"You follow me."

The Flame Emperor said, and walked directly outside the Golden Luang Temple.

Ye Qianxing hurried to keep up.

The Flame Emperor didn't say a word along the way, obviously because Ye Qianxing didn't listen to persuasion and was sulking.

Ye Qianxing could only give a wry smile to this, the Flame Emperor Your Majesty, which didn't expect dignified, still has such a childish side.

After going around, they came to a remote part of the Imperial Palace.

There are many soldiers guarding the place strictly. Ye Qianxing roughly sees that the weakest of these soldiers is in the early fifth stage. This shows how much the Flame Emperor attaches importance to this place.

There is a stone tablet beside it, with the word Imperial Palace forbidden.

"Your Majesty."

Seeing the arrival of the Flame Emperor, the soldiers hurriedly knelt down and saluted.

Flame Emperor nodded, said.

"Open the door, I want to go in."


Two people come over and remove the iron fence in the middle of the road.

The Flame Emperor took Ye Qianxing into it, and walked for a long time before finally stopping.

"Here is the Flame Emperor secret store?"

Ye Qianxing asked in a puzzled manner. He looked around and found nothing special.

Flame Emperor mysterious smiled.

"How can the Flame Emperor secret storage be so common? This is just the surface, the real Flame Emperor secret storage is here."

The Flame Emperor said, he turned it over. An Imperial Jade Seal.

He lifted the Imperial Jade Seal, and the latter immediately emitted a rays of light.

This space seems to echo it, and a door appears in the void.

"The Flame Emperor's secret storage is a different space independent of this place. The Imperial Jade Seal is the key to open this Space Gate, Ye Qianxing, I ask you again, do you really want to go in?"

The Flame Emperor asked in a serious tone.

Ye Qianxing is heavily nodded, with firm eyes.

"Well, I will stay here forever, but you must come out within ten days. After ten days, I will set off to participate in the Ten Thousand Pilgrimage Meeting. By then, if you have not yet come out, I will treat you as dead in the secret hiding place."

Flame Emperor said.

Ye Qianxing nodded, you have to walk into Space Gate.

But Flame Emperor suddenly stopped him again.


Ye Qianxing turned around, did the Flame Emperor regret it?

It turns out that Ye Qianxing thinks too much.

The Flame Emperor handed a jade token to Ye Qianxing and said solemnly.

"This jade token may be able to save your life at a critical moment. Use it with caution."

"What's the use of this jade token? How to use it?"

Ye Qianxing asked, Flame Emperor sold it this time.

"When the time comes, you know it naturally."

"Let’s do it."

Not to mention the Flame Emperor, Ye Qianxing doesn’t ask too much. Take this jade token as a psychological comfort to the Flame Emperor.

Under the sign of Flame Emperor, Ye Qianxing walked into Space Gate anyway.

This Flame Emperor secret storage should be a different space opened up by the first generation of Flame Emperor. It may also be the same as the awakened alliance that Ye Qianxing joined when he was on Earth. It is a special Spiritual Artifact of the space system.

Ye Qianxing is not clear about this, after all, his understanding of space is not profound.

That little fur also comes from Xiao Kun.

Ye Qianxing felt dizzy the moment he stepped into Space Gate.

But it didn't take long, and it soon recovered.

The scene changed a while, Ye Qianxing found that it was pitch black, or chaos.

all around, there are little lights scattered around, like scattered stars.

It may be too far away. At this point, rays of light are similar to Ye Qianxing.

"Erbaiwu, Xiao Taixu, Xiao Yan, Xiao Lei... all come out!"

Just in case, Ye Qianxing summoned all the Spirit Pets out.

With them by his side, Ye Qianxing immediately felt safe.


Suddenly, a puzzled voice sounded beside him.

It was from Xiao Taixu.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Qianxing asked hurriedly.

"Boss, there is a problem with this space. I can't perceive the flow of time, or in other words, there is no time in this space."

said Xiao Taixu .

He can control time to a certain extent, so he is very sensitive to time.

Ye Qianxing hearing this was also a shock.

Could it be that the ancestor of Flame Emperor also knew Dao of Time?

However, Xiao Lei on the side made a cut.

"What's worth making a fuss about nothing? Generally, this is the case with the new space created. This is not how powerful the developer is. On the contrary, the developer is not good at creating space. That's why we didn't inject time, Five Elements, Heaven and Earth and other elements into this space, and it was barely higher than those storage space."

Xiao Lei said disdainfully.

"How do you know?"

Ye Qianxing wondered, this guy is not from the space department, how do you understand this?

"I have lived for so many years, and I have seen and heard a lot, so I naturally understand a little."

Xiao Lei explained, Ye Qianxing just remembered that, Xiao Lei’s The predecessor is Kui.

As Divine Beast, he has lived a long time, and he has seen and heard a lot.

Xiao Taixu is different, they have always been with Ye Qianxing, so they know very little.

"Then no matter how long we stay here, will the outside time not change?"

Ye Qianxing just ask if you don't understand.

Xiao Lei shook his head.

"Boss, you can use this different space as a high-level storage space. When you put food in the storage space, is it the same as when you put it in, no matter how long you take it out? It's because of the storage. There is no time in the space, but it does not affect the time of the outside world."

"It's the same here. If someone else comes to this space, immortality can be achieved without accidents. , Because there is no time in this space, but to the outside world, it’s normal, understand?"

"I don’t understand."

Ye Qianxing is very honest Shook his head.

Xiao Lei was speechless at once.

"Forget it, I don't know much about this aspect. Anyway, it roughly means what I said just now. You don't need to go into details. You just need to know that there is no time here to affect the timeline of the outside world. "

Ye Qianxing scratched his head and smiled awkwardly. It seems that his IQ needs to be improved.

"Boss, in fact, I understand this. What he meant is that Time Flow Speed ​​is slow and there is no time. If the Time Flow Speed ​​in this space is slower than the outside world, then it can be It affects the outside world, but if there is no time, naturally there will be no impact."

Xiao Taixu explained it in plain and easy-to-understand words, Ye Qianxing understood half of it.

But there is still some cloudiness, mainly because the brain hurts too much, so he still plans not to study it carefully.

"Well, I understand what you said like that."

Although I still don't understand, Ye Qianxing also wants face, so he slammed into the appearance of understanding. .

With his acting skills at the Emperor level, he will not be suspected at all.

"Qianxing, what do you plan to do next?"

Lin Ruoxi asked.

"Did you see the bright lights? If I guess right, it should be Arcane Fire. It's just too far away, so it's not obvious. Let's go where there is light."

Ye Qianxing said, Spirit Pets naturally have no objection.

So they moved towards a direction with denser light.

Xiao Lei is naturally the fastest at the scene. After all, it is integrated with somersault clouds, so the speed is not to be discussed.

So, poor Xiao Lei was forced to turn into a huge dark cloud, stepped on by Ye Qianxing, Erbaiwu, Xiao Taixu, Vajra, Xiao Yan, Xiao Meng and Lin Ruoxi.

Erbaiwu, who deserves a beating, also deliberately jumped on it, making Xiao Lei jittery with anger.

Under extreme speed, he almost fell Erbaiwu down, and this guy finally stopped.

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