.


Suddenly, the Monster Soul Master holding the bronze sledgehammer screamed.

Then the whole person flew out upside down.

The bronze sledgehammer is also inlaid on Ye Qianxing's fist.

"My hand, my arm is broken!"

The man shouted in horror, his right hand arm drooping and he couldn't move a bit.

Apparently the meridian is broken.

The bronze sledgehammer collided with Ye Qianxing's fist, and huge power was fed back into his arm through the bronze sledgehammer.

He directly shook the meridian in his right arm.

Looking at Ye Qianxing again, his face was calm, he just casually pulled the bronze sledgehammer from his fist.

His fist bones are a bit deformed, but they are recovering at a speed visible to naked eye.

"This sledgehammer is not bad, I want it."

Ye Qianxing indifferently said, directly accepting it into his personal space.

This sledgehammer is Grade 6 Spiritual Artifact, which is equivalent to the six-star spirit outfit of Earth Star. This grade of Spiritual Artifact is already considered good.

At least this level of Spiritual Artifact can appear in this little big Yan Emperor, it is rare.

Ye Qianxing is a tough Grade 6 Spiritual Artifact. It seems with no difficulty, but it also suffered a lot of injuries.

The meridian on his right arm almost broke, but with his super self-healing ability, he recovered almost immediately.

So no one can tell.

"This kid is too perverted. There is nothing wrong with using Fleshy body to resist Spiritual Artifact. The other party has broken an arm."

"His demon Soul is definitely inclined to defensive type, and it is very strong, even Chen Shan is not his opponent, we will try to avoid him later."

Many Monster Soul Masters on the ring looked towards Ye Qianxing's eyes were full of fear.

In the heart secretly remind yourself, if possible, it is best not to oppose this person.

"You... don't come over, we won't fight you."

The two companions of the Monster Soul Master holding the bronze sledgehammer saw Ye Qianxing walking towards him, and suddenly Panic.

One of them immediately recognized it.

Ye Qianxing didn't pay any attention at all, and walked directly into the middle of them, holding a person's collar in one hand, and threw down the ring.

Eliminating the three of them again, Ye Qianxing shook his arm, loosened his muscles and bones, and moved towards the nearest opponent again.

"Hey, we didn't provoke you. Don't attack us either. How about we are in peace?"

The three selected by Ye Qianxing saw Ye Qianxing come, Glancing at each other, quickly moved towards and hide next to him.

"No, if you have been in peace like yours, when will the game end? I don’t have much patience, so I still show kindness to help you end this game soon Let's play."

Ye Qianxing said directly.

His words made everyone in the ring stunned. Some Monster Soul Masters who were fighting also stopped and looked towards Ye Qianxing at the same time.

What does he mean by this? Does he want to knock the audience down?

At this time, Jiang Yang in the crowd rolled his eyes and revealed a wicked smile.

He suddenly shouted loudly.

"Everyone, what this kid said just now obviously meant to defeat us all. A hairless brat can speak such crazy words. I really think that he will be invincible if he can beat Chen Shan?"

"If you want me to say, let's take action together first, and drive this arrogant person off!"

Hearing Jiang Yang's words, many Monster Soul Masters were obviously moved.

Especially those Monster Soul Masters near Ye Qianxing.

They know very well that if they fight alone, they will definitely be defeated by Ye Qianxing one by one.

It is a great humiliation for them to be eliminated so easily by a hairless brat.

Instead of this, it is better to take the initiative and solve him first with the advantage of the number of people.

See how these people begin to stir, Yan Shenshen is frowned.

She suddenly stood in front of Ye Qianxing and said in a serious tone.

"Flame Emperor Your Majesty is watching right there. You do it simply to undermine the fairness of the game. Are you not afraid that Your Majesty will be angry?"

Yan Shenshen directly took the Flame Emperor Take it out to frighten everyone.

Sure enough, some people soon began to hesitate again.

But at this moment, Ye Qianxing suddenly pulled Yan Shenshen away and protected him behind him.

Then he said in his extremely lazy tone.

"Okay, if you want to go, let’s go together. It just happens to save me a lot of trouble. If you get rid of you quickly, you can end the game as soon as possible. If you look at this point, maybe you still have time to have breakfast. , And then make a comeback."


Ye Qianxing's words completely angered everyone in the ring.

Even those Monster Soul Masters who hesitated because of Yan Shenshen's words no longer hesitated and entangled.

Which one is not the younger generation Heaven's Chosen, and where can he stand such a challenge.

And the one who provoked them was someone younger than them.

"Hehe, it's a real death. It seems that they don't need me to do anything, they can take you to eight pieces."

Jiang Yang hid in the crowd and sent out again sneer.

He winked at a companion next to him, and the latter yelled, knowingly.

"This kid is too arrogant, I can't help it anymore. Let's get on together and throw him down!"

"Throw down!"

Then The heads together immediately aroused the anger of most people.

So a large group of people moved towards Ye Qianxing at the same time, and there were about twenty.

"It's over..."

Yan Shenshen swallowed saliva and said behind Ye Qianxing, suddenly desperate.

Ye Qianxing is great, but can he beat more than twenty people alone?

You know, these two dozen are not ants, but Heaven's Chosen, which is rare in a century.

"Haha, come on!"

Ye Qianxing laughed heartily, and Xiaoyan joined together, and his strength immediately rose to the fifth-order Peak.

Then, he took the initiative to move towards the 20 or so Monster Soul Masters on the opposite side and rushed over.

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